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Accepted 76561198067874030(Hale's Own)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by OBJECTION! [No Audio], Sep 29, 2012.

  1. OBJECTION! [No Audio]

    OBJECTION! [No Audio] New User

    steamID: OBJECTION! [No Audio]
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42038373
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044342475
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044342475

    steamID: Hale's Own
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53804151
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067874030
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067874030?t=1347593986

    An Imgur link to all the screenshots since I've tried MULTIPLE times to upload them via the "Upload a file" button and it keeps coming back with errors for some reason, there's 15 in all, if this isn't sufficient please let me know and we'll see what we can do.

    Description: Nothing special, just your run-of-the-mill PayPal scam. I knew better, at least I should have, but I got too excited and from seeing the few good reps on his profile and his Outpost trades I thought that was enough to believe him, and I was stupid for doing so. He added me from a trade server (Pink Taco, I believe) and then the conversation in the screenshots occurred, I was stupid enough to believe him (he did stay for a little bit after I gave him the hat, as you'll see, not sure why he did that...), and then he blocked and deleted me.

    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hello?
    Hale's Own: im sorry
    Hale's Own: i wanted ur unusal
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: What was that about?
    Hale's Own: my pc is stupid
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Ah.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Got two buds?
    Hale's Own: i swear to go i am going to snap it  over my knee
    Hale's Own: and if u look at my profile i  have boought a cupple things with paypal and i got 120$ left and i wanted to see how much $ u wanted for ur unusal?.
    Hale's Own: i can supply screen shots if needed
    Hale's Own: (of my ballance and ect
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hm.
    Hale's Own: )*
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I'm going to say...80?
    Hale's Own: eh
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hm.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: 70?
    Hale's Own: ill do 75 just to make it fair
    Hale's Own: u got paypal?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Okay. Yes I do.
    Hale's Own: email and usd?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: [email protected]
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: And yes, US Dollars.
    Hale's Own: ok one sec
    Hale's Own: bro this fan in my pa is makeing the most anoying noise ever
    Hale's Own: its like brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbrbrrbrbrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: You have a pa system in your house? Snazzy. xD
    Hale's Own: pa?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I was just...poking fun for a typo, I'm being a jerk. Lol.
    Hale's Own: oh
    Hale's Own: lol
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: And yeah. Mine gets pretty overheated too.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: TF2's a demanding game when it wants to be.
    Hale's Own: do u have a n vidia?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hm?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I'm not sure what card I have.
    Hale's Own: oh
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I just know it's good enough to run all my games well enough.
    Hale's Own: i will send it as a gift and ya a n vidia card
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Heh. Now THAT is some nice sweets. :0
    Hale's Own: im going to put in notes NO refunds this is for a vurtural in game item for tf2
    Hale's Own: XD
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: xD
    Hale's Own: i have it readdy to send
    You have accepted the trade request from Hale's Own.
    Hale's Own: ok i got pages spl
    Hale's Own: ummm
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hm?
    Hale's Own: idk but let me finish i got pages split to sen as soon as trade goes threw
    Hale's Own: and if u want
    Hale's Own: here
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hm.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Like that, huh...
    Hale's Own: +Rep great trader bought my buds for 30$ paypal, quick too,bought my buds paypal. i want first scared of being scamed but i got my 40.00$ usd right after:b thanks,+ Rep, sold him my buds for 30 bucks
    Hale's Own: i got u bro
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Huh?
    Hale's Own: those are all of the rep i got from buying buds
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hm.
    Hale's Own: then i got jipes
    Hale's Own: jiped br selling one for keys and opening crateds and never got a unusal
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Ohhhh. Gyped.
    Hale's Own: ya
    Hale's Own: im disledic
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Well. I'm not gonna lie, I like my buyers to go first.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: But I'd be more than willing to use a middleman, as long as it's one of the ones that's SteamRep certified.
