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Accepted 76561198034860020 (Ellie Demo/Pocket LFT Open)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Madness combat, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Madness combat

    Madness combat New User

    |steamID: Madness combat
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:22603486
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005472700
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/isresidentevilpyro
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198005472700
    |steamID: Ellie Demo/Pocket LFT Open
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37297146
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034860020
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/696969133742069
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198034860020
    Chatlog Copied from Pastebin:
    Ellie Goulding: Any thought on my offer?
    Madness combat: I thought about it, but honestly and I really don't want to upset you;however i've gotten offers of much greater value than mine, and in recollection, they were worthy of the trade. This offer though is of less value than my hat, at least in buds. I will admit that I use backpack.tf for pricing, but it really is the only direct source of pricing I can use effectively. Your offer is good, but not on par with what i'm looking for as well. Bud's and 1 pyro hat + 2 misc unusuals was what I was looking for. Sorry, if it is too demanding for you.
    Ellie Goulding: backpack.tf told me that a Burning Sam was 39 buds
    Ellie Goulding: I bought it for 70, sold it for the same
    Ellie Goulding: That's all I've got to say about that
    Ellie Goulding: Best of luck with your TC mate
    Madness combat: You have a burning samureye?
    Ellie Goulding: I had
    Madness combat: ah
    Ellie Goulding: I got bored of it
    Madness combat: Honestly, I don't like burning as an effect
    Ellie Goulding: I love it
    Madness combat: favorite is cloudy moon and purple energy
    Ellie Goulding: But that's me
    Ellie Goulding: To be honest, I'm giving you a free upgrade, and adding for it
    Ellie Goulding: But I don't care much
    Ellie Goulding: Oh well, doesn't matter.
    Madness combat: precisely what is your offer again. those 3 unusuals
    Ellie Goulding: Secret TC Level 31
    Ellie Goulding: 1 of 1 Harvest Headwarmer
    Ellie Goulding: Burning Stateless Steel Toe
    Ellie Goulding: Though I doubt I can keep the offer valid much longer
    Ellie Goulding: Probably selling the TC soon
    Madness combat: what is your price for the TC
    Ellie Goulding: I've declined 70-80
    Ellie Goulding: Have an offer of 90 right now
    Madness combat: 90 buds
    Ellie Goulding: 90 in easy to sell, desired burning hats
    Madness combat: I'm just looking for buds.
    Ellie Goulding: glwt
    Madness combat: i'll buy the hats i'm looking for in buds
    Ellie Goulding: Pricing your TC at 90+
    Ellie Goulding: You'll get maybe 60 in promos
    Ellie Goulding: No one EVER pays full promo price
    Madness combat: promo's
    Ellie Goulding: Buds
    Ellie Goulding: And no one, I mean no one, carries around 90, or anything remotely close to it
    Ellie Goulding: Closest I can think of is 66
    Ellie Goulding: You'd end up doing Paypal and probably getting charged back
    Madness combat: Well, sorry i'm so bad at making a practical offer, but my selling point is an unusual attendant (cloudy moon) hazmat's head case( green energy) and a knifestorm coffin kit, and some buds.
    Madness combat: very specific and sorry for it
    Ellie Goulding: np, but you're going to end up keeping the TC or geting screwed over by a scammer
    Ellie Goulding: Chargebacks can happen any time within 3 months of a transaction
    Ellie Goulding: And no one will wait 3 months
    Madness combat: You mean when selling buds
    Ellie Goulding: Buds aren't an option, there is no one with 90 straight
    Madness combat: yes, that's why my list is there
    Ellie Goulding: No one will bother
    Ellie Goulding: And it's still majority promo
    Ellie Goulding: And you don't have it up on outpost either, so extremely few people even know about it
    Madness combat: I'm trying to keep it that way
    Ellie Goulding: So you're keeping, not selling
    Madness combat: Hold on i'm checking sogigolo's backpack, he looks like he might have what i'm looking for to some extent
    Madness combat: I think, on second thought that i'll put the hat up for sale next june, and just buy a purple energy blighted beak for now.
    Madness combat: Sorry if I wasted your time.
    Ellie Goulding: Get a broker
    Ellie Goulding: That is your absolute best option
    Madness combat: For....the unusual blighted beak?
    Ellie Goulding: No, for your TC
    Ellie Goulding: Hand it off to someone who's well trusted in the community
    Ellie Goulding: And they sell it for you
    Ellie Goulding: http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/18245
    Ellie Goulding: http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/176159
    Ellie Goulding: Those 2 and me are the only brokers I can think of
    Ellie Goulding: At the moment
    Madness combat: If I give to a broker, they will sell it for what exactly?
    Ellie Goulding: They relay offers to you, sift through the s✿✿✿ so you don't have to
    Ellie Goulding: Basically, they sell it for more than you would be able to
    Madness combat: Sounds logical
    Ellie Goulding: Mhmm
    Ellie Goulding: I've done it tons
    Madness combat: how would I fully trust a broker with such an expensive hat
    Ellie Goulding: And my friends always walk away with around 25% more than what they started with
    Ellie Goulding: You take a chat log, or get some collat.
    Ellie Goulding: That way, if they walk off, they're losing something they care aobut, or they get their ass marked
    Madness combat: explain the 2nd to last message
    Ellie Goulding: Collateral
    Madness combat: ah
    Ellie Goulding: Or you take a chat log of you both agreeing
    Ellie Goulding: So they lose something if you do
    Madness combat: oral contracts don't hold up very well
    Ellie Goulding: On Steam they do
    Madness combat: point taken
    Madness combat: Alright
    Madness combat: sounds reasonable
    Madness combat: You said you were a broker
    Ellie Goulding: Mhmm
    Madness combat: I don
    Madness combat: t know what that means
    Madness combat: are you say yes
    Madness combat: ing
    Ellie Goulding: Yeah, I'm a broker
    Madness combat: direct me to your rep report please
    Madness combat: anything else you'd like to show me as well
    Ellie Goulding: Usually you don't get +rep for brokering
    Ellie Goulding: I can get a friend who I've done it for though
    Madness combat: how many times have you been a broker
    Ellie Goulding: 4-5
    Ellie Goulding: For 50+ bud hats
    Ellie Goulding: I brokered a Moon KE at one point
    Madness combat: nice
    Ellie Goulding: Then my friend decided to give it to me lol
    Ellie Goulding: Which was just funny
    Madness combat: to broker or for free
    Ellie Goulding: At first I was brokering with collat
    Ellie Goulding: And he decided he liked the collat more than the actual hat
    Ellie Goulding: So he gave me the KE
    Madness combat: what would be your collateral
    Ellie Goulding: idk
    Ellie Goulding: Usually, it's the person who I'm brokering for that picks the collat
    Madness combat: hmmm
    Madness combat: what value do you agree to on collateral in %
    Ellie Goulding: Like, how should my collat compare to the value of your hat?
    Madness combat: exactly
    Ellie Goulding: Depends on you
    Ellie Goulding: Collat is all at your discretion
    Madness combat: Well traditionally, i'd look for the tippity top you would agree to
    Ellie Goulding: So just spit out numebrs and I'll try to meet you there
    Madness combat: so percentage values you mean
    Ellie Goulding: I'll just throw this out there
    Ellie Goulding: You hold my Secret TC
    Ellie Goulding: I'd prefer it if you took a chatlog, however
    Ellie Goulding: Because I'm taking offers on all my hats
    Ellie Goulding: And if it's not in my bp, that kind of hinders me :L
    Madness combat: Love to have one if I knew how
    Madness combat: besides copying and pasting
    Ellie Goulding: upload it to pastebin
    Ellie Goulding: http://pastebin.com/
    Ellie Goulding: And just keep the link handy
    Ellie Goulding: I can do it for you and just link you if you like
    Madness combat: sure
    Ellie Goulding: So basically, you just say "I'm trusting you to broker my Cloudy Moon Team Captain, if you run off, I will send this chat log to SteamRep and you will be scammer tagged. Do you agree?"
    Ellie Goulding: And I say "Yes, I agree."
    Madness combat: roger doger
    Madness combat: open up a new chat window or
    Madness combat: this one will do
    Ellie Goulding: doesn't matter
    You added Unusual Team Captain 14:39:34
    Ellie Goulding is ready 14:39:47
    Madness combat: What are you waiting for Christmas? 14:40:15
    Ellie Goulding: Hmm? 14:40:31
    Madness combat: Collateral 14:40:39
    Ellie Goulding: Oh 14:40:43
    Ellie Goulding is not ready 14:40:45
    Ellie Goulding added Unusual Team Captain 14:40:47
    Ellie Goulding is ready 14:40:48
    Madness combat: I affirm that my hat (Unusual Team Captain) Is of the effect Cloudy Moon and is being brokered to one "Ellie Goulding's" 14:42:05
    Ellie Goulding: And I understand that if I run off with the Team Captain, tihs will be sent to SR and I will be marked as a Scammer. 14:42:43
    Ellie Goulding: I've given collateral in the form of an Unusual Team Captain with the It's a Secret to Everybody effect, to affirm the owner of the Moon TC. 14:43:19
    Madness combat: "Ellie Goulding's" hat is an Unusual Team Captain of the effect (it's a secret to everyone) and is being put up as collateral for my (Unusual Team Captain). 14:43:34
    Madness combat: Under Penalty Of Perjury, Do You "Ellie Goulding's" Admit the above text to be lawful and Non-Erroneous 14:44:54
    Ellie Goulding: I agree 14:45:08
    Madness combat: And to hold true to it's meaning as you are to carry out. 14:45:17
    Ellie Goulding: I agree 14:45:29
    Madness combat: I agree to the terms, henceforthe this temporary trade of items is complete 14:46:14

