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Accepted 76561198059940290 (Koolaid1760)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Nex_Dragon, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Nex_Dragon

    Nex_Dragon Caution on SteamRep

    Hello Steamrep,
    Victim (me)
    steamID: Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33677210
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027620149
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198027620149

    steamID: (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49837281
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059940290
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059940290

    Picture 1.JPG Picture 2.JPG Picture 3.JPG
    Koolaid1760, approached me in a tf2 server at about 4 am, asking anyone if they would like to do a machinima video with him and his friends about a bank robbery or something. I thought it would be a cool way to pass the time so I told him I would. He said that I would have to gather a few items for him to be in it, and his "friends" were as well. About 2 days later he came to me asking for the items, I gave them to him and told him I was going to bed, he then un-added me and blocked me on Steam.
    I have me approaching him on steam on a sanboxed account on video if you guys need it, he deleted alot of my comments and declined the friend request there.
    I do not have the first chat pictured that we had in the trade, but I did copy and paste it to a word document, posted below.
    Trade chat
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Hey m8 05:31:33
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: u wanna be on a machinma vid that me and my friendsare making? 05:31:56
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Sure, how can I help? 05:32:13
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: i need too ask u a couple of questions? 05:32:30
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Ok, go ahead. 05:32:40
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: can u read a script well? 05:32:44
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: I indeed can. 05:32:51
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: do you have a mic 05:32:57
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Yes I do. 05:33:07
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: do you work well with others 05:33:18
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Indeed. 05:33:25
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: will you be raging and being a douche? 05:33:57
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Lol, no. XD 05:34:05
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: good 05:34:09
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: how old are u? 05:34:24
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: 15 years of age. 05:34:38
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: good 05:34:45
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok this is wat the vid is about 05:35:04
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: its about a bank robbery and the robbers are comeplete ✿✿✿✿✿✿s 05:35:44
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: m'kay 05:35:58
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: its a 3 min video 05:36:04
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: but were low on items 05:36:14
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: we need ur help with some items 05:36:23
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: What do you mean? 05:36:53
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Like, tf2 items? 05:37:01
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: we didnt have the good items for a vid 05:37:32
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: yes 05:37:35
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Ok? Items such as what? 05:37:53
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: the new scout knife 05:38:26
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: and 05:38:47
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: atomic bonk punch 05:39:24
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Thats easy, I can get that 05:39:36
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: 5 pretty boyspocket 05:39:55
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: pistol 05:39:59
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Ok, and I also trust that the other participants will also help contribute? 05:40:37
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: tomslav 05:40:40
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: yes 05:40:47
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: and a fedora 05:41:05
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ill be playing the robber wich he is a spy 05:41:20
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: ok, I'm also going to warn you that I'm getting your steam thing down, I don't want to provide hats or expensive weapons because of the simple fact of, I just met you. 05:41:28
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok 05:41:54
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: I'll be able to get the pocket pistols and the tomislav easy, but I wont provide the rest 05:42:37
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok 05:42:46
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: will u be able to get the sapper? 05:42:54
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: I will not, seeing as it prices over a ref. 05:43:03
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok 05:43:12
    ((Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ill be getting the fedora cause i kknow afriend who has 1 05:43:29
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: ok. :) Add me, and we can talk about ti further tommro 05:43:43
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: tommrow* 05:43:45
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: i have afriend who scrap bacnks alot 05:43:55
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: and hes a map maker too 05:44:05
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: alright 05:44:06
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: cool. :) 05:44:11
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok 05:44:20
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ur goal is the tomslav pistols and the sapper 05:44:35
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: mine the fedora and the knife 05:44:45
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: I cant get the sapper, like I said, it prices over a ref 05:44:54
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: really? 05:45:03
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Yeah, like I said, I just met you 05:45:17
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: im planning on crafting the knife 05:45:39
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: do you have some mad milk 05:45:50
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: I just ran out 05:45:57
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: darn 05:46:04
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: But just to confirm for the secondt time, I will receve the items that I contributed back, correct? 05:46:15
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: yes 05:46:23
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: the map is being created 05:46:37
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Alright, add me adn we'll discuss further tommrow 05:46:54
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: really quickly im going to check out the recipe for the knife 05:47:04
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok 05:47:09 

    //The second chat we had, as seen in the photo's \\

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: did you get the supplies for the machinima?
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: I can get it right now
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: 5 pocket pistols and a tomislav
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: can u get them right now please
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: yup
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: k
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: only take me a few mins
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: k
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: the map is going to be done in 2 more days
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: im getting the correct mods and textures
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: recruitment is almost comeplete
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: and i still havent gotten the spy sapper or scout knife yet xD
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: its very hrd too find someone with them xD
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760 is now Away.
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Now, before I get them, listen, if I see that this is a scam, I will report you to steam, I have saved chat logs, your steam profile status in servers and your steam profile link if this is a scam, I'm gonna report this to valve, alright?
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: If it is and you say it is and have me walk away, nothing will be done.
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760 is now Online.
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: it is not a scam
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: So what will be my job in the machina?
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: u will be playing a cop
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: chieftan
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Yesh.  :3
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: who also is a crappy neigochiater and thinks hes epic at it
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Alright, here we go
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: k
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: you keep one pistol
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: cause ull be a scout
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760 has accepted your request to trade.
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: k
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: im going 2 give these too the other random cops in the scenes
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: ok
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: May I have their names?
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: steam names?
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Yes
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: k w8
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: i havnt got all the cops but i got a couple
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: they arnt on right now but friend them
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: Yu Narukami
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: infectedchaos
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: ok, thanks
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: and Nightdash
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: tell them that ur in on the machinima
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: m'kay
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: lol
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: do you mind if you get 3 more items
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: I may need time to get, I'm low on items
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: What items?
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: the cappos capper
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: the big earner
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: and a
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: No way, I'm not gonna get ahts, weps, fine but not hats / miscs / tools
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok..
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: well can u get a big earner and a
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: eurika effect
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: ok.
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: Remember, I'll be getting these back later.
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: k
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: have them
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: nice
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760 has accepted your request to trade.
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: nice
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ill give this too infected
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: thanks, I don't think I'll get anything else.
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: cause hes an engineer who does a quick escape when the robbery accurs
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: ok
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: saving chat, headed to bed
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: the map will be done in 2 days
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: k
    Irken Invader : Nex_Dragon: k, night
    (Green Hoovy)koolaid1760: night 
  2. Nex_Dragon

    Nex_Dragon Caution on SteamRep

    Sorry, I forgot the trade logs, I can get them for you guys if you need me too.
  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Please post screenshots of your inventory history showing the items lost and not recovered. Thank you for the report. :)
  4. Nex_Dragon

    Nex_Dragon Caution on SteamRep

    Here ya go
    Picture 4.JPG
  5. Nex_Dragon

    Nex_Dragon Caution on SteamRep

    Anything else you need for proof?
  6. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Thanks for the report. Marking now.
    Nex_Dragon likes this.