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A guide to TF2 gambling and how to do it safely

Discussion in 'SteamRep Guides' started by TemioMAN, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. TemioMAN

    TemioMAN New User

    View attachment 6932

    What Is Team Fortress 2 Gambling?
    Team Fortress 2 Gambling has a few variations, its the same as real life; slot machines are different to Russian roulette.
    Normally all the types of Team Fortress 2 Gambling involve the player putting forward an item, that they may or may not lose in hope that they will earn a profit or double their money.
    Chapters in this guide
    • Spycrabbing
    • Craft Gambling
    • Halloween Gambling
    • How to keep yourself safe when Team Fortress 2 gambling
    • Server To Gamble on

    Spycrabbing is the most popular form of gambling in TF2, 2 or more players put forward an item (all the items must be around the same price) they then taunt with the disguise kit to play. Normal scoring for a 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4 spycrab is first to 3 spycrabs loses (If doing a 3v3 or above then you get knocked when you do 3 spycrabs) You can do large of up to around 24 people, when you enter one of these normally its only 1 spycrab until you are out.
    Note: When entering a spycrab for over 1 key its good to have a trusted middleman that both sides know, but i will talk about that later.
    You may make up your own scoring at the start of the spycrab if you so wish for example first to 2 spycrabs wins, but i recommend first to 3 loses.
    You should always have somebody watching your spycrab to be witness incase one of you taunts and says they didn't spycrab but the opponent says they did.
    Note:make sure you either taunt one then the other or at the same time,this makes sure the number of taunts is even.
    Note:If both of you taunt a spycrab at the same time, then the sum of both your spycrabs is 3 then you must taunt again until one gets a spycrab and loses
    Craft Gambling

    Craft gambling is when you have 3 people with 3 refined and you all pick 3 classes, you then craft that 3 refined into a hat, the person with the class that matches the hat wins the hat when it is crafted.
    Here's How it works:The three people either spycrab or do a raffle to see who gets first pick, then another to see who gets second pick then one more to see who gets to craft the 3 refined. The pick system goes like this 1st picker picks 1, 2nd picker picks 1, third picker picks 2 then first picker picks 2 second picker picks 2 then third picker picks 1. seems complex but is quite easy

    Note:Always make sure their are witnesses, that know your craft gambling on the server,make sure everyone verifies in the chat to.
    Halloween Gambling

    This type of gambling involves 2 soldiers during Halloween, its basically like spycrab when the soldier does the grenade taunt they are out, first to 3 grenade taunts loses.
    How to keep Safe when Gambling

    • Know who you are spycrabbing semi-well
    • Middle man items worth over a key
    • if the person runs take screenshots
    • Make sure the rules of the spycrab are clear
    • Make sure the player has the item they are spycrabbing before you spycrab them, do this by going into their profile page and looking into their inventory
    • Film if the item is as high as a bills hat, I recommend fraps screen capture
    • keep your console open
    Craft Gamble:
    • Know the people you are craft gambling with
    • Make sure an admin is online
    • Make sure everyone has a refined to gamble with
    • Screenshot if someone runs
    • keep your console open
    Server's For spycrabbing
    Personally I recommend the Just awesome gaming event server:jagaming.co.uk I also recommend The mann co trading unusual server:manncotrading.com Thanks for reading! hope you found this guide useful
  2. TemioMAN

    TemioMAN New User

    This is the header LOL

    Attached Files:

  3. Flutterspy

    Flutterspy New User

    Nice little guide, maybe you should add some annotated diagrams of how something works to help those who have trouble understanding some of this in words.
    Either way, good guide.
  4. RetroPCx

    RetroPCx New User

    :D thank you for the guide.