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Accepted 76561198077720005 (TheGreenLAntern)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by misterhaan, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. misterhaan

    misterhaan New User

    |steamID: misterhaan
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:11451730
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983169189
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/misterhaan
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197983169189

    |steamID: TheGreenLAntern
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:58727138
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077720005
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198077720005


    TheGreenLAntern added me as a friend, and offered to trade. He offered Castle Crashers which I had posted on steamtrades.com for Beat Hazard, then asked that I go first with the key since he had higher rep. I dropped the keys in chat and then after a while he said he wouldn't give me anything unless I also gave him Amnesia. Then he deleted me from friends and changed his custom URL. I could have avoided this if I had spent more time looking him up, but I just didn't care that much until the idea of a dishonest person getting games from my keys became real.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, December 8, 2012
    10:04 AM - TheGreenLAntern: hello
    10:06 AM - TheGreenLAntern: want to trade?
    10:07 AM - misterhaan: what are you offering?
    10:07 AM - TheGreenLAntern: I wanted Beat hazard for my Castle Crashers
    10:09 AM - misterhaan: sounds good!  my beat hazard is a key, and i also have a key for itunes and m4a support
    10:09 AM - TheGreenLAntern: kk, that sounds good
    10:09 AM - misterhaan: do you want both?
    10:09 AM - TheGreenLAntern: If thats ok
    10:10 AM - misterhaan: yeah
    10:10 AM - TheGreenLAntern: ok
    10:10 AM - TheGreenLAntern: can you give me keys first
    10:10 AM - TheGreenLAntern: since I have more rep
    10:11 AM - misterhaan: sure
    10:11 AM - misterhaan: 08QRD-V6XEV-5NNRN
    10:11 AM - misterhaan: P78T4-A0MKE-CEV3B
    10:12 AM - TheGreenLAntern: I also want Amnesia
    You have accepted the trade request from TheGreenLAntern.
    10:13 AM - TheGreenLAntern: ...
    10:13 AM - TheGreenLAntern: Amnesia?
    10:13 AM - misterhaan: what are you offering for amnesia?
    10:13 AM - TheGreenLAntern: Castle Crashers
    10:14 AM - misterhaan: another copy?  that was for beat hazard
    10:14 AM - TheGreenLAntern: Nope, I want both for Amnesia
    10:14 AM - TheGreenLAntern: I will give you nothing unless I also get amnesia
    10:15 AM - TheGreenLAntern: So, u gonna give me it and get CC or ot give me it and get nothing
    10:15 AM - misterhaan: i already gave you my beat hazard keys for castle crashers -- now you're trying to change the deal?
    10:16 AM - TheGreenLAntern: Im just saying I will not gve you game without amnesia
    10:16 AM - TheGreenLAntern: so, up to you
    10:17 AM - TheGreenLAntern: give me it now
    10:17 AM - TheGreenLAntern: else I leaving
    10:17 AM - TheGreenLAntern: kk, then bb
    10:17 AM - TheGreenLAntern: have fun wiht no game
    10:17 AM - misterhaan: so you're just stealing my keys then?
    10:17 AM - TheGreenLAntern: unless you give me amnesia as well
    10:18 AM - misterhaan: amnesia and beat hazard for castle crashers is a bad deal
    10:18 AM - TheGreenLAntern: kk, then you get no game and lost keys
    10:18 AM - misterhaan: so you intend to steal my keys then
    10:18 AM - TheGreenLAntern: sux for you
    10:18 AM - TheGreenLAntern: unless u give me something else
    10:18 AM - TheGreenLAntern: cya
    10:18 AM - TheGreenLAntern: unles u give in
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 10
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 9
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 8
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 6
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 6
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 5
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 4
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 3
    10:19 AM - misterhaan: you said " I wanted Beat hazard for my Castle Crashers"
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 2
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: 1
    10:19 AM - misterhaan: we agreed on that
    10:19 AM - misterhaan: i sent keys
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: too bad
    10:19 AM - misterhaan: you demanded more
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: give me or Im leavin
    10:19 AM - misterhaan: i don't believe you even have castle crashers
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: w.e.
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: not my prob
    10:19 AM - TheGreenLAntern: cya, have  a nice day :)
    10:19 AM - misterhaan: it's not in your inventory
    TheGreenLAntern is now Offline.
  2. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report, an admin will look into it shortly.
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