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Accepted 76561198055968309 (ImMeAndUrNot / GamerEnt)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by rikker_ [/r/SGS], Sep 2, 2012.

  1. rikker_ [/r/SGS]

    rikker_ [/r/SGS] New User

    steamID: Sayonara No Tsubasa†
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:15642073
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197991549875
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197991549875

    steamID: dubi3smok3r69420XDtroloolol
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:47851290
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055968309
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ImMeAndUrNot
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198055968309

    I am a moderator at /r/SteamGameSwap on Reddit, and reporting this scam on behalf of one of our users. Unfortunately due to the drawn out nature of the scam no chatlogs between the users were saved, but the original trade thread that resulted in the scam exists, although the scammer deleted his Reddit account.

    Original Reddit thread (the account [deleted] was formerly GamerEnt, the scammer): http://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSw..._w_a_kind_soul_to_purchase_dishonored_for_me/

    PSA thread created by the victim with his version of the story: http://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/z51m1/psa_ive_paid_for_my_kindness_to_an_internet/

    Email exchange between victim and GMG representative: http://imgur.com/a/IGXor
    Scammer's profile shortly after the victim noticed his account was hijacked (scammer still had me on his friends list when details were beginning to unfold): http://i.imgur.com/njNMe.png
    Steam profile a little while later (scammer blocked me, made his profile private, changed his nickname again): http://i.imgur.com/Pmm8n.png

    The scammer had been trading on SGS for the past 4-5 weeks under the Reddit username GamerEnt. Prior to the scam he had more than 10 trades, all apparently legitimate. He had received blue flair for having 5+ confirmed trades, and even applied for red but was denied due to his young Reddit account age. I am certain, by way of his flair requests to the SGS moderator inbox, that the Reddit account involved in the scam was owned by the same person who owned this Steam profile.

    Six days ago the scammer posted the trade offer linked above, claiming to be a few dollars short of the amount he needed to purchase a Dishonored pre-order. The victim agreed to assist him, made the purchase, but since the game was a pre-order, scammer wanted assurance the game had been purchased for him. Scammer managed to convince victim to provide his GMG account login credentials to scammer, temporarily changing his password, in order to allow scammer simply to log in to confirm the game had been ordered.

    After a series of excuses about why payment of the money would be delayed, victim discovered today that scammer had in fact hijacked the GMG account by changing the email address and password associated with the account. (The account has since been locked by GMG and the pre-order refunded, though all of victim's other GMG games have been lost as collateral damage in the scam.)

    (See above for the screenshot of email exchange between victim and GMG representative.)

    Scammer deleted his Reddit account in an attempt to cover his tracks, and after an SGS user discovered another Reddit account (ImMeAndUrNot) and posted proof they belonged to the same Steam user, he also deleted that account shortly thereafter. Scammer did not respond to multiple attempts I made to contact him on Steam in an effort to give him a chance to explain his side of the story or make the situation right, and has now made his profile private

    (See above for links showing his Steam profile shortly after the victim noticed his account was hijacked, when the scammer still had me on his friends list, and then a few minutes after the PSA was posted, and scammer caught wind he had bee discovered.)

    I realize this is an unconventional report with imperfect evidence, and perhaps outside the purview of Steamrep, but if at all possible this Steam user needs to be marked as a scammer for carrying out not just a scam on a big-ticket game but for hijacking an entire account through social engineering.