1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

READ ME For visitors who are not appealing

Discussion in 'Appeal a Judgement' started by DataStorm, Aug 24, 2012.

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  1. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    These are appeal threads of these respective persons, belonging to one person. Whatever emotions you may feel about them or their marks, do NOT retort or comment otherwise. Please act responsibly and let SteamRep representatives handle the appeals.

    We are fine with:
    • Asking for proof on points the appeal brings forward, or the appealer forgot to add information about.
    • Adding information relevant to the case(s) being appealed to.

    What we are NOT fine with are:
    • Acting as a mod or an admin
    • Retorts without any goal but to bring down the appealer, i.e. personal attacks
    • Useless replies that have no bearing or anything to add, for its already been said.
    • Trying to appeal for yourself, in another person's appeal.
    • Stating Steamrep policy without proper knowledge/understanding and/or without link referral of established policy. Misinformation of our mechanisms is something we DON'T need.
    • "Vouches of character" are not permitted as they are not considered in the appeal process.
    • Replying to invalid appeals as if they were valid.
    For repeated transgressions, we may give warnings, discouragements, or even short or longer bans.

    Understand that, if we have less stuff that we have to go thru, the more other work we can manage to do.
    -hg- COBALT likes this.
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