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Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by routemasters, Jun 18, 2013.

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  1. routemasters

    routemasters New User

    | steamname: lcjuans13
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48277090
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056819908
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056819908

    | steamname: Tato demo/roamer
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:40853307
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041972343
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Tatoooo
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198041972343

    | steamname: routemasters
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49520930
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059307589
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/routemasters
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059307589

    - Pictures of chat: http://imgur.com/a/TzkEd
    - Trade window: no trade was done
    - Screen shot of profile page: http://imgur.com/t4fHKQ0

    Trade post in question: http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/jl...-borderlands-2-bioshock-infinite-etc-w-offers

    Description: lcjuans13 adds me while I am offline and requests that I give him a BioShock Infinite key. His claims that I took his Sleeping Dogs and JC2 keys and removed him afterwards.

    On my Steamtrades trade I flatly rejected every single key offer, and also he claims that I offered a BioShock Infinite key for his keys. Again, this is wrong, I was never in the possession of a BioShock Infinite key which can be easily verified by my past trades like: http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/kc...d-fm2013-black-ops-scribblenauts-etc-w-offers

    Furthermore he claims that I had a chat session with him in which he gave me the keys, if I had a previous chat session with him that would have been visible right when I started the chat session: http://i.imgur.com/kpMXRmW.jpg

    While I was chatting with this person another user adds me, posts a bullying message and removes me very quickly, I suspect that this accout is either his alt or are trying to bully other people to extort free games: http://imgur.com/yf2tgp2

    I have asked lcjuans13 for multiple time to provide a proof that I actually took his keys, then also for a proof of purchase, or for the screen caps of the previous chat session. To which he could not provide any single evidence.

    Also, as he claims that I added him first before in which he gave the keys and I subsequently removed him, then why would I re-accept his friend request?

    To sum it up, I never was in the possession of any BioShock Infinite key, I have so far over 3500 trades on my account and as the 720th richest TF2 backpack owner there is no reason to put my reputation on the line of fire for two games I could easily get for less than 10-15 keys (as I have over 300+ TF2 keys that shouldn't be an issue for me).

    I can post further links to my previous trades on SGS, SPUF and Steamtrades which clearly will demonstrate that I never put a BioShock Infinite key on trade. Only Infinite copies I was in possession were all tradable Steam gifts.

    Also I run Windows XP I couldn't play Just Cause 2 anyway as it doesn't run on XP, also I didn't have those Sleeping Dogs and JC2 on my game list: http://steamcommunity.com/id/routemasters/games?tab=all

    As of now the Steam servers are down for maintenance, the guy keeps repeating the same story. I will post further screen caps.

    Log of the chat session (which is still on-going):

