1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Need More Info 76561198052176680 - (vaah and Kairi / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Melanie, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Melanie

    Melanie New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198052176680 (vaah and Kairi)

    Victim profile: 76561198066529174

    What happened? Description:
    A girl added me asking for some keys and my unusual paying by paypal,she offered U$220,00.She sayd: "I only do trades with middleman",it's OK for me,she searched a middleman, sayd he was a outpost programmer and SKIAL admin,but I don't checked this,I'm sorry.I just want my items back and this people trade banned​

    Provide Evidence:
    Kairi entered chat.
    Kairi: olá olá
    drums: oe
    vaaah: oip
    vaaah: pera
    vaaah: deixa eu trancar o chat
    The chat room has been locked by vaaah.
    Kairi: só um aviso antes de algo
    Kairi: meu portugues é falho
    Kairi: eu sou de portugal
    drums: no problem mate :)
    Kairi: e estudei em uma universidade no brasil
    vaaah: sem problemas amigo
    drums: se você quiser falar em inglês está OK
    Kairi: deseja que eu grave todo o processo ?
    drums: se possivel,sim
    Kairi: não não eu vou exercitar meu portugues
    vaaah: sim sim
    Kairi: 1 momento
    Kairi: pronto vamos la
    vaaah: :)
    Kairi: como vai ser pessoal ?
    drums: esta é minha primeira transação pelo paypal
    drums: só avisando
    vaaah: eu vou comprar via paypal 51 chaves e um hat unusual
    drums: vix
    drums: fiz as contas corretamente
    drums: faça se quiser
    Kairi: qual vai ser o preço a ser cobrado ?
    drums: 2,42*51
    drums: deu 123,42
    drums: bom
    vaaah: e quanto vai dar tudo ?
    drums: vou arredondar pra 400
    drums: vai dar
    drums: uns
    drums: 40.6
    drums: 406
    vaaah: vou ver se eu tenho esse saldo
    vaaah: 1 momento
    Kairi: OK !
    drums: 123,42
    vaaah: quanto tudo ?
    drums: to fazendo contas aki
    drums: n liga
    drums: 407,21
    drums: arredondo pra 400
    vaaah: eu estou falando em dollares
    drums: em dólares
    drums: xove
    drums: each key
    drums: 2 dólares
    vaaah: o valor total em dollar por favor :>
    drums: 51 keys=102 dólares
    drums: +117,27
    drums: 219
    drums: se arredondar da 220
    vaaah: beleza
    vaaah: bom eu pago 220
    Kairi: 220 pelos itens citados ? todos de acordo ?
    vaaah: sim
    drums: sim
    vaaah: como prova de boa fé
    vaaah: aqui vai o link do meu saldo http://i.imgur.com/BRYULz8.png
    drums: meu saldo é 00
    drums: hehe
    Kairi: podemos proceder para a proxima parte ?
    vaaah: sim
    drums: Sim
    Kairi: drums estas de acordo ?
    Kairi: ok !
    drums: Sim.
    Kairi: sabe como funciona correto ?
    vaaah: sim
    drums: eu te dou os itens e ela recebe depois que pagar
    drums: ?
    Kairi: sim
    vaaah: sim
    drums: OK
    drums: Te mandei friend request
    Kairi: acceptado
    drums: :)
    vaaah: qual é o seu e-mail do paypal ?
    drums: [email protected]
    Kairi: o efeito é miami nights ?
    vaaah: sim
    Kairi: nível 79
    vaaah: eu acho que sim eu nao vi
    vaaah: mas é este mesmo
    drums: sim
    Kairi: itens recebidos
    Kairi: vaaah faça o pagamento
    vaaah: ok !
    vaaah: é este e-mail mesmo ? ta tudo certinho?
    vaaah: nao tem como reembolsar dps !
    drums: só um momento
    drums: vou confirmar o email
    drums: se é ele msm
    drums: [email protected]
    drums: é esse msm
    vaaah: ok !
    vaaah: irei efeituar o pagamento
    Kairi: ok ! estamos aguardando
    drums: :)
    Kairi: a troca esta sendo gravada
    vaaah: okay
    vaaah: pagamento efetuado
    Kairi: peço que me mande um print do recebimento drums
    drums: não recebi nada.
    drums: bom
    drums: vou ver
    drums: dnv
    Kairi: cheque o e-mail
    Kairi: la notifica
    Kairi disconnected.
    vaaah disconnected.
    Translation :
    Kairi Entered chat .
    Kairi : hello hello
    drums : oe
    vaaah : oip
    vaaah : Pear
    vaaah : let me lock the chat
    The chat room has been locked by vaaah .
    Kairi : just a warning before something
    Kairi : My Portuguese is flawed
    Kairi : I'm from Portugal
    drums : no problem mate :)
    Kairi : and studied at a university in Brazil
    vaaah : no problem friend
    drums : if you want to speak in English is OK
    Kairi : I want to record the whole process ?
    drums : if possible , rather
    Kairi : no no I will exercise my Portuguese
    vaaah : yes yes
    Kairi : 1 time
    Kairi : ready come on
    vaaah : ( :
    Kairi : as will be personal ?
    drums : this is my first transaction by paypal
    drums : just warning
    vaaah : I'll buy via paypal 51 keys and a unusual hat
    drums : vix
    drums : did the math correctly
    drums : if you want to make
    Kairi : what will be the price to be charged ?
    drums : 2.42 * 51
    drums : 123,42 gave
    drums : good
    vaaah : and how everything will be ?
    drums : 'll round to 400
    drums : will give
    drums : a
    drums : 40.6
    drums : 406
    vaaah : I'll see if I have this balance
    vaaah : 1 time
    Kairi : OK !
    drums : 123,42
    vaaah : as everything?
    drums : 'm doing aki accounts
    drums : No league
    drums : 407.21
    drums : arredondo to 400
    vaaah : I'm talking about dollares
    drums : dollar
    drums : xove
    drums : each key
    drums : $ 2
    vaaah , the total dollar value please : >
    drums : 51 keys = $ 102
    drums : +117.27
    drums : 219
    drums : rounding of 220
    vaaah : Beauty
    vaaah : Well I paid 220
    Kairi : 220 for the items mentioned ? all agree ?
    vaaah : yes
    drums : yes
    vaaah : as evidence of good faith
    vaaah : here's the link of my balance http://i.imgur.com/BRYULz8.png
    drums : my balance is 00
    drums : hehe
    Kairi : we can proceed to the next part ?
    vaaah : yes
    drums : Yes
    Kairi : these drums you agree?
    Kairi : ok !
    drums : Yes
    Kairi : know how it works right ?
    vaaah : yes
    drums : I give you the items and then she gets to pay
    drums :
    Kairi : yes
    vaaah : yes
    drums : OK
    drums : Sent you friend request
    Kairi : accepted
    drums :: )
    vaaah : what is your paypal email ?
    drums : e.fernandespereira @ hotmail.com
    Kairi : the effect is miami nights ?
    vaaah : yes
    Kairi : level 79
    vaaah : I think so I have not seen
    vaaah : but it is this same
    drums : yes
    Kairi : items received
    Kairi : vaaah make payment
    vaaah : ok !
    vaaah : is this same email ? ta everything right ?
    vaaah : do not have to repay later !
    drums : one moment
    drums : I will confirm the email
    drums : if he is same
    drums : e.fernandespereira @ hotmail.com
    drums : this is same
    vaaah : ok !
    vaaah : 'll do payment
    Kairi : ok ! we are waiting
    drums :: )
    Kairi : the exchange is being recorded
    vaaah : okay
    vaaah : payment for
    Kairi : I ask you to send me a print of the receipt drums
    drums : not received anything .
    drums : good
    drums : 'll see
    drums : again
    Kairi : check e- mail
    Kairi : it notifies
    Kairi disconnected .
    vaaah disconnected .​