    Hale's Own: see now the problamo i have  with that is i lost 60$ total from "'steam rep"" sertified people and only got back 1/2 of what was scamed
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Ah...
    Hale's Own: and i got ripped off by pink taco and ect being promused vip in his server for allof my stranges
    Hale's Own: and my bills for admin
    Hale's Own: and then black out
    Hale's Own: and .ect
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Ah...I understand, man, I've been scammed my fair share of times on this, too.
    Hale's Own: ill do 80.00 if u go first becaus we got the same pain
    Hale's Own: it sucks
    Hale's Own: but you would have to give me a min to change the gift
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I really don't like going first, man. It does suck, and I don't want it to suck more.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: You don't have to increase the amount, but we need to work something out.
    Hale's Own: ok
    Hale's Own: my pcis so f✿✿✿✿✿✿ anoying
    Hale's Own: -_-
    Hale's Own: i do have pages split to send quicker
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I know, I just want to be able to make sure we both have our security and can just make a quick, clean purchase.
    Hale's Own: um
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: It's not you, I just don't trust anyone enough to go first unless they have insane amounts of rep.
    Hale's Own: i can like screen shot my ballance to prove that i got 120$
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: http://steamrep.com/list/M Would you trust any of those? Were they one of the ones you got scammed by?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I'll even let you pick.
    Hale's Own: i just dont want a mm because i gt scamed and they can just get away scott free
    Hale's Own: here
    Hale's Own: eh i have to scribble some bank statements out
    Hale's Own: eh i think im good
    Hale's Own: talk abbout paint and scribbleing
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hm?
    Hale's Own: http://i47.tinypic.com/24q8n55.jpg sorry abbout scribbleing its just to keep privacy
    Hale's Own: :) that should bild a lil trust
    Hale's Own: i had to cansul gift
    Hale's Own: so i need to re make it realquick
    Hale's Own: brb
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Sorry for being so untrustful, man, it's just that you could take my hat, walk off forever, and there wouldn't be a single thing I could do about it, so I'm just trying to see if there's a way we can both be secure.
    Hale's Own: bro i have the gift readdy to send and i have a picof my ballance and ect and i have rep
    Hale's Own: and u can get me bp banded for scamming if i were to
    Hale's Own: and i talk to all my co workers and freinds and play games with them on here
    Hale's Own: i wont scam u AND u have this entire chat log to send to steam for proof if annything happend
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Mmmmm.
    Hale's Own: pages are and i got gift readdy and .ect
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Screenshot me where the gift is ready and all?
    Hale's Own: eh
    Hale's Own: do i realy have to
    Hale's Own: :/
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Sorry. I just REALLY want to be sure. This took months to do and I don't want to throw it all away.
    Hale's Own: i can im not saying i am refuseing
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I had to trade so much stuff for this Unusual and I don't want to lose all that.
    Hale's Own: i just am tird and my pc is makeing brbrbrbrrs and s✿✿✿ and i am so tird its 1:20 right now and u know
    Hale's Own: i got work and s✿✿✿
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I understand, but I just want to be sure.
    Hale's Own: god damit man
    Hale's Own: ok
    Hale's Own: jease
    Hale's Own: here u go
    Hale's Own: is it alright if i switch to my big pc real qick its right next to me
    Hale's Own: this pc is so hottttt
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Alright.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Fair enough.
    Hale's Own: ok be right back and im going to send the payment as a servace so when i hit contiu it sends
    Hale's Own: automaticaly
    Hale's Own: brb
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Okay.
    Hale's Own is now Offline.
    Hale's Own is now Online.
    Hale's Own: ur killing me bro
    Hale's Own: here one seccond it wll take like 1 min
    Hale's Own: uthare?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Yeah.
    Hale's Own: you thare?
    Hale's Own: ok
    Hale's Own: this is a lot better so quiet
    Hale's Own: http://i47.tinypic.com/1eb2px.jpg thare
    Hale's Own: my head hurts :c
    Hale's Own had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    Hale's Own: ugh i just want to sleep
    Hale's Own: :c
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Saving a few screens for proof.
    Hale's Own: ok
    Hale's Own: you better rep me for my time bro
    Hale's Own: :/ better be like this bro is teh bomb
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I apologize. Like I said, I've been scammed before just like you.
    Hale's Own: yah
    Hale's Own: i hear you
    You have accepted the trade request from Hale's Own.
    Hale's Own: wait
    Hale's Own: thare i got pages split
    Hale's Own: readdy
    Hale's Own: ?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Alright. I want to see this money IMMEDIATELY afterwards.
    Hale's Own: i know
