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Archived http://steamcommunity.com/id/YouMadBroYolo/ (SR CAUTION)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Hidanone, Sep 14, 2013.

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  1. Hidanone

    Hidanone New User

    | steamname: Hidanone
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52970093
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066205914
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/YouMadBroYolo
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066205914

    So yeah, I am marked as a SR CAUTION, because of a big giant mistake. I was being reported for trying to sell arma 3 LITE for 16 keys. Yes I was stupid, Yes I was a noob, and yes we do make mistakes. It's been almost an year since the scam. Luckily I did not scammed anybody with the arma 3 thingy , since it failed.

    What I am doing now?
    I am now teaching newer people on how to trade (ask a guy on my friend list named Ra-coon) and used to be an tip of the hat donator.

    You guys must be wondering why am I appealing a judgement so late. Well, it is because I am now trying to sell my keys for money (which is impossible with an SR CAUTION mark) and probably unusual trading. The reason why I didn't appealed an judgement is because a SR CAUTION wasn't that bad (most people don't care) but in unusual and real life money trading it does, a lot. So I am now asking and hoping to get an SR CAUTION out of my name. And the scam never worked either. And my steam profile also contains a lot of +reps. You can ask them one by one, because they all had a succesfull trade (I can even provide proof of the trades)
    It's just been such a long time, and I just started trading. We all make mistakes. If there's anything I can do to get that caution away I'll do ANYTHING.

  2. Crashingvanity

    Crashingvanity New User


    First off, it appears as though it has only been approximately 5 months since you were initially reported for attempting to scam. The thing about Caution is it is used to flag potential miscreants who have been known or shown to deal in shady behavior in trading communities. Steamrep is used as a guideline for potentially millions of people to make sure who they deal with is not someone who is going to scam them or rip them off. In the report, a chat log was provided in which you are quoted as saying,

    "Damn... almost :D ah well time to find a new idiot."

    You then taunt your attempted victim saying that you've been reported before and then you leave with an incredibly hateful anti-semitic remark.

    "Luckily I did not scammed anybody with the arma 3 thingy , since it failed."

    Right here in this post, you blatantly admit that what you did was attempt to scam people out of their items with a misrepresented item that would expire that was meant to pass off as the full title Arma 3.

    Based on this evidence, it's incredibly difficult to allow you to get your mark taken off when evidence suggests that you have been known to dabble in attempted scam territory, and the Unusual and RWM trading communities and traders deserve to know such a thing. They should know you've attempted to scam and be cautious to attempted charge backs.
  3. Hidanone

    Hidanone New User

    I was stupid as I said, we all mistakes. And since I'm now going to do big trades (Unusuals, Paypal etc.) I need to get that tag removed. I was kinda ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed, since I am a 1 year member and became a P2P 6 months ago ( 1 month before the trade I believe). I
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