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Accepted 76561198057008529 (Sun Light *)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Bus, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Bus

    Bus New User

    steamID: Saber Toothed Bus
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:18338992
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996943712
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/skabus
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197996943712

    steamID: Sun Light *
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:48371400
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057008529
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198057008529


    He's clearly a moron trying to scam one of my unusuals. He never even said which hat he wanted to scam. Hasn't even blocked me yet, he's still desperately trying.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saber Toothed Bus: hi
    Sun Light * is now Online.
    Sun Light *: hi
    Sun Light *: do you have unusual
    Saber Toothed Bus: Yes, I do.
    Sun Light *: let me see it
    Saber Toothed Bus: you can look at my inventory.
    Sun Light *: my friend intereser unusual for 4 buds
    Saber Toothed Bus: why didn't he add me?
    Saber Toothed Bus: all of my unusuals are worth more than 4 buds, too.
    Sun Light *: do you have unususal for 4 buds
    Saber Toothed Bus: who is your friend?
    Sun Light *: friend
    Sun Light *: i have idea
    Sun Light *: you give me unusual i will trade that for 5 buds , give you 4 buds and 1 bud get mysel , and i am happy
    Saber Toothed Bus: who are you going to trade it to?
    Sun Light *: no
    Sun Light *: lisen
    Sun Light *: please help me
    Sun Light *: i need 1 bud
    Sun Light *: lisen ,
    Sun Light *: you give me unusual , and i want trade for 5 buds ,(my friend intereset , and he will tyrade this unusual for 5 bud) and aften 2 minutes i give you back 4 buds , and get 1 bud myself
    Saber Toothed Bus: sounds legit.
    Saber Toothed Bus: Who are you going to trade it to?
    Sun Light *: yes
    Saber Toothed Bus: what is their name?
    Sun Light *: why?
    Saber Toothed Bus: how do I know you're not going to run off with my unusual?
    Saber Toothed Bus: you dont even know which hat it is.
    Sun Light *: this is my frien and he , want buying unusual from me to 5 sounds
    Sun Light *: and i will give you 4 sounds
    Sun Light *: and get myself 1
    Saber Toothed Bus: who is your friend?
    Sun Light *: fried
    Saber Toothed Bus: what is his account?
    Saber Toothed Bus: link me his steam account
    Sun Light *: no
    Sun Light *: but you trade and give you 5 buds
    Sun Light *: but i need 1 bud
    Saber Toothed Bus: I promise I won't trade it to them.
    Saber Toothed Bus: but I need to know who you're trading it to.
    Sun Light *: bro
    Sun Light *: lisen
    Sun Light *: you give me unusual , and aften 2 minutes i give you 4 buds
    Saber Toothed Bus: and I need to know who has those buds.
    Sun Light *: wait
    Sun Light *: my friend is rich and he have a buds
    Sun Light *: you need 4 buds
    Sun Light *: ?
    Saber Toothed Bus: you need to tell me who your friend is.
    Sun Light *: naham
    Sun Light *: you dont give 1 bud me
    Sun Light *: i not sure
    Saber Toothed Bus: what does that mean?
    Sun Light *: and my friend buyin unusual only from me
    Sun Light *: you need 4 buds?
    Saber Toothed Bus: sure
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: trade
    Sun Light *: give unusual a
    Saber Toothed Bus: but I need to know that these buds exist
    Sun Light *: bro
    Sun Light *: yes he exist
    Sun Light *: you need or no
    Saber Toothed Bus: how can I take your word?
    Sun Light *: bro
    Sun Light *: Believe me, I'm a good person, rather than the other
    Sun Light *: bro
    Sun Light *: trade
    Sun Light *: you give 4 buds
    Sun Light *: and you help me
    Sun Light *: i get mysel 1 BUD
    Sun Light *: Then you will be a very good person
    Saber Toothed Bus: i see your dilemma
    Sun Light *: and?
    Saber Toothed Bus: and I am concerned about just giving you my hat.
    Sun Light *: no
    Sun Light *: i need 1 bud because my firs accaunt is crack
    Saber Toothed Bus: crack?
    Sun Light *: my first account was been hacked
    Sun Light *: and this is my new account
    Saber Toothed Bus: that's unfortunate
    Saber Toothed Bus: what was your first account?
    Sun Light *: i have a wry godd premium account
    Sun Light *: and he was been hacked
    Saber Toothed Bus: wry godd premium?
    Sun Light *: yes
    Saber Toothed Bus: what is that?
    Sun Light *: and this is my new account , and so i need 1 bud
    Sun Light *: please help
    Sun Light *: ;D
    Sun Light *: I'll swear that I will give you 4 buds back
    Saber Toothed Bus: who has the buds now?
    Sun Light *: my friend
    Saber Toothed Bus: see, I looked at your friends list, though. It's not very large. And none of them have buds.
    Sun Light *: why?
    Sun Light *: ffried have
    Saber Toothed Bus: which friend?
    Sun Light *: yes
    Saber Toothed Bus: You only have 5 people on your friends list, and none of them have buds
    Saber Toothed Bus: WHO has the buds?
    Sun Light *: 5?
    Sun Light *: wtf
    Sun Light *: 7
    Saber Toothed Bus: WHO has them
    Sun Light *: i have a 7 friend
    Sun Light *: i have 7 friend
    Saber Toothed Bus: you have 5 people on your friends list. Not 7.
    Saber Toothed Bus: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057008529/friends/
