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Accepted 76561198045591903 + 76561197992620155 (Team killer +Jo)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Handsome Negro, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Handsome Negro

    Handsome Negro New User

    Fake Middleman Scam using a fake steamrep site.

    Potential Victim (Myself):
    steamID: Handsome Negro
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41774483
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043814695
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198043814695


    steamID: team killer
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42663087
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045591903
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045591903

    steamID: jo steamID32: STEAM_0:1:16177213 steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992620155 customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jostr steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197992620155

    Team Killer adds me from tf2outpost/ tf2tp asking to buy my unusual for paypal money. He has no rep and so I am very suspicious. He says he will use a middleman and sends me a fake steamrep link which looks very real (as you can see in the pictures), it shows that his scamming buddy Jo has a special status on their fake steamrep site, however, on the normal steamrep there is no status. I then begin to record what they do and after Jo enters the conversation, pretends to recieve money from team killer then asks me for my unusual and in this case I get bored an I begin to troll (sorry). That's that - A fake middleman scam.

    Sorry for some poor picture quality (i still have the chat open if you need anymore pictures?)

    The whole album containing all the scamming proof.

    Here's the transcript (sorry about the ending, it was just frustrating talking to scammers for so long):

    Handsome Negro: hi
    team killer: hi
    team killer: You were selling unusual?
    Handsome Negro: yes
    Handsome Negro: Wow.
    Handsome Negro: Ok
    Handsome Negro: what is your offer
    team killer: Alright, I got about 70$ I want to offer them to you
    Handsome Negro: 70 dollars is less than my c/o
    Handsome Negro: Also I am guessing you want me to go first.
    team killer: 90$
    team killer: I got a middleman right http://steamsrep.webs.com/profiles/76561197992620155.html He is 100% trusted, he middlemanned me 2 days ago
    Handsome Negro: What did he middleman for.
    team killer: Just for us, He is Trusted, I can trust him
    Handsome Negro: What did you sell/ buy.
    team killer: I want to buy ur reggae
    Handsome Negro: No, what did you sell/ buy using the middleman
    Handsome Negro: Eh?
    team killer: Ur reggae!
    Handsome Negro: Wait a second
    Handsome Negro: He is 100% trusted, he middlemanned me 2 days ago
    Handsome Negro: you said this yes
    Handsome Negro: but what did you use this middleman for?
    Handsome Negro: Like 2 days ago what did you buy
    team killer: Ah, He middlemaned me for selling my unusual
    Handsome Negro: What unusual did you sell?
    team killer: Honcho's W/ sunbeams
    Handsome Negro: Nice!
    Handsome Negro: Can you pay more for the regg however?
    team killer: hm, I only can up to 110$
    Handsome Negro: Can you do 115?
    team killer: hmmm
    team killer: okay
    Handsome Negro: ok one second
    Handsome Negro: let me think
    Handsome Negro: for a while
    team killer: kk
    team killer: mm?
    Handsome Negro: huh?
    Handsome Negro: ok i think
    Handsome Negro: i will do it
    Handsome Negro: but can you buy buds?
    Your chat with team killer is now a multi-user chat.
    jo entered chat.
    jo: Hello buddies
    team killer: hi
    jo: What do you need?
    Handsome Negro: wait
    Handsome Negro: can you not just buy buds?
    Handsome Negro: and trade me them
    Handsome Negro: hi jo
    team killer: We need you to middleman for us, I am buying his unusual for 115$
    jo: Okay
    jo: What hat?
    Handsome Negro: flies regg
    jo: Okay:)
    team killer: What is your PayPal jo?
    jo: [email protected]
    Handsome Negro: wait
    Handsome Negro: just slow down
    Handsome Negro: are you sure
    Handsome Negro: you want to buy my unusual?
    team killer: yes ofc
    Handsome Negro: and jo
    jo: Yes?
    Handsome Negro: you are definitly mm?
    jo: You can check me. Yes
    Handsome Negro: you are a steamrep middleman right?
    team killer: http://steamsrep.webs.com/profiles/76561197992620155.html
    team killer: did you recieve it?
    Handsome Negro: yeah
    jo: Wait , I'll check
    Handsome Negro: im checking
    Handsome Negro: sorry im a bit busy
    Handsome Negro: carry on
    jo: Yep,
    jo: I got
    jo: The money
    Handsome Negro: Sure?
    jo: 116$?
    jo: Right?
    Handsome Negro: 115 actually
    team killer: Its with fees
    jo: Ah, yes
    jo: We can trade now
    Handsome Negro: are you sure?
    jo: Yes
    Handsome Negro: wait
    Handsome Negro: btw
    Handsome Negro: killer why does it say you are away?
    team killer: Oh, I forgot to change
    jo: Sooooo?
    jo: I dont have enought time btw, I got 1 more chat
    Handsome Negro: go do that
    Handsome Negro: and ill be there in a sec
    Handsome Negro: thanks for helping
    jo: Okay I am here
    jo: So what's happening?
    Handsome Negro: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
    jo: ?
    Handsome Negro: I just got a 130 dollars offer
    jo: So What? I got 115$ here
    Handsome Negro: huh?
    Handsome Negro: shouldnt team killer be deciding
    team killer: Wait some
    Handsome Negro: ok
    team killer: I ' ll ask a friend , I'll up to 131$ , I rly want it
    Handsome Negro: oh ok
    jo: Oh, Okay
    Handsome Negro: thanks man
    team killer: Yep, I sent money , check it Demon
    jo: Sec
    jo: I'll check
    jo: Got 132$ now
    jo: Yes
    Handsome Negro: woah
    Handsome Negro: you must have some rich friends dude
    Handsome Negro: damn man
    jo: we can trade
    Handsome Negro: yo jo
    Handsome Negro: do you charge?#

