1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198016897648 ([DTH] CUM)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [Just] oXin, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. [Just] oXin

    [Just] oXin New User

    |steamID: [Just] oXin
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:25147054
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010559836
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/just-oxin
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198010559836

    |steamID: [DTH] CUM
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:28315960
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016897648
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cum_x2
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198016897648

    Screenshots: Rghost or Mega

    Description (Short): I bought the TF2 inventory. A day later, he say in steam support that he was hacked and that I was a hacker.
    (!) Reports of fraud is not the main thing. If the community will help me unlock my account, I will reward people.

    Description (Long):
    24.01.13 - I bought a Inventory from the user: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016897648 (Items list "01.jpg")
    As proof that it was he got money, I attribute in payment note "Custom URL» his account. ("02.jpg")
    26.01.13 - I got a lock in the service Steam.
    05.02.13 - Support has decided to block my account permanently [0 Answer & 0 Help]
    08.02.13 - My friend gave me a link where the user again selling items that sold me. He sell items again for same wmid.
    Thread # 1: http://youhack.ru/showthread.php?t=232792 (Russian lang | In this thread he sell me items for wallet R390608981965 wmid 350154922310 | Also in this thread my post | "03.jpg" )
    Thread # 2: http://youhack.ru/showthread.php?t=248098 (Russian lang | In this thread he got items back, and sell it again for wmid 350154922310 | "04.jpg" )
    08.02.13 - I tried to contact with WebMoney Arbitrage and return money. (Now on WM Arbitrage my claim closed. I not return money, but his wmid blocked.)
    11.02.13 - Fraudster contacted with me via chat. He suggested that I write in support via proxy and ban lifted and wanted me to take off complaint on WM. Also he did not deny the fact of fraud (Russian lang | "05.jpg")
    16:52 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Максимум чем могу помочь - снять бан. Не более чем.
    16:52 - [Just] oXin: не думаю что поможешь
    16:53 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Есть несколько способов
    16:53 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Есть*
    16:53 - [Just] oXin: ты уже достаточно помог
    16:54 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Ну, ок. Тебе же глядеть, тебе же с баном сидеть
    16:55 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Я видел что ты и арбитраж написал
    16:56 - [Just] oXin: если бы была какаято возможность, я бы уже снял
    16:56 - [Just] oXin: придприимчивый блин
    16:56 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Пиши в саппорт через прокси
    16:57 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Якобы акк использовали в "обманных" целях
    16:57 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: У меня была подобная тема
    16:58 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Короче, пиши в саппорт стима что акк угнали, и использовали в "обманных" целях. Бан снимут
    16:58 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Но через прокси
    16:58 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Вот и все
    17:00 - [Just] oXin: ты на свой аккаунт тоже через прокси зашел? поэтому они посчитали что ты взломан?
    17:00 - [Just] oXin: и вернули вещи которые я купил
    17:01 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Не, я с одного ип'a писал, но они вернули
    17:01 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Все равно
    17:01 - [Just] oXin: даже комп не менял? бред
    17:01 - [Just] oXin: я думал надо с другого компа и другого шз
    17:01 - [Just] oXin: айпи
    17:02 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Можешь скачать виртульную машинку, туда прокси свитчер запихнуть, написать, и ждать ответп
    17:02 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: ответа*
    17:02 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Я тебе говорю, вариатов много
    17:03 - [Just] oXin: хахах, говоришь какбуто не первый раз когото кидаешь
    17:04 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Не, на самом деле первый :3 просто у меня часто угоняли акк из-за своей невнимательности
    17:05 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: А ведь 150$ нечестно брать, 1 аньюжки у тебя уже нет :D
    17:05 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser: Короче, поинпровизируй
    17:11 - [DTH] Vovanchikuser сейчас играет в APB Reloaded. Присоединиться
    Additional info: Thx for reading it, if you can help me, add me.
    ● History of him Backpack: http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198016897648
    ● Translation (Rus / Eng): https://translate.google.com/
    ● Full Support Ticket: "Ticket [3724-YPDM-5229].jpg"
    ● My SOP thread: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/89697
    ● I trade in TF2 2 years or maybe more. And not one time not deceived people.
    ● I got first warn in Support 1 year ago for buying stolen items. I dont know who sell me this items. I buy many items.
    ● If i know items stolen, i not buy it. I check each with who i have deal. ( in Steamrep.com | Rus checker | Backpack.tf | TF2items.com | Steam)
  2. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    From all this evidence, it shows that you bought the backpack legitimately & he claimed you hijacked him to get dupes. Marking him now- thanks for the report. :)