    routemasters: hi
    lcjuans13: well
    lcjuans13: im waiting for the key
    routemasters: from me?
    lcjuans13: yes i gave you sleeping dogs and justcause 2 just 5
    lcjuans13: minutes ago
    routemasters: when?
    lcjuans13: you added me and said im intrested in sleeping dogs and just cause 2
    routemasters: where said i that? on reddit? on steamtrades?
    routemasters: where did i say to add me?
    routemasters: where did you offer me sleeping dogs and jc2 and i accepted your key offers?
    lcjuans13: you addded me
    routemasters: you sent the friend request you idiot
    lcjuans13: yes then you removed me from freinds list
    routemasters: really?
    lcjuans13: yes
    routemasters: i capping this chat
    routemasters: where did you offer me sleeping dogs and jc2 and i accepted your key offers?
    lcjuans13: i dont think anybody hacked your account just for this
    routemasters: where did you offer me sleeping dogs and jc2 and i accepted your key offers?
    routemasters: links
    routemasters: if we had a chat before then i would have been visible in this chat, right on top
    lcjuans13: steam trades http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/jltFq/h-call-of-duty-ghosts-borderlands-2-bioshock-infinite-etc-w-offers/page/2
    lcjuans13: then you made a freind request and said i am intrested in sleeping dogs and just cause 2 and said i would have to go first
    routemasters: if we had a chat before then i would have been visible in this chat, right on top
    lcjuans13: when i gave you both keys you disconnected and removed me from your freinds list
    routemasters: you wasting your time, no free games here
    routemasters: and i reporting you to steamrep
    lcjuans13: i repeat i dont think anybody would hack your account right
    routemasters: cool story bro
    routemasters: you have screen caps of giving me the keys??????????????
    lcjuans13: no
    routemasters: you have proof of your purchases???????
    routemasters: ????????????
    routemasters: ??????????????????????
    lcjuans13: but you should be like this after me telling you what just happend
    routemasters: what proof you have?
    routemasters: i am like the top richest TF2 backpack owners and i would take your shitty keys?
    routemasters: now tell me
    lcjuans13: i purchased a square enix bundle today and those keys are there
    routemasters: you have proof of that purchase??????????????????????????
    lcjuans13: but i repeat this was my first trade and i trusted you
    routemasters: WHERE DID YOU PURCHASE IT??????????????????
    routemasters: yea yea
    lcjuans13: amazon
    routemasters: how much did you paid?
    lcjuans13: like 20 dollars for the bundle
    routemasters: then contact amazon to revoke the keys
    routemasters: and please f✿✿✿ off
    routemasters: or wait, i am posting now a report on steamrep
    routemasters: you making good money with these kind of scamming?
    routemasters: you have actual proof of buying the bundle on amazon???????????????
    routemasters: YOU HAVE ACTUAL PROOF OF BUYING THAT BUNDLE?????????????
    routemasters: yes or no
    lcjuans13: dude i can rpoof i purchased today
    routemasters: YES OR NO
    routemasters: when did you give me your s✿✿✿ keys?????????
    lcjuans13: yes please give me the bishock infinitum keay like we dealed
    lcjuans13: 10 minutes ago
    routemasters: where did i say i have infinite keys for trade?
    routemasters: you poor scammer
    lcjuans13: i repeat you added me and  said i am intrested in slepping dogs and just cuase 2 and requested to go first
    routemasters: you have proof of giving me your keys????????
    lcjuans13: i told you this is my first deal
    lcjuans13: no
    routemasters: you idiot
    routemasters: if you check that trade you will see that i rejected all key offers
    routemasters: now why would i have taken your s✿✿✿ keys?????????
    lcjuans13: dude are you telling me somebody haced your account
    routemasters: you are something special?
    lcjuans13: i thought that steam trades were trustable
    lcjuans13: yes i have proff of purchase
    lcjuans13: why would i lie about the prooof
    lcjuans13: why would i lie about this
    routemasters: you friend Tato demo/roamer  says hello to you
    lcjuans13: is this how you treat people ?
    lcjuans13: people that trust you ?
    lcjuans13: what freind tato demo roamer
    routemasters: where you from?
    lcjuans13: mexico
    routemasters: and you want from me what?
    routemasters: WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    lcjuans13: to finish the trade
    routemasters: what trade?
    lcjuans13: well the trade we stablished 15 minutes ago where you have not yet given your key
    routemasters: where was i trading an infinite key????????????????????????????
    routemasters: i am trading an infinite steam gift
    lcjuans13: it says on the steam trades label
    routemasters: where exactly you idiot, because i cant see it on my own trade
    lcjuans13: on the label
    routemasters: it says i have infinite key?????
    routemasters: right?????
    lcjuans13: yes itsays bioshock infinite
    routemasters: does it say KEY??????
    lcjuans13: well you said so on our chat
    routemasters: DOES IT SAY KEY????
    lcjuans13: no
    routemasters: you are the most dumbest scammer i ever talked to. you are the dumbest