    Saber Toothed Bus: these are your friends
    Saber Toothed Bus: none of them have buds
    Sun Light *: 7
    Sun Light *: wtf
    Sun Light *: you see 5?
    Saber Toothed Bus: yes, I do.
    Sun Light *: but i have 7 friend bro
    Sun Light *: ;DD
    Saber Toothed Bus: then link me to whoever is on your list that I can't see.
    Saber Toothed Bus: you can't hide friends on steam.
    Sun Light *: wtf?
    Sun Light *: restart your steam and see again
    Saber Toothed Bus: it shows up instantly.
    Saber Toothed Bus: you can just link the other friends if they're there.
    Sun Light *: i dont now
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: trade
    Saber Toothed Bus: I see Goodlike, Mister Really Sexy, CheckThatStyle, Russian Partizan, and me.
    Saber Toothed Bus: who else is there?
    Sun Light *: FrieD, Spire Spy<3 unusual
    Saber Toothed Bus: link their profiles
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: trade or no
    Saber Toothed Bus: if i feel like you aren't going to run with it
    Sun Light *: aften 5 minutes my friend go offline
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: give unusual , and wait 2-3 minutes and i will give you back 4 buds
    Saber Toothed Bus: but you aren't friends with anyone with buds
    Sun Light *: fried have A BUDS BRO!
    Saber Toothed Bus: you aren't friends with him.
    Saber Toothed Bus: I asked a friend to look at your profile, it doesn't show him either. You have 5 friends on steam
    Sun Light *: GIVE ME f✿✿✿✿✿✿ UNUSUAL
    Saber Toothed Bus: so you can scam me?
    Sun Light *: OK
    Sun Light *: GO f✿✿✿
    Saber Toothed Bus: by the way I'm reporting this to steamrep
    Saber Toothed Bus: you're clearly a scammer
    Sun Light *: go f✿✿✿
    Sun Light *: i have a 7 friend
    Saber Toothed Bus: you won't link the profile of your 'friend' with buds anywaus
    Sun Light *: you are stupid
    Sun Light *: i have a 7 friend
    Saber Toothed Bus: clearly i'm too stupid to fall for your scam
    Sun Light *: ok
    Saber Toothed Bus: link the profiles of the two I can't see then.
    Sun Light *: you need 4 buds or no?
    Saber Toothed Bus: so I trade you the hat
    Saber Toothed Bus: and then you log off
    Saber Toothed Bus: and I never see my hat again.
    Saber Toothed Bus: do you think I'm this stupid?
    Sun Light *: eh
    Sun Light *: you are stupid
    Sun Light *: i give you back
    Saber Toothed Bus: you haven't given me any proof that these buds exist or that there is any friend with buds.
    Sun Light *: i donw want a ban on trade
    Sun Light *: give me unusual
    Sun Light *: and wait
    Saber Toothed Bus: you are going to be a marked steamrep scammer if you don't give me some evidence.
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: give unusual and wait aften minutes
    Sun Light *: will give you back 4 buds
    Saber Toothed Bus: Why would I just GIVE you a $120 hat
    Sun Light *: i now
    Sun Light *: but i will give you back 4 buds
    Sun Light *: 4 buds - 200 euro
    Sun Light *: trade or no
    Sun Light *: ?
    Sun Light *: lise
    Sun Light *: bro
    Sun Light *: you give me unusual ,and i want trade this for 5 buds and give you 4 buds , and get myself 1 bud
    Saber Toothed Bus: PROVE that the 5 buds exist.
    Saber Toothed Bus: You are just trying to scam me, and poorly at that.
    Saber Toothed Bus: show me the profile of the person with the buds.
    Sun Light *: look in my friend lis
    Sun Light *: fried have
    Saber Toothed Bus: your friend is nonexistant
    Saber Toothed Bus: who is your friend? link his profile.
    Saber Toothed Bus: you're seriously the worst scammer I've seen
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: wait
    Sun Light *: i dont noe
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: trade or no
    Sun Light *: bbro?
    Saber Toothed Bus: you dont know who you're going to trade to
    Saber Toothed Bus: jesus you're a terrible scammer
    Sun Light *: i not scammer
    Sun Light *: you yourself will see that I all I will put you back
    Saber Toothed Bus: there is no chance of me trading to you for the promise of you giving me buds later, especially from someone who doesnt exist.
    Sun Light *: youa re stupid
    Sun Light *: go f✿✿✿
    Sun Light *: you can not even help me out
    Sun Light *: For me it need a buds
    Sun Light *: bro
    Sun Light *: belive me
    Sun Light *: give unusual and wait 1- 2 minutes
    Sun Light *: i will give u back 4 buds
  2. Bus

    Bus New User

    And he finally finished and removed me. (warning, racial slurs)


    Sun Light *: i will give u back 4 buds
    Sun Light *: and get 1 myself
    Sun Light *: hwwt
    Sun Light *: you here?
    Saber Toothed Bus: I am
    Saber Toothed Bus: hey look you're famous
    Saber Toothed Bus: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/attempted-scam-76561198057008529-sun-light.8511/
    Sun Light *: and
    Saber Toothed Bus: last chance to prove that you're not trying to scam me
    Saber Toothed Bus: either show me where the buds are coming from right now, or we're done here.
    Saber Toothed Bus: and I know you won't, because there isn't any friend with buds
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: give me unusual
    Sun Light *: or no?
    Sun Light *: ok
    Sun Light *: god buy
    Sun Light *: f✿✿✿in ✿✿✿✿✿✿
    Sun Light * is now Offline.
  3. Bacon

    Bacon Retired Staff Partner Community

    Thank you for your report. A steamrep admin will look at this shortly.
  4. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Tagged. Thanks for the report.