    (At this point I was in a trade with Jo and simply put up a gentlemans ushanka and clicked accept rather than the unusual she was expecting.)

    jo: What are you doing?
    Handsome Negro: huh?
    jo: What u added?
    Handsome Negro: dude
    Handsome Negro: team killer
    Handsome Negro: i think jos a scammer
    Handsome Negro: she just got my
    Handsome Negro: unusual
    Handsome Negro: check her bp
    jo: What?
    Handsome Negro: dude
    Handsome Negro: team killer
    Handsome Negro: charge back dude
    team killer: what ? O_O
    Handsome Negro: yeah
    Handsome Negro: dont trust her man
    jo: lol , Negro
    Handsome Negro: i think shes gonna take your money
    jo: Just see
    jo: After 1 mins
    jo: I'll marked
    Handsome Negro: and she just took my unusual
    Handsome Negro: huh?
    jo: Negro
    jo: Enjoy SteamReps Mark
    Handsome Negro: ?
    Handsome Negro: steamreps?
    jo: Steam Rep's
    Handsome Negro: I didn't steal any money
    Handsome Negro: you did
    jo: Why I steal it lol?
    Handsome Negro: idk
    Handsome Negro: just give team killer his money back
    jo: Okay
    Handsome Negro: we will use a middleman i know
    jo: But why?
    Handsome Negro: I don't like it
    Handsome Negro: I want to use
    Handsome Negro: Someone who I know
    Handsome Negro: sory for wasting time
    jo: Enjoy a scammer mark dude
    Handsome Negro: why?
    jo: Good Luck
    jo left chat.
    team killer left chat.
    Handsome Negro: wtf?
    End of transcript

    There you have it ladies and gentlemen,

    Thanks for reading,

    I hope you enjoy? I guess.

    Please mark them as scammers (also please don't mark me if they do try on 'steams-rep' lol)

  2. ɥʇlɐǝʇS

    ɥʇlɐǝʇS New User

    But i goggled him o steam rep first..

    ɥʇlɐǝʇS: hello
    team killer: hi
    ɥʇlɐǝʇS: How can I help thee?
    team killer: hi
    team killer: You were selling unusual?
    ɥʇlɐǝʇS: uh yea
    team killer: Alright, I got about 330$ I want to offer them to you
    ɥʇlɐǝʇS: on the front runner?
    team killer: yea
    ɥʇlɐǝʇS: Can you buy buds with it first?
    ɥʇlɐǝʇS: You can buy buds from 30-33 dollard each
    team killer: I got a middleman right http://steamsrep.webs.com/profiles/76561197992620155.html He is 100% trusted, he middlemanned me 2 days ago
    ɥʇlɐǝʇS: And i see you have been reported for this same thing sir...
    team killer is now Offline.
    Thats quite evident if you ask me.
  3. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Marking now, thanks for the report.