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Accepted Report: 76561198060235916 (CocaCola)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by sebag, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. sebag

    sebag New User


    steamID: sebag
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44277222
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048820172
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sebag
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048820172


    steamID: CocaCola
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49985094
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060235916
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fsdg35656546hfghr
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060235916

    Chat window: http://i50.tinypic.com/2yl2xr5.jpg

    So here's this CocaCola he wanted to trade for my key. I checked his profile on Steamrep and it was clean, but not 2 of his friends had scam rep.. I talked about it with him and he said he didn't know that. I should be more careful but after a while chatting about those scammer friends of his, we decided on trade. We were talking in polish, but before the trade we made a deal to write in english in case of one of us is scammer. He was going to send me Hydrophobia tradable and then I would send him my Sonic key and later he would add another gift item which was CSGO - this third part never happened.. Later he made his inventory private and deleted me from his friend list.

    Few minutes after he deleted me, I went to steamrep to write report and I just saw his account has been banned by Valve from trading! I traded few minutes too early :(

    20:48 - sebag: so you want to trade with me for my Sonic Generations key
    20:48 - sebag: I want Hydrophobia Prophecy from you and after that CS:GO
    20:48 - CocaCola: ok
    20:48 - CocaCola: your key is legit ?
    20:49 - sebag: it's retail key, legit
    20:49 - sebag: you can activate it on Steam
    20:49 - sebag: you give me Hydrophobia first, then I send you the key, then you send me CSGO
    20:50 - CocaCola: ok
    20:50 - CocaCola: give you hydrophobia
    20:50 - sebag: ok traded Hydrophobia, now I give you Sonic Gen key
    20:50 - CocaCola: k
    20:50 - sebag: QM0LK-QI4XA-30RZ9
    20:50 - CocaCola: teraz po poslku
    20:50 - sebag: activate
    20:51 - sebag: I see you activated
    20:51 - sebag: now my CSGO please
    20:52 - sebag: are you sending?
    20:54 - sebag: halo?
    20:55 - sebag: tez jestes oszustem?:]
    20:56 - sebag: scammer reporting you now
    20:56 - CocaCola: cos ty mi dal za cd key ??
    20:56 - CocaCola: wylogowalo mnie i nei mogelm wbić 111
    20:57 - sebag: I gave you Sonic Generations key, you now have it on your account
    20:57 - CocaCola: poczeekaj zoabcze
    20:57 - CocaCola: bo mnie coś loglo
    20:57 - sebag: I'm reporting you because you didn't finish our trade..

    If somebody can advice me I will appreciate - I actually got one item from him (Hydrophobia Prophecy tradable) is it safe to trade or give away?? Or is it going to disappear from my inventory?
  2. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Honestly, it's impossible to say at this point. I would hold on to it for the time being because if it does get revoked, you don't want someone to report you for giving them a game that was revoked later. Can you please post screenshots of both your gift history and reade history? Thanks.
  3. sebag

    sebag New User

    if it's necessary to put conversation to when he deleted me it's here:


    roughly translates to I'm telling I want my other part of the trade, he telling me to wait because it should be there, then I'm telling he made his inventory private and that he scammed me and I'm reporting him, then he deletes me
  4. sebag

    sebag New User

  5. sebag

    sebag New User

    gift history: http://i45.tinypic.com/34nhdav.jpg
    last trades history: http://i50.tinypic.com/11vquqc.jpg
  6. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking him now- thanks for the additional information.