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Accepted 76561198085384413 (Kizda)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Zatch, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Zatch

    Zatch New User

    | steamname: Zatch
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:19410418
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999086564
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197999086564

    || steamname: Kizda
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:62559342
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085384413
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198085384413

    http://i.imgur.com/NWsLqK1.jpg (part1 chat)
    http://i.imgur.com/Jh0At3o.png (part2 chat)
    http://i.imgur.com/xANekjm.png (inventory)

    1. He wanted to buy 10 keys at 1.7 Euro each
    2. I agreed to give 5 first, thereafter he should have sent fullpayment for all 10 and after that I should have given him the last 5. In short: (5 keys to him)(payment for 10 keys to me)(5 keys to him)
    3. I gave him 5 keys
    4. He said that I had just been scammed and he demanded the remaining keys claiming he would pay a dollar for each key if I did give him the rest.
    5. I obviously did not trust him as he had just scammed me 5 seconds earlier.
    6. I said I would rather fill a report then watching him scam me again.
    7. He said this was his not first time scamming and he would just send the keys to his alt account.
    8. -End-

    Kizda: hi sir
    Zatch: hey
    Zatch: eeeh
    Zatch: I don't remember why I added you
    Zatch: were you buying a tb?
    Kizda: no, no
    Zatch: were you buying keys?
    Kizda: i want to buy keys
    Zatch: oh yeah
    Zatch: 10?
    Kizda: yes, yes
    Kizda: tell me your price
    Kizda: per key
    Zatch: euro/usd?
    Kizda: euro
    Kizda: i have euro in my balance
    Kizda: on paypal
    Zatch: hm, gotta think
    Zatch: because I usually sell for dollars
    Kizda: 17 euro = 10 keys
    Kizda: to be a total of 20 euro
    Kizda: cuz i must pay fees
    Zatch: hm
    Zatch: wait, you wanna do that?
    Zatch: isn't that a w/l for you?
    Kizda: yes, of course, i just want to buy 10 keys
    Kizda: my a easy method
    Kizda: ..
    Zatch: yeah but you get same price in store
    Zatch: 2 euro each key?
    Kizda: this is a secondary steam accout
    Kizda: i use it for sunbox
    Kizda: to view a lot of turnaments in same time :)
    Zatch: okay, I go first with 5, you pay? the I give the rest?
    Kizda: yes..
    Kizda: i think this is good
    Kizda: but look
    Kizda: send me 5 keys, and i will pay for it
    Kizda: then i will pay u first
    Kizda: for more 5 keys
    Kizda: is that fair enoght ?
    Zatch: well, so we do 1,7 each?
    Kizda: i think this is the corect price..
    Kizda: that means 17 euro in your paypal account
    Zatch: yeah
    Kizda: tell me your account
    Kizda: your email, sorry
    Zatch: [email protected]
    Kizda: ok good
    Zatch: but why not do full after I give 5? you can just call paypall and reverse it if I scam you
    Kizda: i wrote it
    Kizda: ...
    Kizda: let me think
    Kizda: or..
    Kizda: ok sir
    Kizda: lets do this
    Kizda: you trust in me
    Zatch: just gona login
    Kizda: i trust in u
    Kizda: it's a fair deal
    Zatch: yeah
    You have accepted the trade request from Kizda.
    Kizda: ok, good
    Kizda: i must complete this orders
    Kizda: hei, zatch
    Kizda: u was scammed :)
    Kizda: now, listen to me
    Zatch: :)
    Kizda: if u want to see your money
    Kizda: and if u want to over this deal
    Kizda: send me now 5 more keys
    Kizda: and i will pay for 5 only
    Zatch: are you serious? xD
    Kizda: now or never
    Kizda: yes, i'm very serous
    Kizda: serious
    Kizda: 5 keys = 0 $
    Kizda: 10 keys = 10 $
    Kizda: it's your decision
    Zatch: you know what
    Zatch: I just write a report
    Kizda: i dont care :)
    Zatch: they are sent to steam
    Kizda: i just send keys to other accounts
    Zatch: with the same ip?
    Kizda: no, relax, this is not my first time :)
    Kizda: ok, so..
    Kizda: think twice :)
    Kizda: 10 keys for 10 $
    Zatch: you seriously think I would give you more when you already try to scam me?
    Kizda: or 5 keys for free
    Kizda: think to it sir :)
    Zatch: I don't care about 5 keys, I just wanna see you get reported then
    Kizda: ok, have a nice day :)
    Kizda is now Offline.
  2. DemoPan[PPM]

    DemoPan[PPM] New User

    Hello. thanks for the report
    Can you provide proof that you didn't recieve payment from your paypal account. cut out personal information though
  3. Zatch

    Zatch New User


    Existing money is from

    Seriously, why even ask for this as I could have easily photo-shopped it simply with cut and paste?
    Here: a version I did just by copy pasting in powerpoint; an easily faked source of information if his payment would have actually been there.
    Maybe ask for this if he
    a) did not admit scamming me in the chat?
    b) he questions this report/tries to appeal?
  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking him now- thanks for the report. :)
    Sir Renz. likes this.