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Accepted 76561198085651245

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Dashie #NoMic D:, Aug 19, 2013.

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  1. Dashie #NoMic D:

    Dashie #NoMic D: New User

    | steamname: Dashie B> keys @ 5.77 ref
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:47963442
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056192612
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hsaDwobniaR
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056192612

    | steamname: [ATG]KingBates
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:62692758
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085651245
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198085651245

    Description: Sorry, this is my 2nd attempt.

    Copied and pasted the chat in the trade. The trade was for a Green fetti Towering Pillar of Hats (mine), versus his "steam wallet code". Th supposed code was for 100 euros (~120 USD). He insisted that we not use a middleman, claiming that a steamrep middleman once scammed him. Here is the full chat that I copied:

    [ATG]KingBates: .. 17:39:47
    [ATG]KingBates: idk man, i don/t want to risk so. 17:39:53
    [ATG]KingBates: if you can send a half of the price of the unusual 17:40:11
    Dashie #NoMic D:: well i can take screenshots etc 17:40:13
    [ATG]KingBates: and you will do in my way? 17:40:30
    [ATG]KingBates: or you want 17:40:36
    [ATG]KingBates: with 17:40:37
    [ATG]KingBates: middleman 17:40:39
    [ATG]KingBates: necesarly 17:40:41
    [ATG]KingBates: . 17:40:42
    Dashie #NoMic D:: well... 17:40:46
    [ATG]KingBates: cuz the middleman 17:40:53
    [ATG]KingBates: can. 17:40:55
    [ATG]KingBates: just take the hat 17:40:58
    Dashie #NoMic D:: look at it from my perspective, if i sent you even half, that would be over a bud 17:40:59
    [ATG]KingBates: and run. 17:41:00
    Dashie #NoMic D:: i could still get scammed 17:41:04
    [ATG]KingBates: yeah but if we do like you said 17:41:15
    [ATG]KingBates: you can get scammed by all the price 17:41:21
    [ATG]KingBates: by the 17:41:22
    Dashie #NoMic D:: no, junglist aint gonna run lol 17:41:24
    [ATG]KingBates: middleman 17:41:26
    [ATG]KingBates: i don't trust 17:41:32
    [ATG]KingBates: so much 17:41:35
    Dashie #NoMic D:: and even if he ran, it would be my unusual.. 17:41:37
    [ATG]KingBates: i don't know him 17:41:39
    [ATG]KingBates: yeh but he can run after i will send you the code 17:41:53
    [ATG]KingBates: so it will be like. 17:41:56
    Dashie #NoMic D:: then use a steamrep mm lol 17:41:58
    [ATG]KingBates: idk man 17:42:47
    [ATG]KingBates: i will prefer to do in my way, half and half ( is safer for me) 17:43:02
    Dashie #NoMic D:: look, if you can just trust me, and the amount of the card is actually 120 usd (100 euros), then i wouldnt scam 17:43:11
    [ATG]KingBates: if you don't want i understand you. 17:43:13
    Dashie #NoMic D:: i have no proof that its truth 17:43:17
    Dashie #NoMic D:: except for the severalk pages of rep that i have 17:43:30
    Dashie #NoMic D:: several* 17:43:35
    [ATG]KingBates: idk man. 17:43:44
    [ATG]KingBates: i told you 17:43:46
    [ATG]KingBates: have you got the half of the value of the unusual? 17:43:54
    Dashie #NoMic D:: no i dont lol 17:44:00
    [ATG]KingBates: :( 17:44:06
    [ATG]KingBates: than idk. 17:44:08
    [ATG]KingBates: i need a value that garantate me that i iwll not get scammed 17:44:29
    [ATG]KingBates: you don't even have a 1/4 from the value? 17:44:39
    Dashie #NoMic D:: well with cash trading, there never really are guarantees 17:44:45
