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Archived 76561198044530386 (kiminozo)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Totally Not A Bot, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Totally Not A Bot

    Totally Not A Bot New User

    steamID: kiminozo
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:42132329
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044530386
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/archemlove
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044530386


    Around a month ago I sold this person my scorching tower for 5.75 buds and the guy agreed he'd pay the other 4 buds later. Proof that I sold it to him and that it was from me: http://www.tf2items.com/item/1153857638. Proof that he'd pay 9.75 buds(I don't have chat proof but here is alternate proof of his offer and what he agreed to trade for the hat is what I received and another 4 buds): http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/4979420.
    Proof I only got 5.75 buds:
    Capture7.JPG Now he is saying he doesn't know what I'm talking about after I showed him the outpost trade and my steam inventory-backpack history image which is clearly a lie and he is then stating that the real reason for not trading me the 4 buds is because the hat is duped(don't get the wrong idea. I didn't misinform him but instead he didn't ask me whether it was duped or not).
  2. syperme

    syperme New User

    Just to alert you he is selling all his items for $ so probably cashing out. Soon.
  3. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report, an admin will investigate it shortly.
  4. kiminozo

    kiminozo New User

    Hello i'm kiminozo who totally not a bot insist scammer

    |steamID: kiminozo
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:42132329
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044530386
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/archemlove
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044530386


    I bought this unusual from totally not a bot(=Friendly Manvlch) on october 16 2012 .

    First , it is cleary duped hat . I search that unusual's history Just before i bought , then i find GalacticoO#med have this unusual in his inventory .

    i don't sell this hat to anyone but 2 weeks later assblaster have this unusual . he add me and say ' why this unusual in your inventory ?'

    i say 'cause it is duped hat . i don't know who is copier but clearly it is duped hat ' after heard that , he was very disappointed and thanks to me .


    When i offer on outpost , I did not even think it is duped hat , so i offer 8buds + bmoc + kring + all father .

    (Frankly , who search unusual's history when they offer ? Most people search history after their offer is accepted)

    anyway after few days , he add me and he said he sold that unusual to me .

    so i search it was duped or not . and it was duped .


    *** ref = 정제금속 , key = 열쇠 . it is korea language ***

    He say he didn't know it is duped hat , so we agreed that price (6buds = 4buds + bmoc + kringle + all father + 25ref + 3keys + 3 strange weapon .... at

    that time bmoc and chrismas item's price is Peak . bmoc is more expensive than buds and kringle , all father each 8keys and 5ref = 2keys . and that

    is all my Property . because my sourceop grade is low , so i can't buy anyone . but not now )

    Think about it , i know this unusual is duped , and we don't know each other .

    That is first day when we meet . who sell his unusual(10buds , if it is genuine) for only 6buds and later get 4buds ? Furthermore, we are tha dayt was the

    first time we meet . and who buy duped unusual for 10buds ?

    anyway 4 week later , he say to me he want 4buds . i did't understand why he act like that . and he say if i don't give 4buds , he will make me scammer .

    i can't give 4buds . it is just duped . why i have to give 4buds to him ?

    then he request refund . so i agree .


    This is today's trading log . i give unusual and he give me bmoc + 4buds + kringle + all fahter + 2key + 1ref (and i don't receive 25ref)

    i request 25ref but he ignore me Constantly . so i just give up .


    Now that unusual is in totally not a bot's inventory . i already don't have this unusual . i don't know why he bother me ... when you give me 25ref ??

    If i really want cheat him , i just delete him from friendlist and go away . but i don't act like that . i leave him friendlist until today .

    i really don't understand him ... he insist 4buds , i really don't hear about that .

    i am not scammer . i just buy duped unusual for cheap price (when i search unusual i constantly offer law-ball on outpost for cheap price . so many

    seller hate me)
  5. kiminozo

    kiminozo New User

    I give back that unusual already 2 month ago . i am just victim . he don't give me ref .
  6. kiminozo

    kiminozo New User

    We know each other that is duepd so we trade . then he say to me about 4buds . wth ? why i have to buy duped unusual for 10buds ? it isn't fair .
  7. kiminozo

    kiminozo New User

    He report this problem more 5times . and one thread is already solved . why am i scammer ???
  8. kiminozo

    kiminozo New User

    he agree about his fault . so he give back to me 20ref but he don't give back .
    i just lose my 20ref . and i dont have that unusual and don't sold . he want to refund , and i hate this duped , so i accept his refund .
  9. kiminozo

    kiminozo New User
