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Accepted (Impersonators)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [P.T.P.] ViperX, Jul 19, 2012.

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  1. [P.T.P.] ViperX

    [P.T.P.] ViperX New User

    Basically I was just scammed by what seems like a 2 man scam scheme. They took my German Gonzilla Sun Beams (Unusual). Details of the operation will be listed below.

    Suspect A's details
    Username/Alias: m8
    Date of first contact: 18/07/2012
    Steam Profile page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047119205
    Rep Page: Was directed to comments on steam profile page, also on Steamrep.com page. http://steamrep.com/search?q=76561198047119205

    Suspect B's details
    Username/Alias: UnusualBoy
    Date of first contact: 19/07/2012 (moments before scam)
    Steam Profile page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/UnusualBoy/
    Rep Page: http://stearmrep.com/profiles/76561197999311431.html

    Details of Operation/Scam

    Day 1 (18/07/2012):
    On 18/07/2012 m8, from now on will be referred to as Suspect A, added me on Steam Friends asking if he could buy my German Gonzilla Sun Beams unusual. Unfortunately, I did not suspect anything at the time so I did not keep the chat log from yesterday. Suspect A initially offered me 125$ for my hat, in which I reject asking for more, then he proceeded to offer 250$. I accepted his proposal but at the request that he sent money first before I traded. He then rejected and insisted to use a middle man, which was fair enough. I then rejected this offer and he went offline. I contemplated and posted on his comments on steam about wanting o take up on the offer again this time to use a middle man (screen shot can be provided). Nothing happened for the rest of the day.

    Day 2 (19/07/2012):
    At roughly 1600 to 1700 Suspect A came online and proceeded to greet me. I greeted back and he said he was interested in my offer and thus so we proceeded to trade. I requested that I find my own middle man but then he again insisted that he used this middle man that he recently added. At this point I was suspecting a scam. Suspect A added UnusualBoy, from now referred to as Suspect B, to the chat conversation and everything seemed fine. Suspect B provided me with his reputation page which I checked carefully to make sure it links to his account and so on, I was convinced it was true. Suspect A and B greeted each other like as if they hardly knew each other, then Suspect B requested that Suspect A send money to his account in which he provided on the chat. Moment later Suspect A said he has sent the money and Suspect B confirms.
    At this point I have also requested that Suspect A send me his verified paypal status, in which he did. He sent me a link to his "verified paypal" on the chat in which I checked and confirmed (screen shot and hyperlinks can be provided). Suspect B at the moment was trading me and so I requested his steam rep page (provided before) in which he provided. After I have posted the item on the trade, I requested a screenshot of the transaction of the paypal trade between Suspect A and Suspect B. He said his print screen button was broken so its going to take 5 minutes. After 5 minutes he provided me with the screenshot in which he said he just uploaded. I confirmed and we proceeded to trade. Shortly after trade they both left the chat, Suspect A posted "DNIWE EBANOE!!!" before leaving. They both unfriended me and each other.
    **Please note, that I don't have a chat log for the trade and with Suspect B because I closed it down prematurely. Everything else can be provided**
    Obviously this was a scam because as of now I still have not received my money. I also understand that steam can be very powerless during situations like this. I believe I have provided enough information to pledge both of these individuals guilty of the crime committed. This is also not a plee for help, this is basically my evidence list of the crime, it is your choice if you want to go ahead with it or not. Clearly you know which option I would prefer.

    Fake Paypal Transation: http://rghost.net/39292950
    Fake Verified paypal: http://www.snmp4tpc.com/images/paypal-verified.gif
    Chat log for day 2 can be provided upon request.
    Screenshot for comment on Suspect As profile can be provided upon request

    In addition, you can also check in my backpack that I in fact do not have the unusual but here is the history log saying that I used to (I believe at the time I sent this message it has not been updated on who has it now and it currently says I am the current owner)

    This is basically everything I sent to steam support. (Up and down)

    m8 comment picture.png free-paypal-money.png false paypal receipt.png fake verified paypal.png fake verified paypal.png false paypal receipt.png free-paypal-money.png m8 comment picture.png fake verified paypal.png false paypal receipt.png free-paypal-money.png m8 comment picture.png m8 comment picture.png

    Attached Files:

  2. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    Tagged. Thanks for the report!
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