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Pending Report: 76561197989745894 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by DeVoNNNNN, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. DeVoNNNNN

    DeVoNNNNN New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197989745894

    Victim profile: 76561198054194942

    What happened? Description:
    So he had some reputation and he is a good trader i saw him upgrading some knifes so he wanted to "help me" to get a better knife and i was fool and accepted it because i was fascinated on how fast he can get new knifes and better i trusted him because i was in hurry to get a better knife for my brother's birthday. Now im shocked i want him to give back my items or sth like that i can't suffer anymore! :( pls help​

    Provide Evidence:
    i don't know if this is enough evidence but i got some chats from him...
    DeVoNNNNN: man i don't kknow how to get some new knifes...
    DeVoNNNNN: with this gut
    DeVoNNNNN: i think that i need some help from you!
    Big Bad Dog: hey
    DeVoNNNNN: hey man
    Big Bad Dog: was in the university
    DeVoNNNNN: no problem
    DeVoNNNNN: what should i do? :(
    Big Bad Dog: trade it for a better one
    Big Bad Dog: should be easy night have much lovers
    DeVoNNNNN: i can't find normal people who would like to trade! :(
    Big Bad Dog: you should be able to^^
    DeVoNNNNN: i wasted 6 hours searching
    DeVoNNNNN: ...
    Big Bad Dog: i dont know how you dont find someone
    DeVoNNNNN: i find people but they are not trading their knifes for mine
    Big Bad Dog: i dont know
    Big Bad Dog: for me its kinda easy^^
    DeVoNNNNN: why?
    DeVoNNNNN: how are you talking to them?
    DeVoNNNNN: how are you acting ?
    DeVoNNNNN: you are offering only 1:1?
    Big Bad Dog: yes
    Big Bad Dog: i talk normal to them
    Big Bad Dog: like normal adults^^
    DeVoNNNNN: ye but many of them
    DeVoNNNNN: .
    DeVoNNNNN: they know only to insult
    Big Bad Dog: instantblock
    DeVoNNNNN: and they are agresive
    DeVoNNNNN: ye
    DeVoNNNNN: and instantblockers
    DeVoNNNNN: like:
    DeVoNNNNN: hey man i got an offer for your knife
    DeVoNNNNN: i have a gut knife bs night
    DeVoNNNNN: for yours
    DeVoNNNNN: and he said
    DeVoNNNNN: omg idiot fucck you die bb
    DeVoNNNNN: and blocks me
    DeVoNNNNN: :))
    Big Bad Dog: and?
    Big Bad Dog: its okay
    Big Bad Dog: ignore this
    DeVoNNNNN: i waste my time
    DeVoNNNNN: some
    DeVoNNNNN: make comments
    DeVoNNNNN: -rep you lowballing s✿✿✿
    DeVoNNNNN: i erased it
    Big Bad Dog: yeah for ppl who dont know how to trade it is timewaste
    DeVoNNNNN: because he was on idiot
    DeVoNNNNN: learn me how to trade maaster!
    DeVoNNNNN: when do you upgrade your knife?
    Big Bad Dog: were are you from bro?^^
    DeVoNNNNN: romania
    Big Bad Dog: okay
    Big Bad Dog: so first of all
    Big Bad Dog: you need time
    Big Bad Dog: second be friendly everytime
    DeVoNNNNN: look
    DeVoNNNNN: im trading right now
    DeVoNNNNN: DeVoNNNNN: hey DeVoNNNNN: man Zeppix. Trading Knife: hey DeVoNNNNN: do you trade your knife for my knife DeVoNNNNN: with little adds Zeppix. Trading Knife: y i did DeVoNNNNN: mine is 50 yours is 51 Zeppix. Trading Knife: ye it was a good trade
    DeVoNNNNN: DeVoNNNNN: so ? DeVoNNNNN: you like it? Zeppix. Trading Knife: so? Zeppix. Trading Knife: yt Zeppix. Trading Knife: y DeVoNNNNN: send me steam offer DeVoNNNNN: and is yours Zeppix. Trading Knife: i already accept the trade man? DeVoNNNNN: because i am on web DeVoNNNNN: i dunno
    Big Bad Dog: why you want little add
    Big Bad Dog: because of 1 f✿✿✿✿✿✿ €?^^
    DeVoNNNNN: ye
    DeVoNNNNN: bad move
    DeVoNNNNN: because his is night ft
    DeVoNNNNN: and mine is bs
    Big Bad Dog: lol
    Big Bad Dog: wtf
    DeVoNNNNN: so if i would like to upgrade my gut what should i do?
    Big Bad Dog: your knife is never worth more then a ft
    DeVoNNNNN: is 50 mine
    DeVoNNNNN: and 51 his
    DeVoNNNNN: acording to market
    Big Bad Dog: trader dont use market
    Big Bad Dog: www.steamanalyst.com
    Big Bad Dog: they use this side
    DeVoNNNNN: what should i do with this?
    Big Bad Dog: you watch prices
    Big Bad Dog: on sold
    Big Bad Dog: not on the actual market
    DeVoNNNNN: why here?
    Big Bad Dog: best side
    Big Bad Dog: every trader use it ;)
    DeVoNNNNN: it's kinda hard to surf on it :S
    Big Bad Dog: why?
    DeVoNNNNN: i don't know what to look at
    Big Bad Dog: your knife
    DeVoNNNNN: and these are on dollars?
    Big Bad Dog: you can do it on € aswekk
    DeVoNNNNN: thankjs
    DeVoNNNNN: thanks
    DeVoNNNNN: and it says what?