    lcjuans13: why are you playing the fool
    lcjuans13: ?
    lcjuans13: you have insulted me repeatedly all you need to sayis that i am a fool for trusting you
    routemasters: not my problem if you think you can scam people with such stupid ideas
    routemasters: you are not first to pull this
    routemasters: are you done ? no free games
    lcjuans13: look if you want i can send you an email that shows tha order
    routemasters: you can post your proof on steamrep
    lcjuans13: just so you wont think it was fake keys
    routemasters: dont send me anything
    routemasters: no i dont think a POOR SUCKER like you can ever buy that bundle
    lcjuans13: ok so you scammed me just like that
    lcjuans13: you dont care about your reputation as human
    routemasters: you have to proof that,
    routemasters: burden of proof is on you
    routemasters: my patience is ending
    lcjuans13: i dont need to proof anything i know it
    lcjuans13: and you know it
    routemasters: contact amazon to revoke the keys IF YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT
    lcjuans13: i did
    lcjuans13: you should be helping me instead of insulting me
    lcjuans13: because if you are sure it was not you then
    routemasters: with what
    lcjuans13: someone used your logo and steam username to make fraud
    routemasters: go to him.
    routemasters: that simple
    lcjuans13: how if its your username
    routemasters: report him as an impersonator. that simple
    lcjuans13: how
    routemasters: not my business
    routemasters: now remove me
    routemasters: you probably think you can add people seeing their rich inventories and backpacks, and extort games with bullshit????
    routemasters: i just checked i am the 720th richest TF2 backpack owner. http://backpack.tf/top/backpacks/700
    routemasters: plus the games in my inventory
    routemasters: so a little poor bully like you pops out of his stinky bush and tries to extort free games
    routemasters: can i ask you something?
    lcjuans13: what
    routemasters: you have clean tap water in your home? or go and beg drinkable water from your neighbour?
    routemasters: tell if you can
    routemasters: i am soooo curious
    lcjuans13: i have purifyed water
    routemasters: you still havent removed me, i dont have free games and no infinite keys
    routemasters: now remove me
    routemasters: what you thinking?
    routemasters: just come out and be honest with me
    routemasters: and i will not post on steamrep, i will let this go
    routemasters: you have my word
    routemasters: if you honest with me, then maybe, maybe i can give a little steam gift, free
    routemasters: but maybe
    routemasters: you cant live with this forever, sooner or later its gonna crack on you, its gonna paralyze you
    routemasters: i have over 3500 trades, i do 10-20 trades a day, and i do get to hear a lot stories each day.
    routemasters: each day i get few scammer adds
    lcjuans13: its ok
    routemasters: now tell me why you did this
    lcjuans13: i made a deal with you
    routemasters: you still lying
    lcjuans13: to trade sleeping dogs and just cause 2 for bioshock infinitum
    routemasters: where does it say i have a key of infinite
    lcjuans13: you must think thst one negative post wont matter
    routemasters: since you are really stupid, let me ask you this; what do you want from me?
    lcjuans13: yes the bioshock infinitum steam key
    routemasters: its a steam gift you dumb idiot, check that trade , it says clear STEAM GIFTS
    routemasters: [H - Steam Gifts]
    routemasters: and delete the - rep
    lcjuans13: you said yes
    lcjuans13: when i asked you
    lcjuans13: on the chat
    routemasters: screen cap
    lcjuans13: i repeat
    lcjuans13: no
    routemasters: remove me
    routemasters: tell me the truth i will maybe give you a free game
    lcjuans13: i placed sleeping dogs steam key and just cause 2 steam key on the chat and you disconnected and removed me from freinds list
    routemasters: interestingly , i re-accepted your friend request?????????????????
    routemasters: very interesting
    lcjuans13: what do you mean
    routemasters: you say, i added you then took your keys, removed you and then i re-accepted your friend requst?
    lcjuans13: yes
    routemasters: very interesting how stupid you are
    routemasters: what you want from me so you delete the negative rep?
    lcjuans13: the bioshock infinitum
    routemasters: i dont have  bioshock infinitum
    routemasters: i have bioshock infinite
    lcjuans13: yes please
    routemasters: so you will delete the negative remark?
    lcjuans13: yes
    routemasters: and you will admit you did this so you can have it for free? right?
    lcjuans13: yes please you already noticed that you readded me and said intresting
    routemasters: you sent the friend request
    lcjuans13: yes first you did and said that you are intrested in sleeping dogs and just cause 2 and then i had to re add you yes
    lcjuans13: please
    routemasters: delete the negative remark, admit you were trying to scam me and i will do you a favour
    lcjuans13: yes but i am not lying
    lcjuans13: i will but this time please go first
    lcjuans13: i am a man of my word
    routemasters: yes you are still lying
    lcjuans13: well  will do as you said
    routemasters: come clean first

