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Accepted Report:76561198058378545 (vIP AZoOoTAA)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Ggamefreak22, May 25, 2012.

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  1. Ggamefreak22

    Ggamefreak22 New User

    steamID: Ggamefreak22
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:35509328
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031284385
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ggamefreak22
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198031284385

    steamID: vIP AZoOoTAA
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49056408
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058378545
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198058378545

    So this guy added me randomly and wanted to buy one of my unusuals by giving me money to my Steam-Wallet with Paypal. This doenst even work.
    Also hes on the georgia Scammer group. He got faked Steam Reps on his profil from many diffrent scammers.

    Sorry, i havent got a screenshot, but a chatlog :/
    He is contrary to many of his statements:
    - he hasnt got a unusual milkman
    - adding money to a random Steam Wallet via Paypal. Interesting o_O

    Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012
    21:46 - Ggamefreak22: so?
    22:00 - vIP AZoOoTAA: here
    22:00 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ?
    22:11 - Ggamefreak22: u wanted something
    22:18 - vIP AZoOoTAA: yes
    22:18 - vIP AZoOoTAA: what for your cosa nostra cap
    22:18 - Ggamefreak22: 2 buds
    22:18 - vIP AZoOoTAA: for RM bro?
    22:18 - Ggamefreak22: what is RM?
    22:18 - vIP AZoOoTAA: real money
    22:19 - vIP AZoOoTAA: bro
    22:19 - Ggamefreak22: I havent got paypal, and ... jeah... i dont need money, just promos ;) also... i dont want to get scammed
    22:19 - vIP AZoOoTAA: u don't need paypall bro
    22:20 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i can pay u on steam acc
    22:20 - vIP AZoOoTAA: and so u can biuy games and buds and so
    22:20 - Ggamefreak22: if i would take money, you would overpay much
    22:20 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i have much money bro
    22:20 - vIP AZoOoTAA: :)
    22:21 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i sell my unusual milkman 300$ now
    22:21 - vIP AZoOoTAA: and on my paypall now i have 520$
    22:21 - Ggamefreak22: hehe i need euros :/
    22:21 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i cann give u on euros
    22:21 - vIP AZoOoTAA: if u want
    22:21 - vIP AZoOoTAA: :)
    22:22 - Ggamefreak22: 2 buds = 70 euros...
    22:23 - vIP AZoOoTAA: hmm 70 euros for cosa nostra yes
    22:23 - Ggamefreak22: the problem is...
    22:23 - Ggamefreak22: you can get buds way cheaper
    22:23 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ?
    22:23 - Ggamefreak22: i just can buy keys from the shop
    22:23 - vIP AZoOoTAA: games too
    22:24 - Ggamefreak22: u can buy them from independent traders for 1,5 dollars
    22:24 - vIP AZoOoTAA: 1 game min 2 bud and for 70 euro t then
    22:24 - vIP AZoOoTAA: 2 or 3 4 games
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: 1 gam min 1.5 bud sry
    22:25 - Ggamefreak22: lets say... if u get 2 buds we have a deal... i already got scammed so i wont do something with real money or games sorry :/
    22:25 - Ggamefreak22: i lost my unusual TC
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: check my profile bro
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i have real money trader reps
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: bro
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: one time i got scamed
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: but
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: after that he ie to stea to i scam him
    22:25 - vIP AZoOoTAA: and
    22:26 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i got banned fo nothing
    22:26 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i got scamed and banned
    22:26 - vIP AZoOoTAA: :(
    22:26 - vIP AZoOoTAA: check my profile bro
    22:26 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i have real money trader reps
    22:26 - Ggamefreak22: u are selling keys for 1,45 us dollar right? (i checked it)
    22:26 - vIP AZoOoTAA: yes but
    22:26 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i sell all of them
    22:27 - vIP AZoOoTAA: its only 1 rep chek others bro
    22:27 - Ggamefreak22: i checked it..
    22:28 - Ggamefreak22: so... how can u give me money to my steam wallet?
    22:29 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ii can with my paypall bro
