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Accepted 76561198114783507 - (World of Paradise / [DOTA2] Dota2 Items) & 76561198118105648

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by sTicKs23, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. sTicKs23

    sTicKs23 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Accomplice] Alternate account of hijacker or scammer
    Virtual item type involved: [DOTA2] Dota2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198114783507 (World of Paradise)

    Victim profile: 76561197994080207

    What happened? Description:
    Wanted to sell DC Hook for 150 euros on paypal, and he pretended to know an steamrep admin. I offered him the hook on dota2lounge and he added me on steam, as you can see in pictures they left after I figured out.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. [G²] Scatman

    [G²] Scatman New User

    Do you have the profile of the Mattie! impersonator?
  3. sTicKs23

    sTicKs23 New User

    The real Mattie or fake one ?
  4. sTicKs23

    sTicKs23 New User

  5. [G²] Scatman

    [G²] Scatman New User

  6. sTicKs23

    sTicKs23 New User

    Yes :) Sorry I'm new on steamrep
    [G²] Scatman likes this.
  7. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Thank you for your report! An SR admin will review yours in a while!
  8. Mystical EM# S100H#

    Mystical EM# S100H# New User

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/ioannis/ - my friend ( world paradise ask me to give a middleman in trading, i ask for that my mate )
    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122639909/ - fake player which added to group chat, and requisted trade to me. he had same picture, nickname, information but not a acc level and comentars as my friend. after his name was BLACK ORGANIZATION
    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198114783507 - World of Paradise. Stealer. Wanted to steal my knife by a fake trade.

    a lil bit ofr prologue.
    world of paradise wanted to buy my knife with real money (webmoney transfer), but i understood it and he failed. i copied all chat and group chat in one big commentar.

    March 17, 2014
    Mystical EM# S100H#: hi
    Mystical EM# S100H#: ur lounge offer is realmoney right?
    World of Paradise: yep
    World of Paradise: pls wait
    World of Paradise: hellow
    World of Paradise: how much it cost for knife ?
    World of Paradise: ...
    Mystical EM# S100H#: im here
    Mystical EM# S100H#: was afk
    World of Paradise: yep
    World of Paradise: its okay .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: how much ull give?
    Mystical EM# S100H#: im using webmoney
    World of Paradise: uhm .
    World of Paradise: its okay .
    World of Paradise: wmr or wmz .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: wmz
    World of Paradise: uhm okay
    World of Paradise: 260 $
    World of Paradise: what do you think ?
    Mystical EM# S100H#: i think its overpaying;)
    Mystical EM# S100H#: 233 shoul be ok
    World of Paradise: its not i think .
    World of Paradise: yep :)
    World of Paradise: thank you for giving me a discount :)
    World of Paradise: cuz it was 190++ euro in market :(.
    World of Paradise: uhm okay .
    World of Paradise: do you have csgotraders money reputation ?
    Mystical EM# S100H#: ill check price again
    World of Paradise: yep we agreed for 233 $
    Mystical EM# S100H#: u can check commentars and ask ppl with what i traded
    Mystical EM# S100H#: there was also russian ppl with wmr
    World of Paradise: uhm okay :).
    World of Paradise: 233 $ we goo .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: wmz right?
    World of Paradise: yep .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: ok
    World of Paradise: do you have csgotraders money reputation ?
    World of Paradise: ...
    Mystical EM# S100H#: as i said only commentars. and lounge nothin more. what are u talking about?
    World of Paradise: uhm okay .
    World of Paradise: can we use legit admin to process our deal safe nd fair or if you have midman we can use him but make sure that we can truly trust him
    World of Paradise: okay .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: all my friends are trusted buy me, im a player of exkerchnet ..so here is no reason to make bad my reputatiom
    Mystical EM# S100H#: n
    World of Paradise: so we use your trusted friend ?
    World of Paradise: only if we can surely trust him
    World of Paradise: ..
    Mystical EM# S100H#: yes we can, but by the way im not surely understand how u wanna make that deal, it going interesting for me;)
    World of Paradise: uhm okay just follow my rules so it would be safe for us .
    World of Paradise: can i add him first .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: how can i also be sure in ur reputation. as i can see ur lounge reputation havent good time;D
    World of Paradise: its okay .
    World of Paradise: i am sure buyer .
    World of Paradise: invite your friend to our group chat .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: ok one moment
    World of Paradise: wait
    World of Paradise: i check him first .
    World of Paradise: hey
    World of Paradise: check him on my friendlist if his your truly friend .
    World of Paradise: hey
    Mystical EM# S100H#: you are in his friendlist as i see
    World of Paradise: give me your wmz id number first .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: Z325704098790
    World of Paradise: i ask you friend to trade you but wait for me nd i call invite him to trade so i have a proof if ever he will not give the stuff after i send the money .
    World of Paradise: invite him now .
    World of Paradise: done ?
    Mystical EM# S100H#: dude
    Mystical EM# S100H#: excuse me
    Mystical EM# S100H#: but man
    World of Paradise: why ?
    Mystical EM# S100H#: who invite trade
    Mystical EM# S100H#: not a ion
    World of Paradise: he
    Mystical EM# S100H#: i checked profile
    World of Paradise: okay .
    World of Paradise: don e?
    Mystical EM# S100H#: what done
    Mystical EM# S100H#: man who givin me trade
    Mystical EM# S100H#: not a ion
    World of Paradise: why ?
    World of Paradise: i thought we can trust him
    Mystical EM# S100H#: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122639909/
    Mystical EM# S100H#: that a dude which have similare accc info
    Mystical EM# S100H#: but not a ion
    World of Paradise: oh
    World of Paradise: his not ion ?
    Mystical EM# S100H#: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ioannis/
    Mystical EM# S100H#: that a real one
    World of Paradise: wait
    World of Paradise: i added him
    World of Paradise: invite him to our chat .
    Mystical EM# S100H#: ...
    Mystical EM# S100H#: nice try
    World of Paradise: not
    Mystical EM# S100H#: horoshaya popitka
  9. Mystical EM# S100H#

    Mystical EM# S100H# New User

  10. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello sTicKs23,

    Your report was accepted for this user, but they were already banned. We've added the offense to our notes as further consideration during an appeal. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accused's profile
    2. Click More drop-down located at the top right of the page
    3. Choose Report Violation
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click Submit Report
    Click here to view the animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Thank you for submitting a report to us.