    Attached Files:

  2. routemasters

    routemasters New User


    Attached Files:

  3. routemasters

    routemasters New User

    Screen caps of the last chat session with the same user: http://imgur.com/a/RQl7U

    This time the the last parts of the previous chat session is visible, if I had a chat session before this would be also visible in the very first chat screen I have attached in the first message.

    Now he changed his story, first he asked for Batman AA instead Infinite than switched back to asking for Infinite.

    Also claims to have contacted Amazon Customer Service in this very short time period, and Amazon Customer Support should have allegedly referred to Square Enix Support. It took 5 mins to give me the phone number of Square Enix Support.

    If he was genuinely in the possession of those said keys, all he would have to do was redeeming them on his own account to verify whether these were used or not. He also ignored my request to contact Steam Support.

    Screen caps and logs are attached:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    19 June 2013
    lcjuans13: yes
    routemasters: will garrys mod satisfy you?
    routemasters: a free game for 3 hours. a big win for a low life like you
    lcjuans13: yes bioshock infinite is the deal i placed legit steam keys
    lcjuans13: please send bioshock infinite
    routemasters: i am done with the s✿✿✿, removing you.
    routemasters: if you have proof, contact amazon to revoke the keys. that simple
    routemasters: if you gave keys and those are redeemed on any account, these accounts will be permanently disabled by steam
    routemasters: NOW f✿✿✿ OF
    lcjuans13: yes
    routemasters: f✿✿✿ OFFF
    routemasters: what now
    routemasters: WHAT NOW
    routemasters: WHAT NOWWWWWWWWW
    lcjuans13: look if you like ill take batman for sleeping dogs
    routemasters: looooooollllllLLLLLLLLLL
    lcjuans13: just dont use the just cause 2 steam key
    routemasters: ON YOUR OWN ACCOUNT
    lcjuans13: i already have sleeping dogs if you really dont want the deal
    lcjuans13: we can do a diferent deal
    routemasters: so sleeping dogs key was unused?
    routemasters: remove the negative remark
    lcjuans13: so what you say sleeping dogs is ok for batman ac
    routemasters: is sleeping dogs tradable?
    lcjuans13: but not just cause 2 only one and ill reedem just cause 2
    lcjuans13: and i will remove the negative
    lcjuans13: yes
    routemasters: what your point?
    lcjuans13: my point is we can do that trade if you want
    routemasters: no trade,
    lcjuans13: but only sleeping dogs
    lcjuans13: but i already placed the keys on the chat about 2 hours ago please be honest did you use them
    routemasters: try it on your acc you idiot
    lcjuans13: look i called amzon and they refered me to square enix
    routemasters: BINGO
    routemasters: i got you
    lcjuans13: and square enix told me that steam can revoke
    lcjuans13: the keys
    routemasters: contact steam
    routemasters: whats the phone number of square eniz
    lcjuans13: so if you give me the bioshock infinite i wont revoke the keys on steam and i will remove the negative
    lcjuans13: 858-790-7529
    routemasters: took 5 mins to give the number
    lcjuans13: look think about it if i revoke the keys you wont have the keys and you will have a negative
    routemasters: do whatever the f✿✿✿ you want to do
    lcjuans13: and if you give me bioshock i wont revoke the keys and you will not have a negative
    routemasters: you are getting infinite here
    routemasters: NO FREE INFINITE
    routemasters: are you done with this bullshit
    lcjuans13: yes if you try to scamm me you will not have the keys and only have a negative
    lcjuans13: dont look at it as a threat look at it as correct way to do a deal
    routemasters: poops
    lcjuans13 is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  4. lcjuans13

