1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198074907105 - (uwotm8.com / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Kooqie, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Kooqie

    Kooqie New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198074907105 (uwotm8.com)

    Victim profile: 76561198053824730

    What happened? Description:
    He offered 35 usd for my unusual and he had Credible(Bud fake) rep on tf2trader he took my hat and unfriended me changed his name and pic but I still got him​

    Provide Evidence:
    Link to false rep: http://tf2-trader.com/index.php?topic=27229.0
    paste of chat:< blank >: Hey
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: hi
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: how may I help you
    < blank >: brb
    < blank >: back
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: okay how may I help you today'
    < blank >: I was wondering if you wanted paypal for your unusual?
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: How much on paypal
    < blank >: $35?
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: I havent ever sold on paypal but I can try
    < blank >: hmm
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: can I see some rep?
    < blank >: Yep, sure
    < blank >: http://tf2-trader.com/index.php?topic=27229.0
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: I have to find out how to do it on paypal lol
    < blank >: As I have rep and everything, I can tell you how to do it
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: I dont have a credit card so I have t make it so it goes to my wallet
    < blank >: No you don't
    < blank >: It will automaticly go into your wallet
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: okay good
    < blank >: Would you willing to go first as I have rep?
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: erm
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: want to get a middleman?
    < blank >: And know alot about paypal
    < blank >: I'll tell you a story about a middleman
    < blank >: My friend got one for 3 buds
    < blank >: Got scammed
    < blank >: So, I don't really want a middleman
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: I am rorried about going first
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: I can get a mct admin for a middleman
    < blank >: Dude, if you look at my rep it will show that someone went 1st
    < blank >: Trust me dude, I am very trustworthy
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: 1 sec let me at least set it up first
    < blank >: set what up?
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: how to get the money lol
    < blank >: Oh, basically I will send you the money
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: do I just give ya my email
    < blank >: Yes
    < blank >: And you will get a payment
    < blank >: Then you accept it
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: Well if you do indeed scam me I am co founder of the sodahappy trade community and I have the power to get 400 reports on you
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: I trust you tho
    < blank >: Okay
    < blank >: So right after you trade me the unusual, give me your email and I will send you the money
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: [email protected]
    < blank >: Okay
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: damnit
    < blank >: of ffs...
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: lol
    < blank >: re trade
    < blank >: Oh my days
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: fuuuuuuq
    < blank >: We will try it 2 more times, if it doesn't work then send me a trade offer
    < blank >: This is the last time
    < blank >: If it doesn't work, send me a trade offer
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: aight
    < blank >: Okay, it worked that times
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: [email protected]
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: ...
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: u there?
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: can you reply so I know this is not a scam'
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: WOAH
    -|V-R|-(Sh) Kooqie: reported
    Screenshots of chat, proof of name change, trade history, and paypal history in the thumnails below
    I am indeed a reliable source as the co founder of the sodahappy trade servers.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello, please give unedited trading history & paypal history.
  3. Kooqie

    Kooqie New User

    Will do
  4. [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat

    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat New User

    This guy has struck again and the report I submitted in January is yet to be acknowledged. It's enraging to see that he's been allowed to do this again after an initial warning into his misdoings is yet to be seen.
  5. Kooqie

    Kooqie New User

    he is pretty stupid he doesn't hide his tracks well enough lol
  6. Kooqie

    Kooqie New User

    THe most recent paypal was with a MCT admin

    Attached Files:

  7. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Adding this to notes- already marked. Thanks. :)