1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Meet the Quick Tools - the Sniper already uses it.

Discussion in 'SteamRep Guides' started by Thomas Matthias, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Meet the Quick Tools - the Sniper already uses it.
    The sniper taught us that professionals have standards - one of those is “Be efficient!”. SteamRep.com provides the great feature called Quick Tools and it is the way to be efficient in checking on people. This guide will teach you what all of those can be used for.


    Steam Quick Links

    Steam Quick Links includes links which let you get information and take some actions regarding someone’s Steam profile without going on that person’s Steam profile - it is great, isn’t it?

    Add to Friends - You can add someone’s Steam account to your Steam friends list.

    Send Message - You can send a message to someone on Steam.

    Screenshots - You can check what kind of screenshots someone posted on Steam.

    Friends / Groups - You can check someone’s friends list or groups someone belongs to.

    Games / Wishlist - You can check what kind of games or software someone uses or wants to have.

    Profile Comments - You can check who posted comments on someone’s Steam profile and what kind of comments they are.

    Name history - You can check names which someone used on Steam.

    Common Friends - You can check if you have any common friends with the person you are checking.

    Common Groups - You can check if you have any common groups with the person you are checking on.


    Trading includes links which let you get information about the person, its inventory and acitivty on websites regarding trading.

    tf2tp.com - You can check if someone uses TF2 Trading Post and if yes what it wanted to trade.

    tf2outpost.com - You can check if someone uses TF2Outpost and if yes what it wanted to trade.

    Inventory - You can check what someone has in Steam inventory.

    tf2items.com - You can check someone’s TF2 backpack with TF2 Backpack Examiner.

    tf2b.com - You can check someone’s TF2 backpack with TF2B Backpack Viewer.

    optf2.com - You can check someone’s TF2 backpack with OPTF2.

    backpack.tf - You can check someone’s TF2 backpack with TF2 Backpack Explorer.

    Search Engine Queries

    Search Engine Queries includes links which let you get information from some search engines about the person you are looking for.

    Google: 76561197977521239 - You can check Google search engine for the display SteamID64.

    Google: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check Google search engine for the display SteamID32.

    Google: Display name - You can check Google search engine for the display name.

    RAWR: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check RAWR Trade Club Ban List for the display SteamID32.

    Reddit: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check Reddit Ban List for the display SteamID32.

    UTC: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check Unusual Trading Community Ban List for the display SteamID32.

    ROK: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check AlliedBANS for the display SteamID32.

    MCT: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check Mann Co. Trading Ban List for the display SteamID32.

    SOP: 76561197977521239 - You can check SourceOP for the display SteamID64.

    SOP: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check SourceOP for the display SteamID32.

    SOP: Display name - You can check SourceOP for the display name.

    SOP: Custom URL- You can check SourceOP for the display custom URL.

    SR: 76561197977521239 - You can check SteamRep forum for the display SteamID64.

    SR: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check SteamRep forum for the display SteamID32.

    AF2: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check Ace Fortress Ban List for the display SteamID32.

    WA: STEAM_0:1:8627755 - You can check Wicked Afterlife Ban List for the display SteamID32.

    If you want to know more about checking on people - read Background check - what you should see when you look at someone's Steam profile.
  2. Champelliot

    Champelliot New User

    A very useful glossary on terms for the newcomers.

    Thank you very much.