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Accepted 76561198061985024 (Rocky21212)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [NNNTE], Sep 1, 2012.

  1. [NNNTE]

    [NNNTE] New User

    steamID: [NNNTE]
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52610180
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065486089
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nnnte
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065486089

    steamID: rocky21212
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50859648
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061985024
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061985024

    Description: So we agreed to sniper duel to 10, and whoever lost would have to pay the winner 2 scraps

    http://i.imgur.com/E8hFk.jpg <---Here, he agrees that the wager is 2 scraps
    http://i.imgur.com/VlkP0.jpg <---Here, he agrees that first to 10 kills is the winner
    http://i.imgur.com/66Lrm.jpg <---Here, I'm winning 9-4, and was about to kill him. Suddenly, he says "I gtg"
    http://i.imgur.com/bzwz0.jpg <---Here, he leaves.
    (Note: these screenshots were taken after he left)

    Threateninglemon is my other name
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  anybody wanna sniper duel for a rec?
    rocky21212 :  he wont die
    rocky21212 :  i do
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  So first to ten duel wins as a sniper wins, and loser pays winner 1 rec, ok?
    The Candy Man :  selling strange weps
    Player Agoura_Steve left the game (Disconnect by user.)
    rocky21212 :  hmm....
    rocky21212 :  okay?
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  loser pays winner 1 rec, don't forget that
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  ok?
    Donate! Type !donate
    rocky21212 :  im kind of a noob...
    The Candy Man :  selling new weps
    rocky21212 :  idk what winner 1 rec is...
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  1 reclaimed metal
    rocky21212 :  i dont have any
    rocky21212 :  :/
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  3 scrap or 6weps
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  how bout a name tag?
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  rocky, give luna your nametag to hold on to
    Player The Pyro that You Love :D left the game (Disconnect by user.)
    rocky21212 :  nonono
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  are you f2p?
    The Candy Man :  selling a plon
    rocky21212 :  im premium
    To join our group type !group
    The Candy Man :  i mean plog
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  Ok, then what do you want to wager
    Player Threateninglemon joined team RED
    rocky21212 :  loser pays 1 scrap to the winner
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  1 scrap only?
    [SM] Made all players mortal
    Player Mrboombah has joined the game
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  i dont play so low
    rocky21212 :  one basic rusty piece of junk scrap
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  2 scrap and deal
    rocky21212 :  fine
    Threateninglemon has challenged rocky21212 to a Sniper Class-Locked Duel!
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  first to 10
    rocky21212 has agreed to duel with Threateninglemon!
    Donations help keep our server running!
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  ok?
    rocky21212 :  yeah
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  u just lost 2 scrap
    rocky21212 :  how?
    rocky21212 :  you guys arent in the duel, he is
    Player Mrboombah was automatically assigned to team BLU
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 1 - rocky21212: 0.
    The Candy Man :  selling 3 weps
    Mrboombah :  Buying CS:GO
    The Candy Man :  selling stranges and my double
    Type !report to report a player!
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  rocky, it would help to come out of spawn
    (Voice) Rringthndr: MEDIC!
    rocky21212 :  all these other guys are preventing me from coming out
    Player Rringthndr joined team BLU
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  I know that pain when I was dueling him
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 1 - rocky21212: 1.
    Player OBJECTION! [No Audio] has joined the game
    To visit our website type !website
    rocky21212 :  get out of my way
    The Candy Man has crafted: Scrap Metal 
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 1 - rocky21212: 2.
    Mr.Hackintosh :  !s
    (Voice) The New Guy: MEDIC!
    The Candy Man has crafted: Scrap Metal 
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  your teammate was in front of you, took the damage ._.
    rocky21212 :  i know
    Mr.Hackintosh :  Sell strange part: Revenge kills
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  7am I better be off
    rocky21212 :  i told him to get out of the way
    Mr.Hackintosh :  Selling strange part: post mortum kills
    Rringthndr :  Me?
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 2 - rocky21212: 2.
    Player OBJECTION! [No Audio] was automatically assigned to team BLU
    Donate! Type !donate
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 3 - rocky21212: 2.
    OBJECTION! [No Audio] :  Selling clean Meet the Medic taunt. I take item offers, too. Trade me. 
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 4 - rocky21212: 2.
    The Candy Man :  selling stranges
    rocky21212 :  stay behind cover of some sort
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 4 - rocky21212: 3.
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  oh come on
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  ring get out of the way
    Player Mr.Hackintosh left the game (Disconnect by user.)
    The Candy Man :  hi spy
    To join our group type !group
    rocky21212 :  its insanely hard to duel with all these guys running in front of you, blocking you from aiming!
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  same applies
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  ikr
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 5 - rocky21212: 3.
    The Candy Man :  hey spy kill me
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  lol spawn sentry
    rocky21212 :  get that sentry out of here
    Donations help keep our server running!
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 6 - rocky21212: 3.
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  kill all?
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 7 - rocky21212: 3.
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 8 - rocky21212: 3.
    The Candy Man :  yeah you just lost a scrap
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  2scrap
    The Candy Man :  yeah
    [RTD] [DFTBA] pankomputerek rolled: godmode for 20 seconds.
    Type !report to report a player!
    [RTD] Rringthndr rolled: beacon.
    [RTD] [DFTBA] pankomputerek's effect has worn off.
    [RTD] Rringthndr's effect has worn off.
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 8 - rocky21212: 4.
    [RTD] The Candy Man rolled: crits for 20 seconds.
    [RTD] The Candy Man died during their roll.
    Duel Status - Threateninglemon: 9 - rocky21212: 4.
    Rringthndr's Botkiller Sniper Rifle has reached a new rank: Scarcely Lethal!
    To visit our website type !website
    rocky21212 :  I gtg
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  come out
    rocky21212 :  wow
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  wow man
    Player daniel519 has joined the game
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  you owe me two scrap
    Donate! Type !donate
    Player Odin Augmentations has joined the game
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  dude just give me the two scrap
    [DFTBA] pankomputerek :  ur in way somehow I need to move...
    Player rocky21212 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
    Threateninglemon defeated rocky21212 in a duel because rocky21212 left the game.
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  wow
    [Admin]Threateninglemon :  what th ehell
  2. Cool Ranch

    Cool Ranch New User

    he avoided paying 2 scrap. 2 f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scrap. really.

    and your reporting him for 2 scrap.
  3. Melkor

    Melkor New User

    I don't think so that this report could be included as a scam. For a next time would be better to get some middleman before doing some competition/event as a spycrab or dueling for items.
  4. [NNNTE]

    [NNNTE] New User

    Well, he finally paid me after he saw this. Thanks guys