    Additional Info: Pieces of the Chat log above can be seen in the trade window of the following screenshots near the bottom left corner.

    [​IMG] Image Link: http://s1336.beta.photobucket.com/u...cTradeScreen2_zps09ea4b9b.png.html?sort=3&o=0

    [​IMG] Image Link:

    Description: Ellie Goulding (who possesses many names) is responsible for committing trade fraud, Grand Theft, Brokering Fraud, and Perjury of an Oral Agreement. The deal was that he would broker my Cloudy T.C. to sell it as a more experienced trader than I. The collateral was a Secret T.C. in order to give me a stop/loss of somekind in case of mass theft. He has since de-friended, barred communication, and blocked me all together on 3 different accounts of mine. His actions must not go without consequence lest justice die in vain. I appreciate your consideration, Madness Combat
  2. Santa Hitler Clause

    Santa Hitler Clause New User

    Wow. You presented this very well, hopefully an admin will get on this. Just want you to know there is not a 100% chance of getting the hat back anytime, but you may! Keep your head up, friend.
  3. Madness combat

    Madness combat New User

    Thanks for uplifting me, I've been really down lately since I was back stabbed by this person who I thought i'd make a true friend in.
  4. T-Virus

    T-Virus Donator - Tier IV

  5. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  6. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Already marked, adding to notes. THank you for the report. :)