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Accepted 76561198040125967 (SkeweR)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by CrazyTroll12©, Mar 28, 2013.

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  1. CrazyTroll12©

    CrazyTroll12© New User

    |steamID: CrazyTroll12©
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41040248[/B]
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042346224

    |steamID: SkeweR
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39930119
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040125967]
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/skewerskewer
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198040125967

    Screen shot #1: http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/8...4949938527.png
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    Screen shot #3: http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/8...4951330773.png
    Screen shot #4: http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4...4951600076.png
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    Screen shot #6: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/2...4951884242.png
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    Screen shot #8: http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/5817/13644952604839.png
    Screen shot #9: http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/204...4952880993.png

    He told that he will pay me 200$ from the steam beta market (wich is not possible) for my unusal hat, he also gave me a profile of faked middleman. He also told me that he is a "Steam market beta Permium user" and that he can send me money from it. I know that there is no such a thing.. I think i got all the proves that i need for that, if you need more informtion please tell me.

    SkeweR: Well
    SkeweR: 200$
    SkeweR: Is not cheap
    SkeweR: If you dont have money
    SkeweR: Ill give you the hat back
    CrazyTroll12©: I want to go Admin of sets there is the trade-so you do not cheat me and I am you
    SkeweR: I no cheat you
    SkeweR: Ok io have to go
    SkeweR: You give hat or what >
    SkeweR: Or i take 100 back
    SkeweR: 200*
    SkeweR: OK bye, i take 200 back (inlove)
    SkeweR: or you give hat
    SkeweR: bye
    SkeweR: Hey
    SkeweR: Im back with 1 week early [​IMG]
    SkeweR: Something happend and im not going now (inlove)
    SkeweR: So we can still do the deal from yesterday
    SkeweR: My dad puttd 500$ in his card and he said that all are mine
    SkeweR: So, i see that you are a good person and friend
    SkeweR: And im offering
    SkeweR: 200$ for the sober stuntman
    SkeweR: Im a reputaded trader, you can check my rep in my account
    CrazyTroll12©: ?
    SkeweR: Did you saw what i typed ? [​IMG]
    SkeweR: SkeweR: bye
    SkeweR: Hey
    SkeweR: Im back with 1 week early [​IMG]
    SkeweR: Something happend and im not going now (inlove)
    SkeweR: So we can still do the deal from yesterday
    SkeweR: My dad puttd 500$ in his card and he said that all are mine
    CrazyTroll12© is now Away.
    SkeweR: So, i see that you are a good person and friend
    SkeweR: And im offering
    SkeweR: 200$ for the sober stuntman
    SkeweR: Im a reputaded trader, you can check my rep in my account
    SkeweR: Well, do you want to make this deal ?
    SkeweR: (inlove)
    SkeweR: And then ill give you +rep though [​IMG]
    CrazyTroll12©: 200$ relly?
    SkeweR: Im not kidding
    SkeweR: My father
    SkeweR: Gave me 500$
    SkeweR: And ill give you 200 for the ha
    SkeweR: hat*
    SkeweR: Then with the other 300
    SkeweR: Ill buy another one [​IMG]
    SkeweR: But
    SkeweR: If you want the 200
    SkeweR: We have to be fair
