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attemted scam?

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by Dix9, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Dix9

    Dix9 New User

    | steamname: ﮓ ﮓRARABOYﮓﮓ
    | steam3ID: [U:1:3370736]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:1685368
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197963636464
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/itsmeraraboyskithegamblerrrr
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197963636464

    he whated to trade my whiteout and started demanding some sort of proof. proof is supposed to be a trade offer my whiteout for nothing o_O i have no clue.

    then he linked this image: http://imgur.com/nJUrel7
    and said that i get banned for some reason =D

    Can some1 clarify that he was indeed trying to scam me?

    Here is our chat log:

    ? ?RARABOY??: well there are 3 scammers in your friendlist atm
    Dix9: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197963161207/
    Dix9: is he scammer?
    Dix9: ok
    ? ?RARABOY??: tolya
    ? ?RARABOY??: hahaha
    ? ?RARABOY??: http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001159929/
    ? ?RARABOY??: to check
    ? ?RARABOY??: who are the scammers and hackers in your friendlist
    ? ?RARABOY??: thats how to check
    Dix9: ateam is scammer? they are latvian friends of my from cs 1.6 server like 8 years ago
    ? ?RARABOY??: well he has a report i can't say that he has a scammer but he did something wrong thats why he had report
    ? ?RARABOY??: i guess
    Dix9: yeah thx
    Dix9: this helps alot
    ? ?RARABOY??: no problem my friend
    ? ?RARABOY??: feel free to ask any question just in case you need some help you can keep me in friends further future transaction but for now in your whiteout im going to pass
    ? ?RARABOY??: thank you..
    Dix9: yeah i am looking for its price and this helps alot
    ? ?RARABOY??: okay bro.
    Dix9: overpriced scamming offers ruins price evaluation
    ? ?RARABOY??: yep
    ? ?RARABOY??: hello bro
    Dix9: hi
    ? ?RARABOY??: how are you ?
    Dix9: well why?
    ? ?RARABOY??: remember me ?
    Dix9: yes
    ? ?RARABOY??: just wondering about your white out
    Dix9: i got 2 whiteout now
    ? ?RARABOY??: im going to offer 420USD
    ? ?RARABOY??: the current one in you inventory
    Dix9: well i am not trading for money just items
    ? ?RARABOY??: sure then well is your white is all good and tradeable then ?
    Dix9: yes the 1 in my inventory is tradeable
    ? ?RARABOY??: great can you prove for a moment
    Dix9: Float: 0.06991490
    ? ?RARABOY??: anyway my offer just in case is m9 tiger tooth FN
    ? ?RARABOY??: can you prove for a moment
    Dix9: prove? what do you mean?
    ? ?RARABOY??: i mean prove that your white is visible in trade already and its transferable something like that
    Dix9: yes it is tradeable. what trade offer link?
    ? ?RARABOY??: just let me know when your interested in my offer
    Dix9: fn m9 tiger tooth is 150-251 keys i think i can trade
    Dix9: 150 keys is my lower limit
    Dix9: can i have inspect link?
    ? ?RARABOY??: graet
    ? ?RARABOY??: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561198253347156A5311391800D7658020353337162542
    ? ?RARABOY??: sure
    ? ?RARABOY??: why not
    ? ?RARABOY??: are you there?
    Dix9: yes
    Dix9: i am looking for information about that knife
    ? ?RARABOY??: your in OC ?
    ? ?RARABOY??: PC
    Dix9: yes i am. i am just doing research about this trade
    Dix9: i will decide soon
    Dix9: hmm it seems it is 138keys on op skins
    Dix9: it is little low offer
    Dix9: i am looking for little higher
    Dix9: around 350€
    Dix9: 287.12 € at op skins m9 FN tiger tooth
    ? ?RARABOY??: Lmfao
    ? ?RARABOY??: Bro why are you comparing the price in opskins?
    ? ?RARABOY??: Are buying the m9 tiger tooth for realmoney???????
    ? ?RARABOY??: Lel
