1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Rejected Appeal: 76561198030367048 - (Nico / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Broghild, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Broghild

    Broghild New User

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198030367048 (Nico)

    Appeal Plea: I committed some of the listed offenses, but not all of them
    Appeal Reason: [Evidence] Missing - Evidence is missing or not enough
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:
    Old alt that I gave to my brother
    | steamname: Enoch von Abtrünnige
    | steam3ID: [U:1:80777877]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:40388938
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041043605
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/EnochVonAbtrunnige
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198041043605

    Appeal description:
    First of all, I'd like to tell that I'm sorry for this whole story and for my english which isn't as good as I'd like (I'm not a native speaker).

    Years from now, I got reported for a scam chargeback.(link: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198030367048-vehemens.775/ )
    Yes, it was a chargeback. No it wasn't a scam. I barely never talked about that until now, because I now can proove that I was partly guiltless.

    As you can read in the report:
    Today, a friend asked me "why don't you check your trade and gift history ?", and I never really thought of it. This story was a long time ago, and I don't remember everything very well, but today I can assume that I have maade a fault: maybe that it wasn't vse's copy which was revoked, because I had another ROW copy few days before, but I can proove that a copy disappeared from my inventory.

    This disappearing, I thought it was vse's one, and "it explains" de chargeback. Yea, with comma because I shouldn't have done that thing: he gave me what we traded for, and even if the revoked gift was his, we used a middleman, so I shouldn't have done that.

    I hope you would understand that I thought it was VSE's copy which was revoked. Back then i totally forgot about the other copy I got earlier.

    AS a proof of my sincerity, you can check the evidences: I already activated a RUSSIAN 4pack on my account, so it wasn't vse's copy as he thought.

    As a proof of the gift which disappear:
    1) I got a RU 4pack, activated it and traded the 3 RU copy. Then i got 3 other copy (1 per 1, 2 ROW 1 RU) and traded 2 (1 RU and 1 ROW). I didn't gift any Darkness 2 gift, neither i traded it since, and it's not in my inventory (1 ROW missing).

    I should have regulated the situation much earlier (it is not easy with cursus etc, but i could have found the time, and i should have done it earlier), and that is all my fault, I assume it. But I never wanted to scam vse, that was all my mistake and because of paranoia, I should have watched farter than my nose. I didn't took the time to investigate this thing, but I feel now that it is really embarassing to be taged while you're not a scammer, and it blocks me from some trade i should be able to achieve. (I regularly trade and I never have any problem beside this one)

    Today, I sent an invite to vse, to sort this story out: I'll propose him to send him a 50$ steam gift, which is 35$ i charged back in 2012, plus 15$ as a bonus to say "sorry". I'm waiting for his accept and i'll talk to him as soon as possible.

    Gift list:

    Redeem of the russian version:

    Trade screens:
    (you should watch from last screen to first, so you see them in order)
    P1: (nothing important to see, just to prove that i didn't trade it afterwards)

    http://puu.sh/kfUYt/c958cc2b5a.png (here you see two of the darkness 2 I traded) (-2)
    http://puu.sh/kfV1t/fee361746d.jpg (here you see 3 of the darkness 2 i get, and the one on the screen just before) (+3)

    http://puu.sh/kfVkB/5e2bbef3ce.png (here you see the last darkness 2 from the four pack which is traded, so 0 left)
    http://puu.sh/kfVpy/822b0ebdfe.png (here you see the four pack: I activated 1, and traded 2 on that screen, so 1 left)

    So basically if we sum up:
    - I got a 4 pack, activated it and traded the 3 of them on P3.
    - Then i got 3 copy, and traded 2. So one is missing. It is not on P2 and neither on P1.
    I already activated one copy of the game (from the ru pack) so didn't add it on my account.
    I didn't either gifted it to someone: see the gifts screenshots.

    here you see that the gift i get was a four pack, it is the one i activated and traded later.​
  2. Cyborg

    Cyborg Retired Staff

    You need to put the images as attachments. A moderator/admin will not view the puush links.
  3. Broghild

    Broghild New User

    Thanks for the advice, here are the 15 first screenshot
    (in order of the original post)

    gift1.jpg gift2.png gift3.png gift4.png RU REDEEM 1.png RU REDEEM 2.png trade_P1.jpg trade_P1_1.png trade_P1_2.png trade_P1_3.png trade_P1_4.png trade_P1_5.png trade_P2.jpg trade_P2_1.png trade_P2_2.png
  4. Broghild

    Broghild New User

    here is the last evidences.

    trade_P2_4.png trade_P2_5.jpg trade_P3.jpg trade_P3_1.png trade_P3_2.png trade_P3_3.png fourpack.jpg
  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    They wont unban you, but you should repay the user anyhow.

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  6. vse

    vse New User

    Nico (vehemens back then), contacted me yesterday and told me about this thread

    When the issue happened, I wrote each step I took in order to give him a chance and cooperate to resolve the issue which were all ignored by him. 3 years later maybe he does regret the actions now and that's a positive thing but my 3 concerns are as follow;

    -That was a scam, I tried multiple times to reach him so did the middlemen without success, we gave him multiple opportunities to avoid this situation. You can't come 3 years later and claim "it was a mistake" because it wasn't.
    -I wasn't the only person who was scammed by him (I was the person who had enough proof for everything to at least warn other people by writing up a post here at SteamRep).
    -Maybe he is a better person or he is trying to be and wants to clear certain actions he has done in the past, that's great for him but it doesn't undo the past.

    I always appreciated what the SteamRep community has done and grateful for the work they put in for everyone. If he wants to give something back for what he did back then, he can give it to SteamRep as a donation because for me it was about principle not money.

    I will support any decision that the staff decides to take regarding this case

    Good luck in the future
    Drein and a Gentleman like this.
  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    SR almost never grants appeals for pp scamming, so I am declining.