    DeVoNNNNN: actual prices?
    Big Bad Dog: n
    Big Bad Dog: no
    Big Bad Dog: prices made on sold
    Big Bad Dog: since the knife came out
    Big Bad Dog: its the middleprice of all sold, high or low
    DeVoNNNNN: so what should i do with this?
    DeVoNNNNN: what should i look for
    Big Bad Dog: a knife
    DeVoNNNNN: mine says that it is 45 euros
    Big Bad Dog: 2-5€ more then yours
    DeVoNNNNN: but on market is 50 euros
    DeVoNNNNN: i don;t get it
    Big Bad Dog: yours is 45€
    DeVoNNNNN: why?
    DeVoNNNNN: and here should i look for
    Big Bad Dog: tipe the price range in LOL
    DeVoNNNNN: knifes that are 47 but on market are 52?
    Big Bad Dog: how old are you?
    DeVoNNNNN: 17
    Big Bad Dog: no knifes thad are on the side 47
    DeVoNNNNN: ye
    DeVoNNNNN: but many dumb people are looking on market
    Big Bad Dog: yeah
    Big Bad Dog: nobody care for them
    DeVoNNNNN: ye but there is some kind of section that shows realated priced items?
    Big Bad Dog: no^^
    DeVoNNNNN: ok so surf this site is the best option? ^^
    Big Bad Dog: for check the price yes
    DeVoNNNNN: ok
    DeVoNNNNN: thanks
    DeVoNNNNN: another question
    DeVoNNNNN: how should i start a trade?
    Big Bad Dog: look my gut knife
    DeVoNNNNN: the opening phrases
    Big Bad Dog: i found one
    Big Bad Dog: u dont know bro^^
    DeVoNNNNN: ye
    Big Bad Dog: just be a humand adult who is friendly
    DeVoNNNNN: because
    Big Bad Dog: look my knife
    Big Bad Dog: i will trade it
    Big Bad Dog: because i found one
    Big Bad Dog: i make 40€ profit
    Big Bad Dog: you see
    Big Bad Dog: how easy it is
    DeVoNNNNN: how the fuuuck?
    DeVoNNNNN: man
    DeVoNNNNN: wtf?
    DeVoNNNNN: from that ugly s✿✿✿
    DeVoNNNNN: to this?
    Big Bad Dog: i look 3 minutes csgolounge
    DeVoNNNNN: i don't get it
    DeVoNNNNN: maaan
    DeVoNNNNN: how
    DeVoNNNNN: i like this knife
    Big Bad Dog: i told you
    DeVoNNNNN: is the awesome one
    Big Bad Dog: ofc you like it everyone like it :)
    DeVoNNNNN: maan
    DeVoNNNNN: how
    Big Bad Dog: im boss ;)
    DeVoNNNNN: you lowballed no?
    Big Bad Dog: no
    DeVoNNNNN: so you made 1:1 with that>?
    Big Bad Dog: i study psycholigie
    Big Bad Dog: yes
    Big Bad Dog: i know what ppl wanna hear
    DeVoNNNNN: ye but it is low
    Big Bad Dog: and?
    DeVoNNNNN: can you show me your chat with that guy?
    Big Bad Dog: i can tell ppl its the best knife they want
    DeVoNNNNN: how?
    Big Bad Dog: i cant show you my trick lol^^
    Big Bad Dog: i will make you a protrader too^^
    DeVoNNNNN: man you are the best trader ever
    Big Bad Dog: xD
    Big Bad Dog: haha
    DeVoNNNNN: i putted so many money on this cs go
    Big Bad Dog: i put nothing
    DeVoNNNNN: and getted absolutely nothing :))
    Big Bad Dog: a friend give me a present
    Big Bad Dog: usps 2.5€ worth stattrka
    Big Bad Dog: i startet with this 2 months ago
    DeVoNNNNN: ^^
    DeVoNNNNN: man
    Big Bad Dog: tell me what knife you want^^ i can trade your knife in hours to your dream knife^^
    Big Bad Dog: today i have some time ^^
    Big Bad Dog: and its monday much ppl are at home
    DeVoNNNNN: i don't know they are soo many knifes
    Big Bad Dog: tell me what knife you like
    Big Bad Dog: in 5 hours i think i will trade it up for your gutknife night
    Big Bad Dog: but you have to give me something as profit when i do this
    DeVoNNNNN: karambit is way too much
    Big Bad Dog: no kara is pretty easy
    Big Bad Dog: a cheap one
    DeVoNNNNN: m9 bayonets are hard
    Big Bad Dog: i have a 400€ m9 so no^^ it isnt^^
    DeVoNNNNN: tell me what you want?
    Big Bad Dog: dunno
    DeVoNNNNN: about what price?
    DeVoNNNNN: but
    DeVoNNNNN: i want to be like you, you know
    Big Bad Dog: your awp
    Big Bad Dog: and ak?
    DeVoNNNNN: to work my knife
    DeVoNNNNN: i don't know
    DeVoNNNNN: .
    Big Bad Dog: i will trade up your knife today
    DeVoNNNNN: m9 bayonet crimson web well-worn
    Big Bad Dog: and when you get your higher knife back
    Big Bad Dog: you give me your ak and awp
    Big Bad Dog: and maybe can buy another sweet
    DeVoNNNNN: man can do like " ok i have it on another account and then i trade it with the person"?
    DeVoNNNNN: i can do it
    DeVoNNNNN: then
    DeVoNNNNN: with no probs
    DeVoNNNNN: and awp and ak are yours
    DeVoNNNNN: can you*
    DeVoNNNNN: ?
    Big Bad Dog: its useless timewaste​

    Attached Files:

  2. Zille

    Zille New User

    I was scammed by the same guy in the same way.
    He took my Bayonet off me -.-
  3. DeVoNNNNN

    DeVoNNNNN New User

    +up please look after him he is a profesional scammer..