    ? ?RARABOY??: Atleast think about it its totally different my goodness haha
    ? ?RARABOY??: Nvrmnd thanks anyaway
    Dix9: no but it gives good price valuation
    ? ?RARABOY??: Lol its not
    Dix9: i think about it
    ? ?RARABOY??: The prices in opskins are not the same in trading prices
    Dix9: yes most items are overpriced there
    ? ?RARABOY??: Theres a person rushing to sell there stuff in opskins for real money and thats not the total price in trading
    Dix9: but m9 tiger tooth FN is common tradeable and it gives kind of accurate price.
    ? ?RARABOY??: I already explained that thing to you before i thought you know hays
    ? ?RARABOY??: its because your whiteout is worth 850USd in opskins thats why you base in opskins ?hahahaha
    ? ?RARABOY??: damn daniel
    Dix9: is ur offer up for longer time? i may take it later
    Dix9: no i am selling 1 whiteout for 360€ on steam market atm
    Dix9: u can check it
    Dix9: damn daniel =D
    ? ?RARABOY??: bro theres no one sold in opskins white out for higher than 300USD
    ? ?RARABOY??: just to let you know
    Dix9: but in steam market there is
    Dix9: last sold is fed 17 for 360€
    ? ?RARABOY??: okay then no deal then haha
    ? ?RARABOY??: simple
    Dix9: feb*
    Dix9: well thats fair u did give offer and i declined for now. i may try to send u a message later =)
    ? ?RARABOY??: no problem so can you prove for a moment then that your white out is tradeable already?
    ? ?RARABOY??: and visible when you trade
    Dix9: how can i do that?
    Dix9: sure
    ? ?RARABOY??: while im waiting
    ? ?RARABOY??: you have authenticator bro right?
    Dix9: yes
    ? ?RARABOY??: great okay can you made the offer with the white out so i can see if its visible in here
    Dix9: o_O doesnt it give you chance to accept it?
    ? ?RARABOY??: oh lol ofcourse just don't accept the 2nd confirmation if ever i accept it
    Dix9: and you can check it from my trade link
    ? ?RARABOY??: try to send me case
    ? ?RARABOY??: so you can see if ever i accept
    ? ?RARABOY??: send me anything without value
    ? ?RARABOY??: ok?
    Dix9: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=40894201&token=Mx-XojYT
    Dix9: here you cannot select it if it is not tradeable right?
    ? ?RARABOY??: hays thats not how to prove </3
    ? ?RARABOY??: ofcourse your the one who show me if its all good and visible when you made the offer rip T,T
    ? ?RARABOY??: you got authenticator correct?
    ? ?RARABOY??: can you send me anything without value for example
    Dix9: these sites which check my inventory allways check what is trade able and whats not
    Dix9: this sounds really fishy man
    Dix9: =D it is tradeable
    ? ?RARABOY??: what?fishy?ofmg okay nevermind then don't prove it hahahahah wtf fishy? even if i made 6000+ trades transaction im still fishy? hahahaha
    ? ?RARABOY??: hey hey stop don't talk anymore
    ? ?RARABOY??: if you think its fishy
    ? ?RARABOY??: lel
    Dix9: i have done 0 trades... sorry for not knowing these things but i am sure it is tradeable
    Dix9: it said it is tradeable 08:00 today
    ? ?RARABOY??: thats why im trying to explain and you even forgot im the one who told you and help you about the scammers?and im fishy now here and then?
    ? ?RARABOY??: oh common
    ? ?RARABOY??: ok?nvrmnd theres no need to force you if you think its fishy. hays
    ? ?RARABOY??: whats the purpose of your authenticator pew
    ? ?RARABOY??: if you think its fishy thats why i want you to send anything non valuable to show how it works ?
    ? ?RARABOY??: right?
    Dix9: ok. i will send message if want the trade =/ i understand if u then dont want to trade anymore
    Dix9: well it secures my account
    Dix9: no1 can use it
    ? ?RARABOY??: it secures?o_O
    Dix9: allways asks my code when i log in to new device
    ? ?RARABOY??: lol mobile authenticator is secure about trading also when you send me items for free and whenever i accepted it for free the owner of the items going to be sent for free is not going to transfer an instant
