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Invalid Attempted Account Hijacker

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Giamiester, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Giamiester

    Giamiester New User

    | steamname: S. Wholet Communtry
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:48617384
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057500497
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198057500497

    It looks like the account he used to talk to me was already hijacked because he was already on my friends-list. And his trade was disabled due to steamguard

    Transcript:Never tell your password to anyone.
    S. Wholet Communtry: hey dude
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": h
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": hi
    S. Wholet Communtry: u want free 200 - 300 dollar
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": ?
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": i guess
    S. Wholet Communtry: ?
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": yea
    S. Wholet Communtry: sec i will go offline and back
    S. Wholet Communtry is now Online.
    S. Wholet Communtry: back
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": k
    S. Wholet Communtry: so
    S. Wholet Communtry: u want 300 dollar
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": ye
    S. Wholet Communtry: go to setting
    S. Wholet Communtry: steam setting
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": k
    S. Wholet Communtry: u see change contact ..........
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": ye
    S. Wholet Communtry: click it
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": k
    S. Wholet Communtry: and put ur password
    S. Wholet Communtry: and put this
    S. Wholet Communtry: [email protected]
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": so it changes my password to that so you can hijack my steam account?
    S. Wholet Communtry: no i swear
    S. Wholet Communtry: nothing of that
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": that means you know what the apssword is if i do that
    S. Wholet Communtry: dude it will go to the steam company and they will charge ur acount
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": lol
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": looooooool
    S. Wholet Communtry: i swear
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": how old is your steam account?
    S. Wholet Communtry: ?
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": yea
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": how old?
    S. Wholet Communtry: i am ?
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": how long have you been using steam i mean
    S. Wholet Communtry: idk
    S. Wholet Communtry: i dontt remmber
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": you have a steam badge that tells you
    S. Wholet Communtry: if u want real money do it
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": if you want real money do it too just change ur password to [email protected]
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": then i will see
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": ?
    S. Wholet Communtry: dude
    S. Wholet Communtry: if u want do
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": you do it
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": if you do it i will do it
    S. Wholet Communtry: dude
    S. Wholet Communtry: good bye want to do aor no ?
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": ok i did it, fine
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": i changed it to [email protected]
    S. Wholet Communtry: dude it not changed
    S. Wholet Communtry: and u dont do
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": i was testing you
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": make sure its legit
    S. Wholet Communtry: what u mean
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": I said i asked u that stuff
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": and your real
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": so i did it now
    S. Wholet Communtry: what they write to u
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": nothing yet
    S. Wholet Communtry: hahahahha u dont do it
    S. Wholet Communtry: lyer
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": i swear
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": i got not message
    S. Wholet Communtry: dude
    S. Wholet Communtry: do it again
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": ok
    S. Wholet Communtry: put ur password and put this email
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": im gonna re try
    S. Wholet Communtry: 2 times
    S. Wholet Communtry: [email protected]
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": oh
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": i miss typed it
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": lol
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": ok done
    S. Wholet Communtry: dude u are a friken lyer
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": how do you know?
    S. Wholet Communtry: u dont do it
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": Are you trying to log in as me?
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": thats how you know
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": reported and screenshotted
    S. Wholet Communtry: no dude
    S. Wholet Communtry: hah bye
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": and gotcha ip
    §GiaMiester§ "Hired Robot": and steam id
    sacm.jpg sacmp2.jpg
  2. Giamiester

    Giamiester New User

    this is my first, and last bump
  3. Killuminati

    Killuminati New User

  4. Killuminati

    Killuminati New User

  5. Giamiester

    Giamiester New User

  6. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin: