1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Rejected 76561198048543665 TF2T Scammer (Vapour)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ๖ۣۜVapour, Oct 7, 2012.

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  1. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    Hello SR community and thank you for reading my appeal, I understand what I did was no better than what other scammers have done. And I realize im nothing superior than them as well, I am not proud for what I did and i've learned to accept that throughout the months of me not playing TF2. The incident happened last year and I took a long break from TF2 to kinda let things dim down and really give myself some time to decide if I should be accepted back into the TF2 community. I lost a lot of great friends do to the actions that took place and I can honestly say i'm sorry for what I did. I have no excuse for what I did, nor can I blame anyone else but myself. I was under an immense amount of pressure from work/family related issues and I thought I could help my family use the extra cash, I am not going to get into details or write you a SOB story or try to evade you from what I did.

    I have recently returned my face back into the TF2 community and started helping people out. I gave away my inventory of Unusuals and many other rare goodies (Worth around 300-450$) to players that were to poor to afford items in this degree and to good friends of mine that have never had the experience of owning a unusual. I am starting from scratch and am now working my way up in the market, but that can only be done if my ban is appealed. I am in good contact with the person I tried scamming and as of right now were on a good note (I apologized and admitted to my wrong-doings towards him numerous times) and play often.

    TF2 Trading was a huge hobby of mine. I love the atmosphere I was put into, the people I could talk to and connect with, and the overall community I was accepted into. Now that I am shunned from the community for what took place in the past, it saddens me knowing that I had so much potential to help a great community out but ruined it due to my selfish acts. During the scam I had many of the TF2T Admins on the line and were talking to them and the trader. The scam took place over 3-4 days, I never recieved the items because I told one of the admins what I was doing and knew it was wrong. I told him to mark me on SR and let me serve my time and take a few months off of TF2 so I could really think about what I was going to do from then and now on. Now that I have returned to the community I would really appreciate a second chance to really show you guys that I am not who you think I am. I dont care how long this process takes or how long it'll take for people to start trusting me again. I want to make amends for the past.

    All in all, I am 100% sorry for what I did and I can assure nothing of that sort will ever be trialed on my end again. I have learned my lesson and have really experienced a loss of good friends, a great trading community, servers, and many other factors. I hope we can work things out, even if my ban isnt lifted from the get-go I am willing to put in whatever it takes in orderto reach a ban-lift and hopefully extinguish what I caused. I am grateful knowing that you guys are willing to hear me out on this.
  2. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

  3. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    My guess is that you do not understand very well, and that what you did is somewhat worse that the escapades of other scammers.

    Let me refresh your mind a little.

    1: You not only attempted to scam "Crayola" who it turns out was trying to scam you, but also...
    2: You used the fact he is a very young kid who is not a logical thinker to your advantage.
    3: You took advantage by appealing to both EOJ and myself to intervene and determine who was guilty.
    4: EOJ and myself spent perhaps and hour or two voice chat cross-examining both of you
    5: EOJ wasted a lot of time referencing Paypal and banking info via Google to find a reason for the "problems" you lied about
    6: You also wasted the time of another Admin who held the items in question in his BP till the matter was resolved.
    7: Given you both eventually turned out to be scammers, the Admin was potentially at risk for holding tainted items.

    What SR does with your appeal is of course totally up to them, however I do not consider someone who was very actively trying to scam and taint someone (Crayola) who at the time was not tagged, and did so in voice chat using every trick and device known to man including overt tactics like "consternation", "disbelief", "exasperation" and the like to be something that can easily be overlooked.

    Trying to use the good offices of EOJ and myself to corner a young kid into a scam for fear of strong repercussions is what it boils down to, the fact you both turned out to be scammers is a moot point.

    Your perm ban on TF2-TRADER is just that permanent, and I urge SR to take care in considering lifting this appeal.
  4. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    And yes it was kinda like we had a gun to both of our heads. We were in the same state of mind and we were both trying to scam eachother so it's not like either of us are innocent in any way. But it's not like I had a plan of action and completely knew what I was doing, I was simply going with whatever I could think of at the time, and at that time all's I was thinking about was myself. All's im asking for im asking for is forgiveness and if that cant be established between the people I hurt than at least give me a chance to make things right with them. Thats all im asking.

    As I said I KNOW what I did was wrong. And it may have been a bit more far sighted and complex than "Trade me and lemme take your items" type of deal but a scam's a scam no matter the scam.

    Also I know you probably have some taken-in rage against me from all of that and I accept that because I put you through a lot of Bullsh*t that shouldnt have happened in the first place.
  5. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    I forgive you on a personal level, I do not hold grudges over such things, however I cannot support your appeal. It was not spur of the moment scam, and it involved many parties and wasted a lot of people's time. I even recall speaking to Helen about itfor quite some time whilst EOJ and myself were investigating you.

    Sorry but I consider your actions far too calculated to ever trust you in the community again.
  6. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    And I accept that. I can completely see why. And it didnt mean 'spur of the moment' I kinda meant I knew I was going to scam but had to course of action or really knew what I was doing next.
  7. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    Changed my name, just informing you guys so you dont think im trying to run from this or something
  8. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Well you can run but you can't hide in this game :)

    Seriously, just be patient, as you can see from all the mountains of reports, poor old Helen is buried in the damn things as usual. Good to point out the name change however.
  9. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    Oh i'm perfectly fine waiting, I simply wanted to inform people that I changed my name so it didnt look like I was trying to do something that looked suspicious. Im aware of the amount of time Helen has to put in for these damned appeals so I completely respect that
  10. The Scammer is the spy

    The Scammer is the spy New User

    But is it original not someone else?
  11. CubiZm

    CubiZm New User

    Helen doesn't handle appeals...
  12. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Oops sometimes I forget what section I am posting in :)

    She will have some input on this one I imagine with whoever handles it, since she was privy to the details at the time it transpired.
    CubiZm likes this.
  13. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    Yeah its Creatu[R]e but the "R" thats boxed in is backwards.
  14. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    It's been 5 months and still no reply from an Admin or anything, I understand the time it can take on appeals so I made another thread thats worded and formatted better. http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/sim-sr-scammer.25143/ You can close this thread if needed as the other one captures my situation and reasoning much better.
  15. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

  16. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    8 months and still not a single reply from an admin. f✿✿✿ this im done waiting
  17. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Based on this thread, I'm sorry, but this appeal is denied. We don't do second chances-- SR's mission is to flag accounts that have scammed and then to ban them. The extent of your fraud is bigger than most, and there's simply no way to grant an appeal for your status. Sorry, we have to uphold our policy for the benefit of the community and keep the committers of fraud off of their servers.

    Sorry for the delays.
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