    ? ?RARABOY??: its verify about 2nd confirmation
    Dix9: and i can do trades without the 7 days wait time
    Dix9: yes i have sent items to different sites csgodouble etc
    Dix9: lost all tho =(
    ? ?RARABOY??: csgodouble is bot not a steam account
    Dix9: yes and they dont accept delayed trades
    ? ?RARABOY??: can i ask you is there something wrong even if you just made a offer just to test with your non valuable stuff?
    ? ?RARABOY??: ^^
    Dix9: so i need mobile for that
    ? ?RARABOY??: yes?
    ? ?RARABOY??: so in that case its show up in here thats how to prove. because its new for you well we need to test a non valuable stuff to understand how it works
    ? ?RARABOY??: okay?
    ? ?RARABOY??: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=3370736&token=9p0wgUde
    ? ?RARABOY?? did not respond to the trade request.
    ? ?RARABOY??: use trade offer for much safe
    ? ?RARABOY??: done?
    ? ?RARABOY??: hello
    Dix9: sec
    ? ?RARABOY??: ok
    Dix9: sent
    ? ?RARABOY??: my goodness my music kit
    Dix9: =D
    ? ?RARABOY??: why ?
    Dix9: what now i have prooven that i can do trade offers right?
    Dix9: you had nothing else to trade
    ? ?RARABOY??: yes i know but the point in here is your whiteout lol
    ? ?RARABOY??: we are testing your non valuable stuff if you send it for free i can't accept it here
    Dix9: i am not sending my whiteout to you for free o_O
    ? ?RARABOY??: HAHAHAHA fck ofcourse not
    ? ?RARABOY??: my goodness hahahaha
    Dix9: you can now accept it and the trade is done
    Dix9: it wont ask anything from me anymore
    ? ?RARABOY??: lol it is
    ? ?RARABOY??: try to send me
    ? ?RARABOY??: any item for free wihout my music kit because we are proving about you send items for free
    ? ?RARABOY??: your afraid im going to run with your aug?hahaha
    Dix9: -.-
    ? ?RARABOY??: can you just send your aug for free then i accept ?
    ? ?RARABOY??: so you can see
    ? ?RARABOY??: hays
    ? ?RARABOY??: hey
    ? ?RARABOY??: just yes or no
    ? ?RARABOY??: you can't ?
    Dix9: what is ur point ? i have prooven that i have mobile authenticator and i can check from my inventory that my whiteout is tradeable
    Dix9: you*
    ? ?RARABOY??: my point is i want you to show me that the white out is visible when you made the offer nad its going to pop up on my side so in that case im going to reserve you the m9 for future trade since you are still thinking about it understand?
    ? ?RARABOY??: send me anything without value then i accept so you can see what happen okay???
    ? ?RARABOY??: its easy?
    Dix9: o_O no
    ? ?RARABOY??: why ?
    Dix9: wth are you talking about
    Dix9: i am not sending you anything free
    ? ?RARABOY??: fck this.
    Dix9: thx for ur help but this is too fishy
    ? ?RARABOY??: so that means your white out is not tradeable and visible in trade then
    ? ?RARABOY??: ok nvrmnd you don't know how to understand
    Dix9: it is visable and tradeable
    ? ?RARABOY??: lol its not
    ? ?RARABOY??: you can't even prove lel
    Dix9: you can check it from my trade offer link
    Dix9: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=40894201&token=Mx-XojYT
    ? ?RARABOY??: in proving it ofcourse your the one who made a offer so i can see it in here
    Dix9: if it is not trade able u cannot see it
    ? ?RARABOY??: its obvious you don't know about everything
    Dix9: and you can see it
    ? ?RARABOY??: god sake.
    Dix9: get 170 tradeable keys and i send you offer
    Dix9: whiteout for 170 keys
    ? ?RARABOY??: lol haha why would I ?
    ? ?RARABOY??: your whiteout is not tradeable and visible buddy
    Dix9: lol
    ? ?RARABOY??: you can't even prove my goodness
    Dix9: are u retarted? you can check every tradeable item from their inventory
    Dix9: like u dont have ANYTHING tradeable than music kit
    Dix9: where is ur items?
