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Accepted Report: 76561198051296496 (FaiŁzor:P)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [WEST] DeadWolf, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. [WEST] DeadWolf

    [WEST] DeadWolf New User

    Subject: Report: 76561198051296496 (

    steamID: [WEST] DeadWolf
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:27297727
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014861182
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/theDeadWolf
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198014861182

    steamID: FaiŁzor:p
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45515384
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051296496
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198051296496


    I was playing tf2 yesterday and got a random trade. The guy tells me he needs my unusual, I told him the buyout I was looking for (6 buds) and he starts trying to convince me this defiant spartan he has in the trade window is a craft number 13. The hat is unmarked, and if I recalled correctly it was too old to have a craft number on it, so I called him out on his BS and told him to leave me alone. Unfortunately I do not have screenshots of the first conversation. He then continued to pester me several more times with more trades, which I have in the screenshot above, lowballing me and attempting to pawn off that hat as something special.

    I then see him log in the next day and realize that he is on my friend's list (I have over 200 friends, so I've lost track. I don't ever remember adding him.) I engage him in conversation and asked him about it, and he openly admits to trying to scam me. If I were a newer trader I probably would have fallen for his tricks.

    Transcript of the part of chat I have logs for. Unfortunately I did not get shots of the first conversation. In the first conversation he offered me the defiant spartain, claiming it to be a craft #13 when it was not, and I basically told him to screw off and closed the trade.

    Him: How about this?

    -adds bills-

    (I'm starting to get tired of this, decide I want to start getting screenshots from him since I missed them during the first trade).

    Me: ive been thinking

    Me: maybe I'm wrong

    Me: can I see it again?

    -Failzor:p added: Defiant Spartan-

    Me: What craft number did you say it was?




    Failzor:p:really low

    Me: that is really low hmm


    Failzor:p:i know

    Failzor:p:lucky number for my:D

    Failzor:p:its worth alot

    (I pause for a moment to check through his backpack, he gets impatient)

    Failzor:p:are you there?

    Me: im here


    (deciding to screw around with him, I tick the check box to initiate trade, then wait for him to do the same)

    Me: How stupid do you think I am?

    -I cancel the trade-

    -15 minutes later he sends me another random trade-

    Failzor:p:and you are stupid lol

    Failzor:p:you dont believe me ok

    Me: you're seriously trying agin?

    Failzor:p:but that would be the best offer for you

    -He closes the trade-

    (The next day I see him log in, surprised he's on my friend's list, I initiate a conversation with him while checking his backpack, he no longer has the spartan helmet)

    [WEST] DeadWolf: the f✿✿✿, you're in my friends list?
    FaiŁzor:p is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    FaiŁzor:p: i
    FaiŁzor:p: you want hat point and shot#27?
    [WEST] DeadWolf: no, I'm surprised that you're on my friends list. I don't remember ever adding you. You tried to convince me you had a craft number 13 defiant spartan and wouldn't leave me along yesterday
    [WEST] DeadWolf: alone*
    FaiŁzor:p: i was thinking
    [WEST] DeadWolf: thinking?
    FaiŁzor:p: that you gonna delete me
    [WEST] DeadWolf: when the hell did I ever add you
    FaiŁzor:p: dont no
    [WEST] DeadWolf: so why did you try to scam me
    FaiŁzor:p: dont no
    FaiŁzor:p: sorrry
    FaiŁzor:p: i want find a noob
    FaiŁzor:p: who gives a unusual
    [WEST] DeadWolf: kind of a dick move
  2. Rob

    Rob New User

    Marked as a scammer. Thank you for the report.