    SkeweR: Right ?
    SkeweR: And i have the perfect idea for fair trade
    SkeweR: Well ?
    SkeweR: hello ?
    CrazyTroll12©: sec
    SkeweR: k
    CrazyTroll12©: 200$ for my unusal?
    SkeweR: Yes
    SkeweR: (inlove)
    CrazyTroll12©: how you give me the mony?
    SkeweR: Yesterday i told you
    SkeweR: From the TF2 - Community market, im premium user there
    SkeweR: And i can send money to anyone
    SkeweR: But
    SkeweR: If you want to be a fair trade
    SkeweR: Tell me
    SkeweR: Becouse i have a plan
    CrazyTroll12©: i fair treader
    SkeweR: Me too (inlove)
    CrazyTroll12©: sec plz
    SkeweR: Ok
    SkeweR: You can check my reputation, people love trading with me (inlove)
    CrazyTroll12©: you buy items from the market?
    SkeweR: Nope
    SkeweR: I cant buy items becouse i already putted the money
    SkeweR: For sending
    SkeweR: So i cant bu
    SkeweR: buy*
    SkeweR: I can only send
    CrazyTroll12©: sec
    SkeweR: ok
    SkeweR: Well ?
    CrazyTroll12©: i want to that
    CrazyTroll12©: but
    SkeweR: yes /?
    SkeweR: You dont trust me ?
    CrazyTroll12©: i want
    SkeweR: I bought most of my hats with money
    CrazyTroll12©: you say you will send me many in steam?
    SkeweR: Yep
    SkeweR: And i got cheated 15 times (angry)
    SkeweR: For money
    SkeweR: So you dont cheat yes ?
    CrazyTroll12©: i don't cheat
    SkeweR: Ok i believe you
    CrazyTroll12©: plz sec
    SkeweR: OK
    SkeweR: But do you trust me ?
    SkeweR: If you dont
    SkeweR: How can i proove you ?
    SkeweR: You ready ?
    CrazyTroll12©: sec
    SkeweR is now Online.
    SkeweR: My net died [​IMG]
    SkeweR: Ok so are you ready ?
    SkeweR is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    SkeweR: Ok you here ?
    SkeweR: SO we do the trade ?
    SkeweR: (inlove)
    CrazyTroll12©: i want but sec plz
    SkeweR: Dude cmon what sec
    SkeweR: you say sec and you go for 10 mins
    SkeweR: -.-
    SkeweR: What do you look so much
    CrazyTroll12©: I want you to have the money to my account through the sets
    SkeweR: Do you want to hear my idea ?
    CrazyTroll12©: yes
    SkeweR: Ok so we trade
    SkeweR: You put sober
    SkeweR: We press ready
    SkeweR: And
    SkeweR: Then
    SkeweR: When we press make trade, i press send
    SkeweR: And the money will be in your account for 10 minutes
    SkeweR: When you have to restart steam
    SkeweR: Is it ok ?
    SkeweR: (inlove)
    CrazyTroll12©: sec
    CrazyTroll12©: i want the many in me bank account
    SkeweR: Ok but when we press make trade
    SkeweR: Ill send
    CrazyTroll12©: when you send
    CrazyTroll12©: i give you the hat
    SkeweR: No when you give i send
    SkeweR: Becouse
    SkeweR: I got cheated
    SkeweR: 20 tiems
    SkeweR: Like this
    CrazyTroll12©: when i get the many
    SkeweR: And i dont want again
    SkeweR: When i get hat
    SkeweR: Its 200$ man
    SkeweR: I dont want to loose them
    SkeweR: And the hat is only 100$
    CrazyTroll12©: i don't loose my hat
    SkeweR: You wont
    SkeweR: I prommise
    SkeweR: If you dont get money
    CrazyTroll12©: so choose
    SkeweR: Ill give you hat back
    SkeweR: And the all stars
    SkeweR: I prommise
    SkeweR: Make video
    SkeweR: And pictures
    CrazyTroll12©: no when i get the mony
    SkeweR: I can give forum site
    SkeweR: Ok i have idea
    SkeweR: You put hat
    CrazyTroll12©: i want to go to admin of steam
    SkeweR: Ohhh
    SkeweR: I know how
    SkeweR: The TF2 Forum
    SkeweR: I can give link
    SkeweR: But listen
    SkeweR: Accept
    SkeweR: FOr sec
    You have accepted the trade request from SkeweR.
    SkeweR: Ahh my net is slow
    SkeweR: Can you go ingame ?
    CrazyTroll12©: why?