    22:29 - vIP AZoOoTAA: in 1 minutes after trade bro
    22:29 - Ggamefreak22: so how can u do this?
    22:29 - vIP AZoOoTAA: with my paypall bro
    22:29 - vIP AZoOoTAA: paypall
    22:30 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i search u with paypall and then
    22:30 - vIP AZoOoTAA: give u money
    22:30 - vIP AZoOoTAA: on steam
    22:31 - Ggamefreak22: can we test this? i give you a key and you give me 1,5 euros?
    22:31 - vIP AZoOoTAA: haha nope bro
    22:31 - vIP AZoOoTAA: :)
    22:31 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i have full money
    22:31 - vIP AZoOoTAA: not for keys
    22:31 - vIP AZoOoTAA: :)
    22:32 - vIP AZoOoTAA: just trust me bro i want only unuusals not that
    22:33 - vIP AZoOoTAA: after trade in 1 minutes money will be yours bro
    22:33 - Ggamefreak22: i havent got time anymore... lets do this on the weekend... tomorrow im writing chemstry (its 10 pm) and i havent learn yet
    22:34 - vIP AZoOoTAA: we can do it now in 1 minutes because i don't know i will be or not here tommorow bro:((
    22:34 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i going to villige
    22:34 - vIP AZoOoTAA: its might take only 5 minutes bro
    vIP AZoOoTAA spielt jetzt Team Fortress 2. Hier klicken, um mitzuspielen.
    22:35 - Ggamefreak22: i have time... trades can wait, but my chemestry note is very bad :/
    22:35 - vIP AZoOoTAA: but bro
    22:35 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i already find u with my paypall
    22:36 - vIP AZoOoTAA: only trade after trade money and so
    22:36 - vIP AZoOoTAA: thath all
    22:37 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ?
    22:37 - vIP AZoOoTAA: it take 2 minutes bro
    22:38 - Ggamefreak22: so... you failed
    22:38 - vIP AZoOoTAA: what?D
    22:38 - Ggamefreak22: alll the people who posted on your profil
    22:38 - Ggamefreak22: are SCAMMERS
    22:38 - vIP AZoOoTAA: waaaaaaaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    22:38 - vIP AZoOoTAA: who scamer
    22:38 - Ggamefreak22: kevex
    22:38 - Ggamefreak22: GuLuu
    22:38 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i will check it now
    22:38 - Ggamefreak22: >?
    22:39 - vIP AZoOoTAA: but i d k who are they i know only one... they give me unusual and i givethem money
    22:39 - vIP AZoOoTAA: gulu gives me unuusual jenisary
    22:39 - Ggamefreak22: i hate people who lie
    22:39 - vIP AZoOoTAA: and
    22:39 - vIP AZoOoTAA: kevex hmm
    22:39 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i check it
    22:39 - vIP AZoOoTAA: bro
    22:40 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i really d k who f✿✿✿✿✿✿ are they
    22:41 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ok i d k who aer they that "f✿✿✿✿✿✿ bitchs"
    22:41 - vIP AZoOoTAA: what about
    22:41 - vIP AZoOoTAA: barry
    22:41 - vIP AZoOoTAA: >/,gigi and so
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: my bro now i haven't time
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i will
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: write
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: u
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: tommorow
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: if
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: i will
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: be
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: here
    22:43 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ok?
    22:44 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ok bro
    22:44 - vIP AZoOoTAA: ?
    22:45 - vIP AZoOoTAA: here?
    Anruf von vIP AZoOoTAA wurde initiiert.
    Anruf mit vIP AZoOoTAA wurde beendet.

    I hope this is ok... My first time writing a Steamrep
  2. vIP AZoOoTAA

    vIP AZoOoTAA New User

    what that i only kidding u u noob :DDDDDDDDDD:)
  3. vIP AZoOoTAA

    vIP AZoOoTAA New User

    wahaha u think i really scamm u :D i don't want ban permaniently... i have ban already for 2 weeks
  4. vIP AZoOoTAA

    vIP AZoOoTAA New User

    i got milkman but i traded it check it steam:)) for jenisary
  5. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    That doesn't look like a joke to me. Don't try to cover it up.
  6. vIP AZoOoTAA

    vIP AZoOoTAA New User

    i don't try t he my friend bro and we have split and after that i joke him and he report me :D really noob
  7. Jailbait

    Jailbait New User

    Az, we do not tolerate abusive behaviour towards other users. A SteamREP+ admin will investigate this case as soon as possible, please try to be patient.

    Locking this thread to prevent further friction.
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