1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198046817406 (Vintage Cobra)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Shimmy!, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. Shimmy!

    Shimmy! New User

    Almost Victim
    Steamname: Blizzard ╰☆╮
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:53966733
    SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068199194
    CustomURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/XTGBlizzard
    Steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198068199194

    Possibly The Scammer
    teamname: Shiny sneakers
    teamID32: STEAM_0:1:63705947
    SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087677623
    Steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198087677623

    Scammer Imposter
    Steamname: Vintage Cobra
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:43275839
    SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046817406
    Steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046817406

    The Kind Gentleman That Got Impersonated
    Steamname: Vintage Cobra [sleeping]
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:12913087
    SteamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197986091903
    CustomURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/proevox
    Steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197986091903

    [ http://i.imgur.com/IecPwah.png ] <- Chat with "Vintage Cobra" #1
    [ http://imgur.com/gYghccr,wqtu4A5,IecPwah,PDj3eyT#3 ] <- Chat with "Vintage Cobra" #2
    [ http://imgur.com/gYghccr,wqtu4A5,IecPwah,PDj3eyT ] <- Chat with "Vintage Cobra" #3

    [ http://i.imgur.com/wqtu4A5.png ] <- Chat with the guy that wanted to buy.

    Chat ( With The Possible Scammer ):

    Shiny sneakers: the middleman said he was done or something
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: I checked steamrep, the middleman had no special reputation.
    Shiny sneakers: really i looked and he had rep
    Shiny sneakers: did you look on source op?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: If you want to do this, get a steamrep middleman
    Shiny sneakers: well your friend came budgging in so f✿✿✿ of wanker
    Shiny sneakers is now Offline.
    Chat ( With The Imposter ):

    Vintage Cobra: Hello
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Hello.
    Vintage Cobra: So
    Vintage Cobra: I hear you are in need of a middleman
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Yeah.
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Im kind of a first time money trader
    Vintage Cobra: I was at one point too
    Vintage Cobra is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Vintage Cobra: So
    Vintage Cobra: What is the trade may I ask?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: $280 for SF Flame, SF Amby, SF Grenade, And Blizz Brigade
    Vintage Cobra: Or is it private?
    Vintage Cobra: Nice deal you got there
    Vintage Cobra: He is paying you
    Vintage Cobra: Not me
    Vintage Cobra: Okay?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Yeah
    Vintage Cobra: We trade. You may ask for collateral incase you don't feel safe
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Collateral?
    Vintage Cobra: I will need your paypal info for this trade
    Vintage Cobra: Collateral is this. I give you the item. You take it until you get the money. Then once it goes through okay, you give me back the item
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Well, sorry if im new to this, but i started a paypal but i havent linked a credit card to it since i get mine tomorrow
    Vintage Cobra: THat is what collateral is
    Vintage Cobra: Okay
    Vintage Cobra: You do not need a credit card for paypal
    Vintage Cobra: The money will sit in your account
    Vintage Cobra: Untill you spend it
    Vintage Cobra: On Ebay or whatever s✿✿✿
    Vintage Cobra: Do you have the rundown?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Yeah
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Well my friend who has done paypal before tells me to send the money as a gift, Not sure what the difference is
    Vintage Cobra: Yeah. That means you can't charge back
    Vintage Cobra: We are paying all the fees
    Vintage Cobra: 280$ can get you far in this world
    Vintage Cobra: Thats like a PS3
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Yeah, but im kinda questioning it.
    Vintage Cobra: I understand
    Vintage Cobra: You know how this though right?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: How to trade for money, well no.
    Vintage Cobra: Ah
    Vintage Cobra: Lemme explain
    Vintage Cobra: So
    Vintage Cobra: I am a middleman
    Vintage Cobra: He is paying you
    Vintage Cobra: And Such
    Vintage Cobra: So
    Vintage Cobra: You got this?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: i think
    9:23 PM - Blizzard ╰☆╮: Blizzard ╰☆╮: i think so.
    Vintage Cobra: I will need your paypal info
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Its just the new trader worry.
    Vintage Cobra: Its okay
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Well what kind of info do you need?
    Vintage Cobra: The email assosiated with the paypal
    Vintage Cobra: NOT the password
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Of course.
    Vintage Cobra: Do NOT give that to anyone
    Vintage Cobra: EVER
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Let me dig up which one its under on. Why do i even have 5 emails
    Vintage Cobra: lol
    Vintage Cobra: I have 4
    Vintage Cobra: Tell me when we are ready?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Well my friend is kindof a safety gaurd. He told me that you're a steamrep moderator?
    Vintage Cobra: Yep
    Vintage Cobra: For BBG
    Vintage Cobra: Anymore questions?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Nope
    Vintage Cobra: Aight
    Vintage Cobra: I am still gonna need the Paypal Email
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Well One, In steamrep, you dont show a Reputation for a bbg middleman, and 2 arent middleman supposed to be public profiles.
    Vintage Cobra: Ah yes. 1 sec
    Vintage Cobra: Try now
    Vintage Cobra: I don't know if you could see the rep
    on my profil
    Vintage Cobra: profile*
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Well middlemans have a special symbol on steamrep, you don't, so i am questioning that
    Vintage Cobra: Okay. Is this a no go?
    Vintage Cobra: Abort?
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Abort
    Vintage Cobra: Okay
    Vintage Cobra: Sorry you guys couldn't make a trade
    Vintage Cobra: Have a good day
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Its alright
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: You too
    Vintage Cobra: Good Day
    Blizzard ╰☆╮: Good day
    Vintage Cobra is now Offline.
    Description : So yes I'm doing this report for my friend, and these two I thought were scammers because 1. The Vintage Cobra guy said he was a middleman of BBG, but the real Vintage Cobra is middleman for MCT.
    And yeah their profiles are on private and everything and the middleman blocked me. I told my friend it was suspicious because they overpaid by 4 times more then my friends backpack and they don't even have a official middleman. Someone please mark these bad people and keep them off the streets! I'll be checking this daily. Good day!
  2. Shimmy!

    Shimmy! New User

  3. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff
