1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198041288576 (Korterra)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Japhle, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Japhle

    Japhle New User

    SteamID: Japhle
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:19573977
    SteamID64: http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999413682/
    CustomURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Japhle

    SteamID: Korterra
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:40510016
    SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041285761
    CustomURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/korterra/
    Steamrep URL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198041285761

    These are the only real screen shots of chat I have, I exited out of the chat and it's thusly lost. These are links to the first time he talked to me after I followed him to about 20 different servers. he is now set to away and will not respond.

    These are the only real screen shots of chat I have, I always exit out of the thing and it's thusly lost.

    Description: I unboxed my first unusual about a week ago, this guy contacts me saying he wants to buy it, he keeps contacting me and continuing to pester me, I said the only thing I would be interested in is paypal because of how much I sunk into the game. first few times he did he asked me to trade it first then he would paypal me some money, obviously I won't do that since paypal has a dispute ability and steam doesn't, this morning he contacted me again and offered to do a middle man and gave me this link http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197975564454 and had a second account with the same name and avatar come as hammy in and trade me. so the trade technically a smoking villian's veil for a crate series #44. I understand that nothing can be done to get it back or to get him banned (especially since he can very easily make another account or whatever else.) So I just hope that this will be accepted without full chat and this can help out anyone else who is being contacted by this person.

    here are the transcript of the ingame chat shown in the photos.

    Japhle connected
    Korterra : Japhle
    Korterra : Stop following me
    Japhle: Is it verything you wanted and more?
    Korterra : I will not trade it back
    Japhle : You say trade but it is theft
    Korterra : I can give u hat
    Korterra : as present
    Korterra : If u leave me
    Japhle : yes give me back my villain's veil
    Korterra : I will not
    Korterra : lol
    Korterra : I already traded it

    and after that he left tf2 so I was talking to my self a little.
  2. Japhle

    Japhle New User

    I did a little more digging, his name listed under his profile name is Michael Ivanov, and it's most likely a throwaway account. More importantly I found a list of his friends which is probably a few alts and more importantly the -DB!- Hammy impersonator account.
    I'm certain he has a ring of three fake accounts, that being Korrterra, Cookie Monsta, (http://steamcommunity.com/id/philzoidberg ) and the -DB!- Hammy account which it seems was known as magnatavr ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/Magnatavr ) Cookie Monsta seems to be his main. He could also be Child which is an account with a scam listed on this site.

    The real offender: Current SteamID: Cookie Monsta
    This user has also played as:
    Капитан Улитка
    Phil Zoidberg, Мистер Пропер, АНУС ТВОЙ ТУПОЙ, Ololosh, Мистер Хипстер, IMMA f✿✿✿✿✿✿ GANGSTA, The Cake is a Lie, Cookie Monsta, Мистер Синька :з
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:47539300 "Cookie Monsta" STEAM_0:0:29382070
    Steam ID64: 76561198019029868
    SteamURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/philzoidberg
    StemrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198019029868

    Since this is his main account (with 224 games) is there anyway to get that bad rep on that as well?
  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

  4. ✯Storm_Breaker✯

    ✯Storm_Breaker✯ New User

    that guy scammed me up too, the b✿✿✿✿

    He needs to get banned and more >:O
  5. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Marking now, thanks for the report.