    Dashie #NoMic D:: but im sayin, look from my perspective... 17:44:52
    [ATG]KingBates: i know 17:44:59
    Dashie #NoMic D:: if i give you the hat and you run 17:45:00
    Dashie #NoMic D:: im out over a hundred bucks 17:45:05
    [ATG]KingBates: i will not run man 17:45:14
    Dashie #NoMic D:: i cant take your word for that, sorry 17:45:22
    [ATG]KingBates: i made 17:45:22
    [ATG]KingBates: 3 trade 17:45:24
    [ATG]KingBates: trades 17:45:26
    Dashie #NoMic D:: unless you want to use a middleman 17:45:29
    [ATG]KingBates: on this server 17:45:31
    [ATG]KingBates: so. 17:45:34
    [ATG]KingBates: you can ask 17:45:36
    [ATG]KingBates: i can also show you the unusuals that i get if you don't trust 17:45:48
    [ATG]KingBates added Unusual Helmet Without a Home 17:45:51
    [ATG]KingBates added Unusual Backbiter's Billycock 17:45:52
    [ATG]KingBates: and the other trade was for a lot of other things. 17:46:03
    [ATG]KingBates: so. 17:46:04
    [ATG]KingBates: you can ask 17:46:05
    [ATG]KingBates: abaout me 17:46:07
    [ATG]KingBates: on this server 17:46:09
    [ATG]KingBates: if you don't trust:( 17:46:17
    [ATG]KingBates removed Unusual Helmet Without a Home 17:46:19
    [ATG]KingBates removed Unusual Backbiter's Billycock 17:46:20
    Dashie #NoMic D:: alright wait a sec 17:46:52
    [ATG]KingBates: just. try to trust me. 17:47:04
    Dashie #NoMic D:: you're offering 100 euros right? 17:47:04
    [ATG]KingBates: i will not do bads 17:47:09
    [ATG]KingBates: yes 17:47:10
    Dashie #NoMic D:: not buds 17:47:15
    Dashie #NoMic D:: 1 sec 17:47:18
    Dashie #NoMic D:: why dont you just add it to the community market 17:47:35
    Dashie #NoMic D:: and buy it from there 17:47:39
    Dashie #NoMic D:: thats guaranteed 17:47:42
    [ATG]KingBates: because 17:47:47
    [ATG]KingBates: i already 17:47:49
    [ATG]KingBates: have a steamwallet code 17:47:53
    [ATG]KingBates: that i bought today. 17:47:58
    [ATG]KingBates: so. 17:47:59
    Dashie #NoMic D:: so..? 17:48:03
    [ATG]KingBates: it will be easyer 17:48:10
    [ATG]KingBates: like this 17:48:13
    [ATG]KingBates: man, just ask a little abaout me 17:48:29
    Dashie #NoMic D:: yall you have to do is enter a code, i can even send you a link to where im selling 17:48:29
    Dashie #NoMic D:: that is a lot easier lol 17:49:05
    [ATG]KingBates: man , just tell me, i don/t want to get complicate 17:49:13
    Dashie #NoMic D:: you add the steam wallet code to your account 17:49:29
    [ATG]KingBates: you will accept my way or the half and half way or no? 17:49:35
    [ATG]KingBates: no, because i don/t know 100% if you will put on steammarket 17:49:57
    [ATG]KingBates: or if someone will buy before me 17:50:11
    [ATG]KingBates: so sir. 17:50:24
    [ATG]KingBates: we do in my way or no:( ?
    Dashie #NoMic D:: look, i can put it on right now lol 17:51:15
    [ATG]KingBates: man, i don't want to get complicate, i just want to do like i did before 17:51:33
    [ATG]KingBates: so. 17:51:38
    Dashie #NoMic D:: its not complicated... 17:51:45
    Screenshots are attached, along with a video of me scrolling thru the trade chat. This was a failed (attempted) scam on my Green Confetti Unusual Towering Pillar of Hats.

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  2. Dashie #NoMic D:

    Dashie #NoMic D: New User

    Due to me not paying much attention in paint, the pasting got cut off at the bottom. The picture on the right is just my 2nd monitor, so that can be ignored.
  3. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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