    lcjuans13 New User

    I did contact steam support and submitted a ticket
    about the keys im going to report you on steam rep too
    and I will use the same screem caps that you took
    because you took advantage of me not knowing how to make this type of deals I had to ask around because I was new to steamtrades forum
    and didn't even know that steamrep existed
    but theres 2 things that are fishy about you
    1 the way you treated me because if it would have been an impersonator you would of tried to tell me what to do instead of calling me names
    2 your fishy proof at the end about that AI , what you are showing as a proof doesn't even happen In the movies
    however what you did to me happens all the time and you are the one with a post for trading games
    I don't have proof because I was not sure how to take proof Im not even sure how to take screencaps
    but I downloaded the screencaps you took and the last fishy proof you have should berry you alive
    because I did file a steam support ticket and I do have the keys you stole and redeemed or traded to someone else
    and proof of purchase
    I read in this forum something about being able to proof that the steam keys were redeemed and follow their trail or something like that
    besides I am not a trader and all the games on the library have been purchased through me
    and the games I have in the library are more expensive then yours you don't have to insult me saying you are rich and calling me names
    the only reason I was trading this time it was because I already owned sleeping dogs and had no mayor interest in just cause 2
    im glad I didn't throw in dues ex human revolution on your scamm because it was part of the bundle that I purchased on amazon
    I probably would have if you wouldn't have rushed the deal
    and I say rush the deal because you didn't assist me on taking screen caps or anything
    and that friend of yours that supposebly is my AI has never been in my friends list I don't know him but you do because the screemcaps show you talking to him
    at the same time you were talking to me
    and when you are talking to me theres only me and when you are talking to him theres him and I
    you didn't even talk to me at the same time and that is even more fishy
    to be honest at first I did believe it was an impersonator and I almost felt guilty for the negative I gave you on steamtrades.com but when you came up with that fishy proof
    I had no personal doubt that it might have been an impersonator because it was you the hole time and now at the end you cant tell me that it was an impersonator
    because of that turn you made
    and I repeat ,that doesn't happen not even in the movies
    I am personally not here to just report you I was also trying to see if you were a victim of an impersonator taking your place
    but now you cleared most the doubts and I am 99 percent sure that there is no impersonator
    and I am more confident about my statements during the chat we had
    to me is more important to know that I am not blaiming an innocent person ,then those steam keys
    and if steam wants proof of what I say I got the steam keys and the estimated time that they were redeemed
    I know that its not proof at any forum but steam can validate what I say regarding that last statement
    how would I know the steam keys and estimated time they were redeemed ?
    not to mention I have proof of purchase
    but steam can know were they were redeemed and if you traded the keys then the person can complain and say that he traded something with you and what you received for those keys and that is most likely either on your inventory or was in your inventory or an account with allot of connections with your routemasters account
    I am personally not sure how far will steam assist me with this case but If they check.
    but if they do check it is most likely they will unmask you
  5. lcjuans13

    lcjuans13 New User

    one more thing I want to point out I checked your screen caps and you were speaking to that supposed acopliss first and then you were speaking to me on the second tab
    when I recontacted you the first time telling that im still waiting to receive the game you were already speaking with him and I was on the second tab
    and the time of the last message that tato sent you was probably around the time that you became the scammer because he sent you the last messege on your time zone 2:00
    im not sure how you did that but the fact is that he didn't contact you during the conversation he was already talking to you
    so that is your accomplice
  6. lcjuans13

    lcjuans13 New User

    look at what you said
    ( you said )While I was chatting with this person another user adds me, posts a bullying message and removes me very quickly, I suspect that this accout is either his alt or are trying to bully other people to extort free games: http://imgur.com/yf2tgp2
    ( note)
    but in your screenshots right from the beginning you were already speaking to him and I was on the second tab
    so there is no possible way that tato demo/roemer contacted you during the conversation because his last messege was at 2:00
    and on the first screenshot of the conversation it says I sent you the last message at 2:19
    at what point did he contact you and I became the second on the friends tab ?
    why is it that he the hole time tato demo/roemer on the first tab?
    if you would say that it was because you removed me and I recend the friends request when you were speaking to him
    then my proof is that the last messege that I sent you on the next screen shot was at 2:37
    so there is no way that I would become the second on the tab from the chat box
    with those last messages times
    because you were already speaking to him
  7. routemasters

    routemasters New User

    While you discovered Steamrep, care to explain how do you have one time 144 games on your library while on my FL and then it gets down to 56 after I've removed you? Looks pretty much fishy:

    Your profile with 144 games: http://i.imgur.com/IUXsrJr.jpg

    Very same profile of yours with 56 games: http://i.imgur.com/OFIfs6U.jpg

    Good for you, while at it you also should demand that they permanently lock that account on which your "phony" keys were activated.

