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Accepted 76561198039871855 (SooperPsycho)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by chazter18, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. chazter18

    chazter18 New User

    steamID: chazter18 [-VD-]
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:20257135
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000779999
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DaPayneReborn
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198000779999
    SOP forum account (if applicable): chazter18

    steamID: SooperPsycho
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39803063
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039871855
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SooperFunky
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198039871855
    SOP forum account (if applicable): Not sure

    First Image; his profile

    Second Image; his name history

    Third Image; him in chat


    I had recently remove Keymod|BuzzBrad from my friends list for being extremely rude. Sooperpsycho is Buzzbrad's best friend. This player messaged me and had his profile picture the same as mine. (It is my dead puppy who passed away.) Then he changed his name to mine and that he was going to go play Team Fortress 2 on his server called Voodoo. (I own Voodoo Servers) Anyways, I take what he did very seriously and i'm not sure if he has tried to scam with my name yet.

    SooperPsycho: hey
    SooperPsycho: hows it going
    chazter18 [-VD-]: Please remove that from your profile
    SooperPsycho: Remove what
    chazter18 [-VD-]: That picture, of my deceased best friend.
    SooperPsycho: Thats my dog
    chazter18 [-VD-]: f✿✿✿ you.
    chazter18 [-VD-]: f✿✿✿ you and your friends. I hope you go die in hole.
    SooperPsycho has changed their name to Chazter18 [-VD-].
    Chazter18 [-VD-] (2): Chaz
    Chazter18 [-VD-] (2): Im you!
    chazter18 [-VD-]: That's wonderful.
    Chazter18 [-VD-] (2): You wanna play tf2
    chazter18 [-VD-]: Sure why not!
    Chazter18 [-VD-] (2): On my server called voodoo
    Chazter18 [-VD-] has changed their name to SooperPsycho.
    chazter18 [-VD-]: I'm so happy for you
    SooperPsycho: why
    chazter18 [-VD-]: Thank you for changing your profile back.
    chazter18 [-VD-]: Mabye you'll learn your lesson about harrasing other players.
    SooperPsycho has changed their name to Chazter18 [-VD-].
    Chazter18 [-VD-] (2): what were you saying
    chazter18 [-VD-]: Thanks tons for the screenshots
    chazter18 [-VD-]: I'm reporting you to SteamRep and Steam for impersonation of another player.
    Chazter18 [-VD-] has changed their name to SooperPsycho.
    chazter18 [-VD-]: Too bad
    chazter18 [-VD-]: I already have the screenshots
    SooperPsycho: Of what?
    chazter18 [-VD-]: You impersonating me.
    SooperPsycho: I was changing it because I didnt like the name
    SooperPsycho: but i like the dog
    SooperPsycho: cute
    chazter18 [-VD-]: Hah.
    SooperPsycho: Im gonna ban you on steam rep for telling me to go f*** myself, and telling me and my friends to go die in a hole
    SooperPsycho: brb
    chazter18 [-VD-]: k
    SooperPsycho: Ok reported
    SooperPsycho is now Away.
  2. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    It appears the impersonation was more trolling, though it was a full profile impersonation which would normally get him just a caution at best. However, he posted fake rep for himself on his profile. Now, he is welcome to appeal this as the fake repping himself appears troll-esque as well but two cautions in one report would be enough for a scammer tag. In addition he says he's going to "ban you on SteamRep" which he has no power to do (and in any event, we don't tag people for insulting other people). He definitely doesn't need to be playing around with not only full-profile impersonation of a trade community admin but also fake repping himself on his profile. I'm guessing he was hoping the fake rep would stay as your name and not change when he changed it, but that is pure conjecture on my part and does not play any role in why he was tagged.

    Anyway, he is marked now and thank you for the report. :)