1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Rejected Appeal: 76561197966933392 - (stephaRn / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by stephaRn, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. stephaRn

    stephaRn New User

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561197966933392 (stephaRn)

    Appeal Plea: N/A. There are no offenses listed at all.
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Wrong Alt - Alternate account is not my account
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:
    | steamname: SHARKZ
    | steam3ID: [U:1:10603540]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:5301770
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970869268
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sharkzCSGO
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197970869268

    Appeal description:
    Hello guys, I've been found to be guilty of having an alternate account of someone called SHARKZ. It is not my account, nor I even know the guy. Who is it and why is he or she linked to me?

    I have seen the account for the first time in my life just tonight. To be honest the only proof I have at the moment is that I have never traded with him in my life. I don't really know how to prove using another type of proof or screenshots. I am willing to let you join and watch my desktop and check my trading history if you don't believe me, but I have never traded with SHARKZ or other accounts on Steam.

    Can you help me please? Thanks in advance. I really don't know why I am found guilty.​
  2. stephaRn

    stephaRn New User

    This is so unfair, but I hope you can fix it for me and I can have this mistaken ban removed as I don't deserve it. Thanks in advance!

    Attached Files:

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We see nothing that suggests that you are a different user. You must know the user. Could you explain who they are if you are not in use of an alternate account to whats noted?
  4. stephaRn

    stephaRn New User

    I am sorry that you think that, but going on and linking everybody to everybody isn't going to stop this guy. I can understand my account is old unused account I never said it wasn't.
    I have this account since a very long time, and now decided to start playing games after an shoulder injury.

    I do live in a students facility, where multiple students live both in my area and my building. The building has like 7 other appartments, and to be honest it is not my right to put my nose into someone's business.
    From what I know from both of you and after asking a few questions, this user SHARKZ must be a scammer. It is clearly proven by many evidence files in multiple reports. I don't think SHARKZ is a one-account scammer, he probably has tons of more accounts and also you managed to find many of them.

    I have no direct contact with this person, nor I know him in real life or even talk to him. After some research reading reports on him I found who he is. Name is "Dzhem" and yes he lives here, but I will not confront him for what is his own business.
    You know if he is such a scammer, I might get into trouble if I poke my nose into his things. The only reason why I am marked as someone's alt account would be an IP leak proof? The only thing I could think of is that, since I am using a wifi of other people's networks.
    I don't have my own ISP provider. But I don't only use 1 WiFi, I just ask different people and they are kind to give me the password.

    Please unban me, it is so unfair to me. Put yourself in my situtation please. Thank you!
  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Appeal denied, nothing on our end suggest the account belongs to another user. Its also quite obvious you are actively farming up the account to look "legit"

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    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015