    Attached Files:

  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Do you have screenshots of that chat?
  3. Melanie

    Melanie New User

    Yes,I have
  4. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please post them, along with your trading history and paypal history.
  5. Melanie

    Melanie New User


    Attached Files:

  6. Melanie

    Melanie New User

    It's in portuguese.

    Attached Files:

  7. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please give uncropped trading history.
  8. Melanie

    Melanie New User


    Attached Files:

  9. Sweet Potato

    Sweet Potato New User

    Holy s✿✿✿ This person added me regarding to my steam outpost trade TODAY and when i showed this person this incident again happened today he/she went offline right away
  10. Sweet Potato

    Sweet Potato New User

    and the unusual desert marauder!!! he offered me it and i took the offer i checked the item history (just to see if it is duped) but he/she's inventory is private then i checked this person's account on steamrep right away and it took me here! The money scammers name that offered me the marauder is "Kairi"
    I have NO connection with the "vaah" person
  11. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    That would work!
    An SR admin will review this in a while!
    Melanie likes this.
  12. Melanie

    Melanie New User

  13. Melanie

    Melanie New User

  14. Melanie

    Melanie New User

  15. Lariz0rd

    Lariz0rd New User

    I found the unusual in a search for Drums. I report to Outpost the user (and the alts) and now they are all banned.

    PS: whysopootato banned for phishing, kairi/vaah for private bp and now ilovemudkips for selling stoled item.

    Attached Files:

  16. It's pretty f✿✿✿✿✿✿ hilarious because I never did a paypal trade with drums I offered a steaming modest for that unusual + whysopootato who was phished before but got his account back because of Steam Support is my friend who can't be unbanned from outpost for unknown reasons, I lend him my unusuals so he can sell them for me, thanks accusers + drums who blamed it on me when I NEVER made a paypal transaction from the start of TF2, thanks community.

    Attached Files:

  17. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    you will have to provide the whole page, overlapping the trades from February 3rd and february 4th 2014. The time of the trade was hours before your first trade shown in that image.

    Useless, whatever account it was, its no longer to be found on that link.


    Please complete the following steps, exactly as written, in order:

    1. Go to your trade history from in your web browser. https://steamcommunity.com/my/inventoryhistory
    2. Scroll down to the trade in question. It may be on a different page, but that's fine; just open the page which has this particular trade.
    3. Hover your mouse over the name of the person who received your item(s).
    4. With your mouse still over the name from step 3, take a full, uncropped screenshot, and save it to your desktop without making any edits.
    5. Right-click the name of the person who received your item(s) from the trade history page, and select Copy Link Address (Chrome), Copy Link Location (Firefox), or Copy shortcut (Internet Explorer).
    6. Go to SteamRep.com and paste that link into the Search field. If a warning opens up (which may or may not happen), click "I understand".
    7. Copy and Paste the full text from the box below the profile picture that comes up into your next reply. You can click the "Copy Info" button on the SteamRep profile page from step 6.
    8. Upload your screenshot from step 4 as an attachment.
    9. Post your reply, including both step 7 and 8.
    Do NOT paste links that look like this: https://steamcommunity.com/id/mattie because those links can change, and they are not easily searchable.

    Do NOT look up the accused's profile from the admin/middleman lists, or from any other website. We need you to provide the link exactly as it comes up following the instructions above.
    Do include the full SteamRep block derived from the Steam community URL.