1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Invalid 76561197993123355 knellcast (SR (TF2R) Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by knellcast, Apr 5, 2012.

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  1. knellcast

    knellcast New User

    steamID: knellcast
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:16428813
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993123355
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/knellcast
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197993123355

    I've been listed as a raffle scammer?

    I offered to give away over $400 worth of stuff and I received negative reps, negative comments and endless harassment within an hour of the raffle ending, not to mention I had over 180 items to give to single people.

    So how am I scamming? I gained nothing by giving away this stuff; hence that isn't scamming or sharking, at all. I didn't deliver because they didn't deserve it. I've been on tf2 for over 8 months and I have never done this, nor have I ever received a negative comment/rep, or been harassed, but when I give away $400+ worth of stuff this is what I get in return? Of course I'm not going to deliver.

    There was no entry fee for this raffle or any raffle I have ever done, hence I gain nothing.

    I also see people claiming I've done this in the past, which is a total lie because I haven't, and if I did there will be proof that I did, and whoever is claiming this can't provide proof, because it didn't happen.
  2. Starburst

    Starburst New User

    You will have to get in touch with tf2r admins and clear that up, its an "SR" tag only due to not having separate tags for tf2r yet.
  3. knellcast

    knellcast New User

    How so? steamrep is a separate entity.
  4. Starburst

    Starburst New User

    Ok, let me say that again in a way maybe you will understand better,
    appeal your ban with tf2r.
  5. knellcast

    knellcast New User

  6. Jmcmλtrix

    Jmcmλtrix New User

    Going on the report saying you where a scammer, and this appeal. You'll need to be unbanned from TF2R Item Raffles http://tf2r.com/
    You'll need to be unbanned there, before appealing on SteamRep. (you might want to contact HelenAngel as she's the one who tagged you.)
  7. knellcast

    knellcast New User

    To clear things up..

    Scam = To trick or cheat someone out of their posession(s). A ripoff.

    What happened is not even close to a scam.

    Regardless my backpack has been sold for cash already and I'm quitting tf2 - http://tf2b.com/?id=76561197993123355

    I'm appealing this out of principle.

    Suttles is the root cause behind this tag. He's one of the culprits of harassment and now he's trying to get even for his mistake. I thought he was suppose to be reputable?


    I even see people I do not know appalled by the scammer tag given to me.

  8. Suttles

    Suttles New User

    You had your trades up still, and they were autobumping. Autobumping is against the outpost rules unless you have donator, I simply asked what it was down and you were like OK NOT DELIVERING. I gave my friend heart puglist as slight compensation for losing the fez, but that's not anywhere close to fixing how many people you pissed off. You made my friend depressed.

    You scammed peoples time, and now I'm having to go through and pay the 2 unusual winners with equal value items. Thanks bro!
  9. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    As Starburst said, this was marked as a SR tag ONLY because we have not implemented TF2R tags yet. As soon as we do, it will be marked as a TF2R scam. This was directly reported to me by Reag. So you will need to appeal this through TF2R. If they approve your appeal, the tag will be removed.
  10. Reag~ ❤

    Reag~ ❤ TF2 Raffle House owner Friend Community

    Like stated by a user on our forums, Kellcast raffled off his entire backpack. In 1 raffle, it's that one raffle that all this came from. He pointed out that he's made around 60 before and all delivered on them but those, statistically they were small and nothing amazing.
    60:1 doesn't sound all high and mighty when you consider the fact that he later publicly stated he just go and deny everyone who won their items. The glee on someone's face when they just "won" a pair of buds or an unusual would be astounding. Pretty much anyone would be ecstatic to that. So what you did to all those people who "won" was caused a rise of anger in the general tf2r community causing us to take action, we normally just ignore none delivery stuff but the fact you russled the communities jimmies so badly we had to do something.
    I originally wanted this to be marked as a caution not a scammer though.

    Just wanted to get this printed out here clearly, and sorry for the near to a whole month delay, stuffs been chaotic.
  11. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Updated as per Reag's request. :)
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