    SkeweR: It loads when you go ingame [​IMG]
    SkeweR: Ill get admin
    SkeweR: DOnt worry
    SkeweR had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    You have accepted the trade request from SkeweR.
    SkeweR: OK loaded
    SkeweR: So
    SkeweR: Im ready to send
    SkeweR: Ok put the hat
    SkeweR: Ok now
    SkeweR: Im ready to send money but first
    CrazyTroll12©: when the mony get me we do this
    SkeweR: Sorry man but that is 200$ and your hat is only 100$
    SkeweR: How can i provve that im now cheating ?
    SkeweR: And how can you proove that you are not cheating
    SkeweR: ?
    SkeweR: I lost 400$ once in trade
    SkeweR: I got cheated
    CrazyTroll12©: when i get the many
    SkeweR: For 400$ (angry)
    SkeweR: Sorry man
    SkeweR: When i get hat
    SkeweR: YOu will get money for 10 minutes
    SkeweR: I can make video
    SkeweR: And screenshots
    SkeweR: you make video too
    SkeweR: So if i cheat you
    SkeweR: You ban me
    CrazyTroll12©: I am an honest man when the money would get the hat
    SkeweR: look dude
    SkeweR: Everybody says
    SkeweR: Im not cheating
    SkeweR: But
    SkeweR: One day
    SkeweR: A guy sad that
    SkeweR: And he got 400$ from me
    SkeweR: My father grounded me for 1 year
    SkeweR: I dont want to happen again
    SkeweR: So
    SkeweR: Make videos
    SkeweR: Screenshots
    SkeweR: And if i cheat you
    SkeweR: you ban me
    SkeweR: And the admin
    SkeweR: Will get your hat back
    CrazyTroll12©: I am an honest man when the money would get the hat
    SkeweR: ...
    SkeweR: Do you listen to me ?
    CrazyTroll12©: we go to admin
    SkeweR: MAKE videos
    SkeweR: And show to admin
    SkeweR: CMon lets make deal
    CrazyTroll12©: we go to admin
    SkeweR: -.-
    SkeweR: Do you speak good english ?
    SkeweR: -.-
    SkeweR: You give hat and you get 200$ in your account
    CrazyTroll12©: no you give the mony when i get them we do trad
    SkeweR: Nope sorry
    SkeweR: Ok ill give you 300$
    SkeweR: If we do it now
    SkeweR: ?
    CrazyTroll12©: i told you
    CrazyTroll12©: when i get the many
    SkeweR: Well you dont want 300$ ?
    SkeweR: If you dont want 300 steam money i can give it to someone else
    CrazyTroll12©: i want
    SkeweR: IF you want
    SkeweR: Lets do it
    CrazyTroll12©: to get the mony first
    SkeweR: But if you dont want
    SkeweR: No man
    SkeweR: I got cheated
    SkeweR: for 400$
    SkeweR: I dont want again
    CrazyTroll12©: You know some people cheated with this exercise
    SkeweR: I know i got cheated for 400$
    SkeweR: And i dotn want again
    SkeweR: I will make a video of the trade
    SkeweR: You do too
    SkeweR: And if i run away
    SkeweR: And you dont have hte money
    SkeweR: You got to TF2 Forum
    SkeweR: Post the video
    SkeweR: And i get banned
    SkeweR: And admin gives you the hat back
    SkeweR: Thats the rules of trading
    SkeweR: And if you dont want the money
    SkeweR: Ok
    SkeweR: I buy from someone else (inlove)
    SkeweR: Hat first then money
    SkeweR: Thats t..
    Im very sorry for my bad english, if you didnt understand something please tell me and i will try to expline myself.

    Attached Files:

  2. CrazyTroll12©

    CrazyTroll12© New User

    There was a part in the code that wasnt supposed to be there, the part is: "Im very sorry for my bad english, if you didnt understand something please tell me and i will try to expline myself." Its need to be outside, also please fix that it will be from left to right.
  3. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Thank you. I have marked this thread as ready for review. A SteamRep admin will continue processing it shortly.
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