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Accepted 76561198069601797 (RazorShepard¨)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ZyG|Demon, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. ZyG|Demon

    ZyG|Demon New User

    |steamID: ZyG|Demon
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:32989356
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026244440
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zygdemon
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026244440

    |steamID: RazorShepard¨
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:54668034
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069601797
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198069601797


    Chat + Trade History http://imgur.com/mFRVODp

    The old bait and switch, he added me offering a Hearts Kabuto for my two bonk boys(Steaming + Smoking) I was quite hesitant because I don't like offers from people who add me out of the blue, but after checking around I didn't see anything wrong with the guy so I decided to do it.
    When we got to the trade right before we were going to accept he added a whole bunch of stuff and asked if I was interested in any of it, I looked through and didn't find anything of interest and told him id like to just trade for the hearts kabuto, he started removing everything and removed the kabuto, and put it back in, but I was tired and didn't bother to look at it and after I clicked accept i figured i should look, it was too late i tried stopping the trade but as i said it was too late I had just traded for a nuts and bolts Kabuto.
    After being scammed a few times because it was late and I was tired I normally try not to trade when Im tired,( but I have been trying to upgrade enough that I can get my dream hat, circling peace KE, aswell as any scorching hat for a scout), that I thought I could do such a straight forward trade. But i was wrong.
    Remember never trade when youre tired.
    I think thats it let me know if i need to add anything else.

    Also i would love to know if its steam support cares at all? I'm going to have a word with them about this regardless, they need a better trading method for unusuals where it clearly shows the effect of the hat.
  2. jethoker

    jethoker New User

    I can vouch for this, same guy tried to scam me out of my unusual fez. Sadly I didn't capture the trade, only got some chat screenies and proof he's the same guy. The box also shows proof of when he tried adding stuff to take off my attention when he switched up the 2 reggaelators he had. http://i.imgur.com/plffogz.png
  3. ZyG|Demon

    ZyG|Demon New User

  4. 【ツ】| Gamed ✔

    【ツ】| Gamed ✔ New User

  5. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    He has already been marked by one of our affiliate communities, so I am adding this to his notes. Please, please check SteamRep before you trade so you can avoid running into scammers like this guy in the future. THanks for the report. :)