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Accepted 76561198063906566 (Bishrak)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Bi♥Bu, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Bi♥Bu

    Bi♥Bu New User

    |steamID: Bishrak
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51820419
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063906566
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Barrackers
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198063906566

    second scammer of the day. same way for scamming. steam wallet money. go with the flow. to help the dota 2 community. its not hard to catch this scammers. i just need 1 good screenshot. punish this dude. he really wants to scam. even wanted my whole inventory. see screen shot.

    conversation in text
    Bi♥Bu: hi
    Mikamaaha: hello
    Mikamaaha: what's your fferings again ?
    Bi♥Bu: -------------> FAST TRADE

    [H] 3 Dota 2 Invites with China Restiction
    [W] CS:GO invite (3Dota=1CS)
    [H] 3x Dreaded
    [W] Hook/TB
    [H] Diretide TA Hair
    [W] Unusual Essence
    Mikamaaha: your 3x dreaded
    Mikamaaha: for 50$
    Mikamaaha: deal ?
    Bi♥Bu: okay :)
    Mikamaaha: wait
    Mikamaaha: hey there
    Bi♥Bu: hurry
    Mikamaaha: okok
    Mikamaaha: wait
    Mikamaaha: i viewing your inventory
    Bi♥Bu: ????
    Mikamaaha: hey there
    Mikamaaha: can i
    Bi♥Bu: ??
    Mikamaaha: hey
    Mikamaaha: your discruptor
    Mikamaaha: for 20$
    Mikamaaha: deal ?
    Bi♥Bu: okay
    Bi♥Bu: go.
    Bi♥Bu: i want to buy a game
    Mikamaaha: deal ?
    Bi♥Bu: okay go
    Mikamaaha: wait
    Mikamaaha: still viewing u
    Bi♥Bu: can you please hurry
    Mikamaaha: ok
    Bi♥Bu: i need to go now
    Bi♥Bu: disruptor set for $20
    Bi♥Bu: cant give you other stuff.
    Mikamaaha: hmmm
    Mikamaaha: 25
    Mikamaaha: deal ?
    Bi♥Bu: go
    Bi♥Bu: go
    You have accepted the trade request from Mikamaaha.
    Bi♥Bu: ??
    Mikamaaha added Steam Money : 24.75$ you will receive it after this trade.
    Mikamaaha: finish
    Mikamaaha: show
    Mikamaaha: dscrupitems
    Bi♥Bu: wait
    Mikamaaha: hey
    Mikamaaha: add
    Mikamaaha: wind runner items
    Mikamaaha: and
    Mikamaaha: meepo too
    Mikamaaha: am items
    Mikamaaha: and DK
    Mikamaaha: for the total for 70
    Mikamaaha added Steam Money : 70$ you will receive it after this trade.
    Bi♥Bu: i give you bonus
    Mikamaaha: wait
    Mikamaaha: ok
    Mikamaaha: make
    Bi♥Bu want you to say goodbye to dota 2 account
    Mikamaaha is now Offline.

    2012-12-28_00003.jpg 2012-12-28_00004.jpg 2012-12-28_00005.jpg

    PS: i know the trick. so as goodbye, i gave him the taste of his own medecine.
  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!