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Accepted 76561198066033616 (ShadowFiend) and 76561198040012473 (f✿✿✿yslutsv20)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Altron, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. Altron

    Altron New User

    |steamID: Altron
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:55776532
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071818793
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/altron1
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198071818793
    Sop account: wormslb (http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/132904-Wormslb-s-reputation-thread)

    Scammers (refer to later details):

    |steamID: f✿✿✿yslutsv20

    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39873372

    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040012473


    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198040012473

    Account used to scam me. He was called DirtyIronApple, and obviously changed his name. In the screenshots, you can see the url though so you know it is the same person.


    |steamID: ShadowFiend
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52883944
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066033616
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066033616
    Linked account that is the same person and should be shown as a scammer. Used to be called PedoBear.

    Luckily I was a bit clever with this one and so only lost $7, not my unusual.
    Scammers profile that he used to scam me with, now:
    Scammer now.jpg
    Scammers attached other account, now:

    Scammer now.jpg1.jpg
    Chat Screenshots:

    In the chat above, he gives a link to his alt account. He confirmed it was him by posting on his alt account for me. He says, as I asked, friends with DirtyIronApple, and confirms that he wants to trade by writing afterwards, and thus incriminating himself. I did this during our proceedings as a precaution. Here is the screenshot of that:
    Scammer screw up.jpg
    Here is a screenshot of the chat at the same time, just to show that they happened at the same time.
    Scammer chat with time.jpg

    Basically what happened was that he approached me to buy my unusual, which is not abnormal. He then says I have to go first, which I didn't want. I then suggested I make a small sale of 5 keys to check that we could trust each other (which I obviously know we cant now). I stupidly enough give him the 5 keys an off he goes. I can take that hit, and luckily I traded only a small, not large amount.
    This scammer was cleverer than normal, and used a different account for the scam. Stupidly for him he gave me his real account, and verified that it was his, thus incriminating his real account as is detailed in the screenshots above. That is why 2 accounts have been given. (I care more about his actual account being blocked than his fake).
    I am just glad I didn't give away my $125 unusual, and only $7 of keys. Either way I hope I have managed to show that both of the accounts are run by a scammer.

    Chat Transcript:
    DirtyIronApple: hi , i added you because i want to ask you something , you want 2 sell your unusual killer exclusive for real money? my bd was few days ago and now i try to get items for money
    Altron: yh
    Altron: hi
    Altron: yes I would very much like to sell it for cash
    DirtyIronApple: if u go first i can give you a rare item for free
    DirtyIronApple: oh and how much do you want?
    Altron: I would like $125
    DirtyIronApple: hmm , nice price
    DirtyIronApple: 125 USD
    DirtyIronApple: ?
    Altron: yes
    DirtyIronApple: ok
    DirtyIronApple: nice price
    DirtyIronApple: the last unusual i bought was for 175
    DirtyIronApple: and was a shitty one
    DirtyIronApple: trade now?
    Altron: I would prefer for you to go first
    Altron: you havent shown any rep
    DirtyIronApple: sorry but i can get scammed
    Altron: dude Ive been scammed twice
    DirtyIronApple: one time i got scammed with 200$ for a headcase
    Altron: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/132904-Wormslb-s-reputation-thread
    Altron: thats what we have rep for
    Altron: I also have some profile rep
    Altron: Ive done quite a few cash trades
    Altron: as u can see
    DirtyIronApple: sorry but I rly can't go first , I rly can get scammed
    DirtyIronApple: i don't want to waste a big amount of money again
    Altron: I have been scammed twice (Im a bit gullible) I lost £30 and £80.
    Altron: If u want we can go through a middleman
    DirtyIronApple: ok , sorry but i don't want to try , sorry for the lost time
    Altron: dude you seem like a really nice guy, but u dont have much rep, and so I dont know that u are safe to deal with
    Altron: if u want I can sell u a key or 2 as a small purchase to test intent
    DirtyIronApple: man it's hard to trust people from internet
    Altron: and make sure u arent a scammer
    Altron: then we can both be sure of each other
    Altron: how does that sound?
    DirtyIronApple: hmm
    DirtyIronApple: wait a second
    DirtyIronApple: yeah sounds nice
    Altron: ok I will get hold of 5 keys if thats ok and then chat
    DirtyIronApple: if you go first even 1/2 keys are ok
    Altron: Im sorry u will have to go first, thats how it works if u have less rep than me
    Altron: its only about $5
    DirtyIronApple: i can better get the keys with 1.5 each from tf2shop man...
    Altron: I will be really generous and sell them at $1.2 each =$6
    DirtyIronApple: i don't know... what about that :you try to sell it to a guy with a lot of reps or something , with a middleman etc , i rly can't go first im sorry
    Altron: ok fine just for u I will go first, but for the big sell u go first?
    DirtyIronApple: yes
    Altron: ok
    Altron: also before I do anything you must go to your profile settings and make everything public
    DirtyIronApple: why?
    DirtyIronApple: i don't have any thing in my inventory , just a dota 2 item
    Altron: Its just good practice, and its what most people ask
    Altron: if u dont have anything there then u have nothing to hide
    DirtyIronApple: ok...
    DirtyIronApple: now check my profile
    Altron: yup I see
    Altron: also just out of curiosity, why do u want my unusual if u dont play tf2DirtyIronApple: i will sell it for dota  2 keys
    DirtyIronApple: i play dota 2 on another acc
    Altron: which one?
    DirtyIronApple: wait sec
    DirtyIronApple: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066033616/
    DirtyIronApple: i traded all my items for tf2 premium gift and now im bored of th , i have just few items
    DirtyIronApple: tf*
    DirtyIronApple: and no one sells dota 2 unusuals , rarely some one got one and i dont know their prices
    Altron: ok
    Altron: would
    Altron: whats ur paypal email? just so I know when the payment comes through?
    DirtyIronApple: [email protected]
    Altron: ok here oe
    Altron: goes
    DirtyIronApple has accepted your request to trade.
    Altron: also would you mind on ur pedobear account put on in the description. friends with DirtyIronApple
    DirtyIronApple: now?
    Altron: yes please
    Altron: I know I sound very demanding dont I
    DirtyIronApple: ok wait 2 minutes while i enter on the acc
    Altron: thanks very much
    DirtyIronApple is now Looking to Trade.
    DirtyIronApple has accepted your request to trade.
    Altron: thank you
    Altron: make the payment to [email protected]
    Altron: done yet?
    Altron: dude?
    Altron: If u dont reply now I will report u on steamrep
    Altron: both accounts
    DirtyIronApple is now Offline.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    DirtyIronApple has changed their name to f✿✿✿yslutsv20.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Hello, could you provide:
    1.) A screenshot of your trade history showing that you traded him your keys
    2.) A screenshot of your paypal history showing that you never received your payments
  3. Altron

    Altron New User

    Also, just realized that on the chats it doesnt show that he has changed his name. Here is a screenshot of the bottom of the chat with his name change on their. chat5.jpg
  4. Altron

    Altron New User

    Here is my Paypal history.

    Here is my trading history:
    trade history1.jpg
  5. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking now- so sorry for the delay. Thank you for the report. :)