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Accepted Report:76561198001381294 (dedyshka_mazay)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by The Soyenbean, Jun 16, 2012.

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  1. The Soyenbean

    The Soyenbean New User

    steamID: The Soyenbean
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33287751
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026841231
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/7656119802684123


    steamID: dedyshka_mazay
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:20557783
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001381294
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dedyshka_mazay
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198001381294

    I was looking to buy craft hats when the scammer told me that Vintage Stockbrokers Scarf was craftable, and and so, I bought it for 1 ref 1 scrap.

    Chat Logs:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    dedyshka_mazay: i can show u in trade, its 100% craftable
    dedyshka_mazay had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    dedyshka_mazay: if you are not sure http://tf2b.com/tf2/item/76561198001381294/851214424
    dedyshka_mazay: so ?
    dedyshka_mazay: 1.11 is okay for me btw
    The Soyenbean: Show me on trade?
    dedyshka_mazay: sure
    The Soyenbean: Hmm
    The Soyenbean: Can you link me to your invent
    dedyshka_mazay: invent?
    dedyshka_mazay: you mean person from I got this item ?
    dedyshka_mazay: oh
    dedyshka_mazay: inventory
    dedyshka_mazay: okay
    dedyshka_mazay: http://www.tf2outpost.com/backpack/4574
    The Soyenbean: Nothing really says its craftable...
    The Soyenbean: But ill contact you in a bit
    dedyshka_mazay: dude
    The Soyenbean: Ill brb. I have do do something first
    dedyshka_mazay: it only says if its uncraftablwe
    dedyshka_mazay: *uncraftable
    dedyshka_mazay: can I show u uncraftable item&
    dedyshka_mazay: ?
    dedyshka_mazay: it will says there "uncraftable"
    dedyshka_mazay: u see ?
    dedyshka_mazay: but scarf is 100% clean :)
    The Soyenbean: Okay
    The Soyenbean: Can I pay .66 first?
    The Soyenbean: And then Ill give you the rest if it is?
    dedyshka_mazay: no i cant do that
    The Soyenbean: Hmm
    The Soyenbean: What about .88?
    dedyshka_mazay: can u pay the full price ?
    The Soyenbean: I rea
    The Soyenbean: Hmm
    The Soyenbean: Well, okay I guess
    The Soyenbean: I really hope this thing is craftable...
    You cannot trade with dedyshka_mazay because they are currently trading with someone else.
    dedyshka_mazay had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    dedyshka_mazay had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    The Soyenbean: Hmm?
    dedyshka_mazay had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    The trade request was cancelled.
    dedyshka_mazay had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    dedyshka_mazay: steam lagging
    The Soyenbean: Did you put something in?
    dedyshka_mazay has accepted your request to trade.
    The Soyenbean: Yeah... sames
    dedyshka_mazay is now Offline.
    dedyshka_mazay is now Online.
    dedyshka_mazay: ?
    The Soyenbean: Hey :)
    The Soyenbean: The scarf wasnt craftable...
    The Soyenbean: So like, can I have my metal back?
    dedyshka_mazay: U CAN CRAFT ONLY HATS NOT MISCS.
    dedyshka_mazay: AND NO
    The Soyenbean: No. You can craft miscs too
    dedyshka_mazay is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

  3. The Soyenbean

    The Soyenbean New User


    Attached Files:

  4. Isn't the Uncraftable scarf rare? I don't think you can find it in store.
  5. Jailbait

    Jailbait New User

    That dosen't matter, what matters is that the victim was told the item was craftable. Looks like everything matches up here so I will lock this until an SR admin handles it.
  6. Jailbait

    Jailbait New User

    Ready for review, bumping thread.
  7. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Marking now, thanks for the report.
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