    ? ?RARABOY??: im not retarted your the one checking prices in opskins XD 2nd you don't know about authenticator works 3rd you can't prove that your stuff is all good and visible by doing a offer without accepting 2nd confirmation
    ? ?RARABOY??: and 4th your the one actually havent done a trades before and arguing to a person that made 6000+ trades you should think about it
    Dix9: wth is second confirmation? if i send you offer you can accept it and its done
    Dix9: send me offer with ur music kit and i accept it
    Dix9: lets see about second confirmation
    Dix9: are u looking for this match? fnatic vs luminosity?
    Dix9: crazy
    ? ?RARABOY??: what ?
    ? ?RARABOY??: yes i look at on it yesterday
    ? ?RARABOY??: fallen
    Dix9: ?
    ? ?RARABOY??: fallen <3
    Dix9: its live final from katowice
    Dix9: 18:17
    Dix9: first map
    ? ?RARABOY??: ohhh
    ? ?RARABOY??: 17-18
    ? ?RARABOY??: done
    Dix9: i said fnatic vs luminosity not luminosity vs fnatic
    Dix9: yeah the stream is marked as luminosity vs fnatic so thta way it was 17-18
    Dix9: yeah i got bet on this game ^^
    Dix9: for fnatic. but i wont win much because they are the favorite to win
    ? ?RARABOY??: okay
    ? ?RARABOY??: so i guess the trade is not going to happen
    Dix9: i may take it later but not today
    ? ?RARABOY??: well atleast do some prove bro
    Dix9: its just under my lowwer limit
    ? ?RARABOY??: instead of trying to fix the situation you are just arguing
    Dix9: which is 150 keys
    ? ?RARABOY??: under?
    ? ?RARABOY??: the m9 tigier tooth is 170KEYS
    ? ?RARABOY??: if you want i can get 170keys not the m9 tiger tooth
    Dix9: well analyst says 150-2xx keys
    ? ?RARABOY??: but atleast do some proof holy
    Dix9: 170 keys is buyout rightnow
    ? ?RARABOY??: i can get 170keys
    ? ?RARABOY??: im going to trade the m9 tiger tooth FN for keys
    Dix9: get them and send me an offer
    ? ?RARABOY??: and the problem is prove
    ? ?RARABOY??: idk what is your prove by just doing a prove omfg bro god sake.
    ? ?RARABOY??: why can't you made a offer to see if your white out is visible on my side when you offer
    Dix9: well go on send me ur ONLY tradeable item and i accept it and lets see about that SECOND confirmation
    Dix9: it makes no sense
    ? ?RARABOY??: i don't have tradeable item
    Dix9: yes you have
    ? ?RARABOY??: only my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ music kit
    Dix9: the music kit
    ? ?RARABOY??: and we are talking about yours
    Dix9: no i am just saying u are scamming here =D if there is a SECOND confirmation then there is not proplen just send the music kit
    Dix9: just get the items and lets make a trade
    Dix9: i dont get it. what is so hard about this? it is CLEARLY tradeable
    Dix9: you are the one who has NO items
    Dix9: and you are talking about trading
    ? ?RARABOY??: you even forgot to where are you talking with bro, well anyway im going to made a report accused to you then file it and send to the admin my friend. you don't get it because your not even f✿✿✿✿✿✿ listening. no i don't do a trade to a person and don't even know how to understand a simple suggestion
    ? ?RARABOY??: http://imgur.com/nJUrel7
    ? ?RARABOY??: once the admin going to accept it in 3-4days goodluck
    ? ?RARABOY??: to your beautiful account
    Dix9: wth
    ? ?RARABOY??: messing up with me is your big mistake
    Dix9: what have i done?
    Dix9: lol
    Dix9: ok now i report you for sure =D lol
    ? ?RARABOY??: blocking and removing me can't do anything because we already have your info
    ? ?RARABOY??: AHAHAH sure then. report me ^^ you can report me in steam. how many times but that was a total different if a moderator are the one who make you vanished on this community :)
    ? ?RARABOY??: pew http://imgur.com/nJUrel7
    Dix9: i copied that image and our communications
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin: