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Accepted 76561198019770934 (Asuna アスナ)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Dr. Quackers, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Dr. Quackers

    Dr. Quackers New User

    Victim: Dr. Quackers (Not really a victim it was an attempt)
    |steamID: Dr. Quackers
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40459454
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041184636
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrQuackers
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198041184636

    |steamID: Asuna アスナ
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:29752603
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019770934
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/axell1537
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profile/76561198019770934?t=1354324506


    If the picture isn't showing up:

    Description: I have a trade up on OP asking for people to offer items on $75 and I will take the best offer. I state they must post on there first (Which they didn't), that they must go first (Which they didn't want to to), and not to add me (Which they also didn't listen to). They added me and offered keys for $1 each. I assumed they were maybe selling out and thought I'd buy a few, because that's a nice price. I was suspicious though at how they were so flexible with their price. Anyways they offered to show rep, I check it, and not to my surprise, it wasn't theirs. I told them and then tried lying and gave up which made me laugh. Anyways I'd like to state they do infact have keys in their inventory (23 keys).

    Asuna アスナ: hi
    Asuna アスナ: are u buying tf2 keys
    Dr. Quackers: I am, but I'm waiting until I get payed this week to buy much
    Asuna アスナ: okay
    Asuna アスナ: do u want to wiat u ?
    Asuna アスナ: wait*
    Dr. Quackers: yeah once I get more money
    Asuna アスナ: okay
    Asuna アスナ: :)
    Dr. Quackers: How much are selling keys each?
    Asuna アスナ: 23 keys
    Asuna アスナ: 1$ per key
    Asuna アスナ: :)
    Asuna アスナ: i think
    Asuna アスナ: the price is a good
    Dr. Quackers: Yeah let me see how much I have left in paypal I may be able to buy some now
    Asuna アスナ: okay : ))
    Dr. Quackers: I have $12.93 What if I threw in some metal for 13 keys?
    Asuna アスナ: for this
    Asuna アスナ: i will give u 13 keys..
    Asuna アスナ: okay
    Asuna アスナ: im no for 0.07 $
    Asuna アスナ: dont kidding me.. :D
    Asuna アスナ: okay will you by or not ?
    Dr. Quackers: Well $12.93 is ok right :P
    Asuna アスナ: do u need
    Asuna アスナ: my thread
    Asuna アスナ: in sourceOP
    Asuna アスナ: to see my reps ?
    Dr. Quackers: Could you show me
    Asuna アスナ: yes
    Asuna アスナ: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/86821-Pauly-s-Rep-Thread?highlight=pauly
    Asuna アスナ: u will go first
    Dr. Quackers: Not anymore :\ That's not you....
    Asuna アスナ: u think
    Asuna アスナ: this is my other
    Asuna アスナ: acc
    Asuna アスナ: my brother
    Asuna アスナ: is there
    Asuna アスナ: on the other pc
    Asuna アスナ: okay
    Asuna アスナ: never mind :)
    Asuna アスナ: thnaks for ur time
  2. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report, an admin will investigate it shortly.
  3. Asuna アスナ

    Asuna アスナ New User

    LMAO "my brother", I am the only child...haha...... but who knows :D
  4. JJJJ

    JJJJ Retired Staff

    Thanks for the report.