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Accepted Report: 76561198021405996 (Gumbi)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [ab3]V!x, Jun 10, 2012.

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  1. [ab3]V!x

    [ab3]V!x New User

    steamID: [ab3]V!x
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:17106549
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994478826
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/vix4mix
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197994478826

    steamID: Gumbi
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30570134
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021405996
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/gumbi912
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198021405996

    Description: Traded a Max's Head (Original ID: 77026901) for cash through PayPal. I went first but never received the payment. Gumbi then went offline and traded the hat to this user: .:|NADS|Catalyst|:. (76561198005774949), who then put it out for sale.

    Full chat transcript:

    [ab3]V!x: hi
    Gumbi: hey
    [ab3]V!x: ¨Hey man
    Gumbi: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/1997970
    Gumbi: I write you (added)
    Gumbi: but you don't answer
    Gumbi: why?
    [ab3]V!x: Sorry i was asleep
    [ab3]V!x: Did you want to trade ?
    Gumbi: I need max
    Gumbi: your max hat 65$ ?
    [ab3]V!x: correct
    Gumbi: good price.
    Gumbi: you have paypal account?
    Gumbi: verifed?
    [ab3]V!x: Yes, i want to quicksell
    [ab3]V!x: Yes
    [ab3]V!x: ddo you have rep?
    Gumbi: yeah
    Gumbi: my profile
    Gumbi: and
    Gumbi: http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=1257922#1257922
    Gumbi: (sourceop)
    [ab3]V!x: Ok looks good
    [ab3]V!x: how do you want to do the trade?
    [ab3]V!x: Yes i have verified paypal account
    [ab3]V!x: It it [email protected]
    Gumbi: your have rep ?
    Gumbi: don't have?
    [ab3]V!x: http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=122675&highlight=ab3
    Gumbi: only 1 little :(
    [ab3]V!x: I only have +1 on sourceOP, but I can go first
    Gumbi: k
    Gumbi: YOu trade me max hat
    [ab3]V!x: Ok so its $65 and you pay fees?
    Gumbi: and I send you 65$your paypal mail
    Gumbi: (gift)
    [ab3]V!x: send as gift please
    [ab3]V!x: ok
    Gumbi: text message:
    Gumbi: max hat tf2 virtual item
    Gumbi: k?
    [ab3]V!x: ok
    Gumbi has accepted your request to trade.
    Gumbi: w8 printscreen
    [ab3]V!x: ok
    Gumbi: k
    Gumbi: your paypal mail ?
    [ab3]V!x: [email protected]
    Gumbi: 65$ paypal gift
    [ab3]V!x: ok nice
    Gumbi: ok sent 65$
    Gumbi: thx
    Gumbi: good day
    Gumbi is now Offline.
    Gumbi is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

    Attached Files:

  2. .:|NADS|Catalyst|:.

    .:|NADS|Catalyst|:. New User

    Gumbi traded me the hat for 1 bud + 22 keys on outpost, which I put up for resale to make a profit (like any other trader).

    I have no affiliation with Gumbi other than the trade for the allegedly scammed Max's.

    I have supplied multiple images to defend this false claim by the above user, and below are some points I would like to make.
    - I have over 800 hours of gaming on Steam, 425 of which are TF2 alone. I joined steam in January of 2009 (that's 3.5 years ago). This means that my account is not "new" and clearly goes against any suspicion that this account is just an alternate. This is my only account.
    - The above user accuses me of scamming on tf2outpost on every single one of my open trades and posts negative feedback on my otherwise flawless reputation. I have 10 positive feedbacks on outpost and 3 on my profile. Never has there been a negative experience trading with me.
    - I am not new to outpost. I had started trading well over a month before this incident. I started with a crafted Apparition's Aspect, which I traded all the way up to 1 bud + 22 keys. I have over 100 completed trades and over 400 posts on tf2outpost.
    - I have located the pair of Buds that I used to PURCHASE the max's head from Gumbi. I did not RECEIVE it from him. If my account was just an alternate, then why did I PAY for the item in question?
    - I have accepted the above user's friend request to talk to him about what has happened. He is still on my friend's list now. This shows that at the least I am attempting to work things out with him. If I were just an alternate account, why not just ignore the above user?

    And as a quick conclusion, the above user has failed to supply me with any EVIDENCE that would give reason for his actions of calling me a scammer on tf2outpost and essentially jeopardize my reputation to trade. I should not be marked a scammer for his rash actions when performing a real-world-money-trade with another user.

    Attached Files:

  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Two things to point out here.

    1) V!x, Please provide a screenshot of your trade history, as trade screens aren't enough to verify the trade occured. This thread details how to do that.

    2) Catalyst, Nobody here has accused you of scamming. The user was not marked at the time, therefore there was no indication that the hat was scammed. I appreciate the fact that you came forward with the fact that you own the hat.

    That being said, marking this as Needs More Info until proper screenshot evidence is posted.
  4. .:|NADS|Catalyst|:.

    .:|NADS|Catalyst|:. New User

    On the contrary, V!x HAS accused me of scamming. He believes that I am an alternate account of Gumbi (the player who allegedly did scam him). He posted all throughout outpost marking me as a scammer, and I take great offense to that. I just want him to remove his negative reputation feedback so that I can continue with trading as I always have. I am sorry for his loss, however I cannot be blamed for his actions.
  5. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    That is not something that SteamRep can deal with. If I were you, I would ask a mod on Outpost to delete that rep, as that is the site in question.
  6. .:|NADS|Catalyst|:.

    .:|NADS|Catalyst|:. New User

    Thanks for the advice. I will go do that.
  7. [ab3]V!x

    [ab3]V!x New User

    Here is the screenshot of the trade history

    Attached Files:

  8. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    Tagging now! thanks for the report
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