    Took you only 10 minutes to contact the customer services of Amazon and Square Enix but when I asked you it took 5 minutes to write the phone number of Square Enix.

    I capped all chat sessions after the end of the time wasting crap with you, check the Windows clock.

    Also to make it clear for the last time, you don't have any trade history with me, neither over chat nor over the Steam Trade window:

    No previous chat history after I accept your FIRST friend request: http://i.imgur.com/KFeakNN.jpg

    Previous chat history visible (of the first chat) after I accept your SECOND friend request: http://i.imgur.com/2QwO3wz.jpg

    For the last time, I have never put a BioShock Infinite key on trade. And you are not getting with this crap story a free BioShock Infinite from me for which I paid 59.99 USD from my pocket: http://i.imgur.com/fHNmVI6.jpg

    You can invalidate the keys, contact Amazon Customer Support. You can force Steam to permanently lock these accounts on which your "phony" keys were activated.

    Attached Files:

  8. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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  9. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Sister Thread: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198059307589-routemasters.34212/

    Those JPEGS + My Eyes = Not Friends

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  10. lcjuans13

    lcjuans13 New User

    first of all he didn't remove me once ,he removed me 3 times and he was the first to add me
    he removed me the first time when he scammed me then disconnected and removed me ,then i added him to ask him for his end of the deal the second time he removed me was during conversation and the third time at the end
    i was pointing out things to proof he is lying ,like i am always on the second tab of the chat box
    and now he is lying again and he is saying he took the screen caps at the end and that is why i am at the second tab
    but if you see the clock at the corner he took the screen caps at diferent times
    at least in the first screen cap i should have been at the first tab of the chat box
    because the first screen cap was taken not at the end like he said
    the more he says the more you can detect his lying
    i have no idea how he managed to erease the first part of the chat when i put the steam keys on the chat box
    but it could have been by disconnecting and relaunching steam and then he took screen caps of me adding him
    but he didn't take screen caps of accepting the request of tato demo/roamer the person he is using to frame me
    and when he shows the screen cap of accepting my request he didn't upload the full screen like in the rest
  11. lcjuans13

    lcjuans13 New User

    one more thing about him trying to frame me i dodnt think it is possible to remove any games from steam
  12. lcjuans13

    lcjuans13 New User

    one more thing i would like to point out to proof he is lying and lying and lying
    the first screen cap of this it says 144 games
    1 view all 1badges
    but that is not my account
    this is the account i use
    on this one it says 56 games
    view all 2 badges
    and next to the number 1 under steam badges says 50+
    and do you know what 50+ means ? it means that i have more than 50 games 50+ games
    if that with 144 games is real or even the same account
    under steam badges it would have to say view all 2 or more badges
    and it would have to say 50+ next to the number 1 because it says 144 games
    and i repeat i don't think there is a way to completely remove games on steam

    please help i don't have an idea of what program he is using to do this kind of stuff
    but i already pointed out all i can about his lying to all of us
  13. Fkids

    Fkids New User

    gencobra likes this.
  14. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Post Op Notes:
    Connected threads:

    | steamname: malakemporas
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:65869496
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198092004721
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/malakemporass
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198092004721

    | steamname: malakemporas
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:38248302
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036762332
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198036762332

    | steamname: Peter
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:14861725
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989989179
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/petyob
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197989989179

    | steamname: ΚαθΩπθρyΣ ΑργυΣ
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52367123
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064999975
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Katoptrys
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064999975

    | steamname: routemasters
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49520930
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059307589
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/routemasters
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059307589

    | steamname: lcjuans13
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48277090
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056819908
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056819908

    Impersonation with intent to scam

    Scammer takes the SteamTrades name of high rep users and asks other traders to go first
    They trade him keys and then remove him
    The victim then gets tricked into adding the real account and calls him a scammer (occurred on 2 occasions with 2 different sets of victims ΚαθΩπθρyΣ ΑργυΣ + Peter | routemasters + lcjuan13)
  15. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    The real scammer has been marked. Thanks for the report.
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