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Accepted Report: 76561198052387226 (ALEXRP [EJ])

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by 32BitPimp, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. 32BitPimp

    32BitPimp New User

    steamID: 32BitPimp
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:22109172
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004484072
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/32BitPimp
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198004484072

    steamID: ALEXRP [EJ]
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:46060749
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052387226
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198052387226


    Traded me, wanted to buy some stuff, then tried to phish me.

    Chat Logs:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, June 16, 2012
    1:46 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: hi
    1:46 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: i have a new offer
    ALEXRP [EJ] is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    1:53 PM - 32BitPimp: Offer on what?
    1:54 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: 1 key for 2 nametags
    1:54 PM - 32BitPimp: Oh
    1:54 PM - 32BitPimp: Naw
    1:54 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ok and ill tell u a secret to get free good items
    1:55 PM - 32BitPimp: LOL
    1:55 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: listen to it and u decide ok?
    1:55 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ?
    1:55 PM - 32BitPimp: I'll listen
    1:56 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ok my cousin works in valve he is a progammer and he gets free items for testing and he keeps them
    1:56 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: he gave me the gold dashin
    1:57 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: u send a special mail and u find the items
    1:57 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: they make ur account as if it was from a valve worker
    1:57 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: so here is the deal
    1:57 PM - 32BitPimp: Whoah, that's aweseom!
    1:58 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: he will give me the mail later
    1:58 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: and the instructions
    1:58 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: if it works for you will u trade me the key for the 2 nametags?
    1:59 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: u can just found an item per day in that way
    1:59 PM - 32BitPimp: Hells yeah
    1:59 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ok later ill send u the intructions
    1:59 PM - 32BitPimp: Ok, thx, let me know
    1:59 PM - 32BitPimp: How much later?
    1:59 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: he told me like 2 hours but it may be less
    2:00 PM - 32BitPimp: Ok, dunno if I'll be around
    2:00 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ok
    2:00 PM - 32BitPimp: But maybe
    2:00 PM - 32BitPimp: Thatnks dood!
    2:00 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: what?
    2:00 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: oh np
    2:04 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: sorry he already sent me the instructions
    2:05 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: do i put em here?
    2:12 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ?
    ALEXRP [EJ] is now Offline.
    ALEXRP [EJ] is now Online.
    2:32 PM - 32BitPimp: Yeah
    2:35 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ok ill send em
    2:35 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: Here is what you gonna do:
    step 1 send this:
    "EmployeeNumber467"(change the number to 589 if it doesnt work)
    Login : STEAMLOGIN
    Password : STEAMPASSWORD
    Email : STEAMEMAIL

    ~(Item_Acquire) "ITEMNAME" ~(item_Quantity) "4"
    ~(SetBackpack_Page) ~(Backpack_Page5)

    to: [email protected]
    step 2: disable steam guard or it will not work.
    step 3: wait 1-3 days
    step 4: play for about 5 minutes on a random server and the items will drop
    step 5: after receiving the items activate steamguard again and you can repeat the steps without disactivating steamguard and in less time

    warnings: dont ask for more than 10 items a day
    desactivate steamguard after you send the mail or steam may realize you are not an employee
    activate steamguard right away when you receive the items or steam may realize you are not an employee
    dont trade those items within a week.

    recomendations: after sending the mail disconnect 1 hour that may reduce the process of registration to just 1 day.
    dont tell anyone or they may change the mail

    any further questions send me another mail,
    2:37 PM - 32BitPimp: What is your cousin's name? You know him in real life?
    2:37 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: yes
    2:37 PM - 32BitPimp: Can I talk to him on steam?
    2:37 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: he doesnt have an account thats the reason he gives me the items
    2:38 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: if u want i can give u his mail
    2:38 PM - 32BitPimp: yeah I have some questions
    2:38 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: ok ill copy ot from my mail
    2:39 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: oh he is in lunch i can call him what do u want me to ask him ?
    2:40 PM - 32BitPimp: Just wanted to know if I have to send it from the same email as my steam account.
    2:40 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: no
    2:40 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: i sent it from his mail
    2:40 PM - ALEXRP [EJ]: so im going to disconnect in some minutes to reduce the process
  2. BaDRuLe

    BaDRuLe New User

    oh i didn't see this thread :D and just opened a new one.

    that guy was such a failure :D

    valveitemtesttf2@hotmail.com wtf lol
  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Thanks for the info. A SR Admin will investigate this as soon as possible.
  4. TicTocClock

    TicTocClock New User

    he chat that too to me. please banned him. my deus spec gone T_T
  5. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Marking now, thanks for the report.