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Leave me added after this, PLEASE.
    Hale's Own: i will i want my rep ;)
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I can do that, I'll rep you on Outpost and your Steam Profile IF it goes through.
    Hale's Own: do u have anny like keys i can have for my time and my head ach
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Don't unfriend me afterwards.
    Hale's Own: and it will go threw
    Hale's Own: do u have anny like keys i can have for my time?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I...need to add keys?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Why..? o-o
    Hale's Own: what eve
    Hale's Own: readdy?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Alright.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: My money?
    Hale's Own: i am sending
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Please?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Thank youuu.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: You're awesome and will get all the rep I can give.
    Hale's Own: what time is it over thare
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: 12:50.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Please, send it before my heart explodes. x-x
    Hale's Own: it said 2 min
    Hale's Own: wait time ill wait
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Hmmm...this takes a bit, huh?
    Hale's Own: SCAMED
    Hale's Own: jk
    Hale's Own: ya i geus
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: JESUS, don't do that. xD;
    Hale's Own: i was thinking abbout typeing scamed lol ✿✿✿✿✿✿ lololo and block u
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: :c
    Hale's Own: and then un freind u then add u after u got the $ and
    Hale's Own: bee all like
    Hale's Own: XD got u
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: That's just cruel...xD
    Hale's Own: and we would of ben bros
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: xD
    Hale's Own: ya but ur face would of ben all like 0o0 o no he dident
    Hale's Own: anny thing yet?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Do I have to accept the payment or something? Thoguht I saw an option for that...
    Hale's Own: no it should go fight in to ur ballance
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: And no, not yet o.O
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Weird...
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Should it take this long?
    Hale's Own: eh
    Hale's Own: if i was a scammer i would of ben long gone by now
    Hale's Own: XD
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Yeah, I know xD
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I don't distrust you anymore
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: It's just weird that it hasn't gone through yet
    Hale's Own: but i just want to make shure u get paymant
    Hale's Own: ya let me look
    Hale's Own: brb can u rep me whail i check payment
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I'll rep you as soon as I get it x] Just semantics
    Hale's Own: ok
    Hale's Own: it says pending
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Still nothing on my end...
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Do I have to have a bank account on it to accept payments?
    Hale's Own: look around ur ccount mabby u have to askespt it
    Hale's Own: no
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: What the hell >_<
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Why isn't this working
    Hale's Own: idk
    Hale's Own: ?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: It says I'm unverified, could that have something to do with it?
    Hale's Own: did u look around
    Hale's Own: -_-
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Ugh, I'm sorry, this is the first I've ever dealt with PayPal, and yes, I tried to find an accept payment option
    Hale's Own: bro u have to verify
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Oh, s✿✿✿ ><
    Hale's Own: then when ur done it will pop up
    Hale's Own: i was starting to worry
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: Augh, are you kidding me, I didn't know I needed to do that >_< I don't know my bank account number to even get verified
    Hale's Own: u dont  need a bank
    Hale's Own: u just need a email i think i have ben verified for so long
    Hale's Own: XD
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: It says I need to link a bank account or to apply for a Mastercard to get verified Dx
    Hale's Own: u dont have a bank?
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: I do, but I don't know the routing number, I don't have checks Dx
    Hale's Own: oh
    Hale's Own: use mine:D
    Hale's Own: jk
    OBJECTION! [No Audio]: You have to be kidding Dx I'm so sorry for keeping you up, I'm not used to using PayPal
    Hale's Own: ok
    Hale's Own: here just wait
    Hale's Own: it might show up i was 13 and had paypal and got $ from my uncled and i wasnt verified
    Hale's Own is now Offline.
    Thank you for your time and I hope we can get this scum flagged.
  2. OBJECTION! [No Audio]

    OBJECTION! [No Audio] New User

    Here's a screenshot of the Outpost trade where he tried to sell my Hottie's Hoodie. I got it too late, he closed the trade, but he does still have it as I checked his bp and it's still there.

    Attached Files:

  3. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Marking now, thanks for the report.