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Accepted 76561198062057916 (WHY WHY WHY)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ßЯH-Kaptain Yesterday[DG], Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Victim:
    | steamname: ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:20598548
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001462825
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198001462825

    | steamname: WHY WHY HWY
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50896094
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062057916
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omfgbunnyfat
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062057916
    The deal was $200 usd for a Strontium Stovepipe with Aces high effect through paypal via a middleman. This was the middleman I was exapecting: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheHooker/
    This is the middleman I got (though the profile has been altered since then) http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheHooker/
    It was a perfect match to the first when viewed earlier. The trade went through and neither party received their payment or hat. Afterwards the buyer (at the time bunny) didn't seem too bummed out about losing 200 dollars so I decided to pry a little (apparent in the screenshots) only to find out the buyer has the fake middleman as a previous alias (also in the screenshots). Lets get this guy?

    fake middleman:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): hi sir
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): i believe i'm your middleman?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Hello
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: maybe
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): how much is the agreed amount with bunny?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: He gave me an offer of $200 usd
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: well,
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I hope usd
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): i am your middleman for this trade
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): bunny has paid me the middleman fees of $20 USD alr
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): shall we trade?
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): i am a trusted steamrep middleman
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: He gave me an offer of $200 usd
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: well,
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I hope usd
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): i am your middleman for this trade
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): bunny has paid me the middleman fees of $20 USD alr
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046493175
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: gimme a moment
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): no prob
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): i accidentally pasted the text back ;3
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): im writing a transcript
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): to prevent any scamming
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: good deal
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): do you understand how middleman works?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: i give the hat to you he transfer $$
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): yup
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: when the transfer goes through you give over the hat
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): yup
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): that's how it works
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): may i know your paypal email?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: [email protected]
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): okay
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): shall we do the trade?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: let's do it
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): okay, the moment the unusual is sent to me, i'll give bunny the go to send you the money
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): money has been sent
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): thanks alot dude
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: alright. let me check
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: hey
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Hey Jessica
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: focus
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl) is now Offline.
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG] has changed their name to ßЯH-Kaptain Yesterday[DG].

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    bunny: hey
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: hello
    bunny: i can do $200 on your stovepipe
    bunny: you there mate?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Yeah
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: $ or pure?
    bunny: $
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I don't do paypal though.
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I use middlemen
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Is that alright with you?
    bunny: alright, how about we use Jessicar ( The 13 Year Old Girl )
    bunny: BBG admin, steamrep trusted middleman
    bunny: she's on my friendslist
    bunny: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086222599/
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Cool. lemme check her out
    bunny: how's it going? Do not worry about middleman fees, I have already paid I believe $20 to Jessica
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Ok, yeah. good on ya.
    bunny: and also, to clarify, its $200 usd
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I'm just checking everyone's credentials
    bunny: alright
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Have you been looking for this hat? Or a demo unusual in particular?
    bunny: Ah- I have been looking for a nice demo unusual
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: well this one is pretty sweet. I've had fun wearing it around
    bunny: well I have sent Jessica $200 usd
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: ok. the hat has been traded over
    bunny: wtf- he removed me
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: who
    bunny: uh- did you get your money?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: No not yet
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: she was on your friends list
    bunny: WTF- i didnt get the unusual of yours and he removed me, check my friendlist
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Hold on a moment. We may or may not have an issue
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I thought you trusted her as a middleman
    bunny: one of my friends told me that he is a BBG admin, trusted steamrep middleman
    bunny: he linked me to his steamrep profile
    bunny: checked that he was BBG admin, steam rep middleman and stuff
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: yeah so did I
    bunny: i mean, now he is not in my friendslist and I just lost my $200 usd
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: 200 is out of your account?
    bunny: yeah- i clearly checked my paypal
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: You cannot trade with Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl) because they are not logged in.
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: well, I'm getting that message
    bunny: me too
    bunny: he's offline on my chat
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: can you talk to you firend who refered her to you
    bunny: You cannot trade with Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl) because they are not logged in.
    bunny: hang on- it was sometime ago and this is my first time using him as the middleman so I kinda need to check for my previous friends
    bunny: and also, I gotta go for now, my battery's running low
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Message me later
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: From what I can see, you and I have been had
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Yep
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: scammer dude
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheHooker/
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: real steam id
    bunny: f***
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: http://steamcommunity.com/id/demhooker
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: fake steam Id
    bunny: should i report him?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: yeah
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: So will, I
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: because my hat is gone D:
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: and your money is too
    bunny: and my money's gone too D:
    bunny: anyways
    bunny: ill talk to you later
    HASTE_ is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Hey haste
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: hey bunny
    HASTE_: yes?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: did you file a report?
    HASTE_: no- i dont really know how to
    HASTE_: do you know?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: steam support
    HASTE_: i mean, do we have evidence?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: from your steam window
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: you have 200 missing from your account dont you
    HASTE_: well
    HASTE_: sadly
    HASTE_: steam support doesnt grant you when the matter is regarding paypal
    HASTE_: steam just doenst give a s***
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: hmm
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: you are interesting
    HASTE_: why dont you file a report?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I've filed two
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Im about to file a third
    HASTE_: why so many?
    HASTE_: isnt one enough?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: no
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I dont roll over
    HASTE_: the thing is
    HASTE_: even if they did grant you the thing
    HASTE_: they'll only grant you the unusual
    HASTE_: and not my money
    HASTE_: :p
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Well
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I'm finding my hat
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: it's not hard
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I know where it's going to end up
    HASTE_: yeah ok...?
    HASTE_: then?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: lol
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: then I get to work
    HASTE_: what do you mean "work"?
    HASTE_: i still do not understand
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: I'm getting my hat back one way or another
    HASTE_: how?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: is your transfer still pending?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: and do you have the paypal email you sent the funds to
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: ?
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: If I could get that email....
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: Ha I knew it
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: You are a bullshitter
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG]: guess what
    HASTE_ is now Offline.
    ßЯH-I choose you Kevichu[DG] has changed their name to ßЯH-Kaptain Yesterday[DG].

    Please let me know if I need to provide anymore information.


  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Hello, could you upload your screenshots using the "Upload a File" button? All of your screenshots redirect to the scammer's steamrep and they're next to impossible to look at.
  3. Yep! Here is the scammer's profile and list of previous aliases, the conversations between the scammer and I. The conversation with the scammer's fake middleman, and the legitimate middleman he was posing as.

    Let me know if you need anything else!

    Attached Files:

  4. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report! An SR admin will review yours in a while!
  5. here is the history of the hat.

    Attached Files:

  6. Attached Files:

  7. I talked to Зигулька:3 in a trade invite, granted it was all in Russian but he said he had bought it from Kabuto Killer Son. I can't find anyone by that name and there is no transition user from Potato Ballz to Зигулька:3
  8. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

    What he meant was he got it for a sunbeams killer kabuto.

    the two scammers

    | steamname: Bunny™ is
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50896094
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062057916
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omfgbunnyfat
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062057916

    | steamname: Ξм
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:62978435
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086222599
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/demhooker
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198086222599
  9. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Can you screenshot your inventory history please?
  10. Sorry, but how exactly would I go about doing this...?
  11. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Open Steam --> Inventory --> View Inventory History = Take full-window screenshots of entire day's trade.
  12. Here you are, thanks for the help.

    Attached Files:

  13. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff
