1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198080250307 (~Maccarena Man~)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Cthulhu of Equestria, Jan 23, 2013.

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  1. Cthulhu of Equestria

    Cthulhu of Equestria New User

    |steamID: Cthulhu of Equestria
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:32842655
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025951038
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cthulhu_of_Equestria
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198025951038

    |steamID: ~Maccarena Man~
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:59992289
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080250307
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198080250307

    Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/6T9y1

    Description: ~Maccarena Man~ offered his unusual nuts milkman for a bud saying that he needs a bud. I wasn't interested in his unusual but I offered to sell him bud for $ or keys. He tried the old /me scam attempt but I wasn't amused.

    18:35 - ~Maccarena Man~: hey man
    18:35 - ~Maccarena Man~: you want my unusual
    18:35 - ~Maccarena Man~: unusual milkman , effect nuts and bols
    18:35 - Cthulhu of Equestria: for?
    18:35 - ~Maccarena Man~: its 1,4 buds
    18:35 - ~Maccarena Man~: but
    18:35 - ~Maccarena Man~: i sell it cheap
    18:36 - ~Maccarena Man~: you want it?
    18:36 - ~Maccarena Man~: i want 1 bud for it
    18:36 - ~Maccarena Man~: the 0.4 i dont care about it
    18:36 - Cthulhu of Equestria: i like the hat, I hate the effect
    18:36 - ~Maccarena Man~: please
    18:36 - ~Maccarena Man~: i want a bud very much
    18:36 - Cthulhu of Equestria: i can sell it for $ or keys
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: how many $
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: or
    18:37 - Cthulhu of Equestria: 36
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: how many keys
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: ?
    18:37 - Cthulhu of Equestria: 27
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: 36 dollars
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: ?
    18:37 - Cthulhu of Equestria: yes
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: you give me both
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: or just one
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: ?
    18:37 - Cthulhu of Equestria: one
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: if just one
    18:37 - ~Maccarena Man~: i want 27 keys
    You have accepted the trade request from ~Maccarena Man~.
    18:38 - Cthulhu of Equestria: .....
    18:38 - Cthulhu of Equestria: i can sell you buds for keys ot for $, im not interested in the unusual
    18:38 - Cthulhu of Equestria: or*
    18:38 - ~Maccarena Man~: ahhh
    18:38 - ~Maccarena Man~: wait
    18:38 - ~Maccarena Man~: i give you
    18:38 - ~Maccarena Man~: 40$
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~: for 1 bud
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~: but you have to trade first
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~: you go first
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~: not me
    18:39 - Cthulhu of Equestria: not interested then
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~: ok
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~: i go first
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~ added 40$ to your account , the transaction will be made after the trade
    18:39 - ~Maccarena Man~: here you go
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: 40$
    18:40 - Cthulhu of Equestria is not ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed.
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: sorry then
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: :))
    18:40 - Cthulhu of Equestria will make a reprot about this.
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: i was jocking
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: please wait
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: dont please
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: i never do this
    18:40 - ~Maccarena Man~: i swear
    18:41 - ~Maccarena Man~: please
    18:41 - Cthulhu of Equestria hopes that you will learn from your mistakes.

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  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!a
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  3. Knifey |

    Knifey | New User

    Hey guys. This guy attempted to scam me too. I'll upload some evidence if needed
  4. Knifey |

    Knifey | New User

    He did the same thing to me, used the /me chat to make me think it's payment. So. So Fail. Sadly I looked at his inventory and he has a little under 3 buds worth of stuff. Saddens me.

    SR admins. There's 2 report threads on this guy please mark him as a scammer before even more people fall victim.

    Also here's my screenshot and as you could tell. I thought his "transaction" was absolutely hilarious!
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