1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Pending Report: 76561198119396855 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by ConPermiso, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. ConPermiso

    ConPermiso New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198119396855

    Victim profile: 76561198172302591

    What happened? Description:
    He added me about 2 days ago and we got to talking. He said that he'd offer on my unusual using "A way to transfer Steam Wallet Funds from 1 steam wallet to another. I kinda hoped he wasn't a scammer, because he gave me his paypal.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Stolen $40.00 through paypal

    CHat logs:
    Note: He never accepted my paypal money request.

    Sunday, March 15, 2015
    narciss: hey
    narciss: i am on computer
    ConPermiso: Hey
    ConPermiso: Cool send offer ill get to mine
    narciss: Paysafecard or Paypal?
    narciss: choose
    ConPermiso: Paypal
    narciss: ok
    narciss: Done
    narciss: When you will accept it?
    ConPermiso: Okaywait
    ConPermiso: gimme 5 mins cus im a lazy s✿✿✿ and still in bed
    narciss: Ok
    narciss: Now at me is 6 pm
    narciss: At you?
    ConPermiso: 11:00 am
    ConPermiso: lmao
    narciss: ok
    ConPermiso: Oh. The password is blocked out om the offer...
    ConPermiso: PayPal
    username:[email protected]
    steam account:narciss14278
    ConPermiso: Is that supposed to happen?
    narciss: if you accept it
    narciss: the money goes automatly to your steam wallet
    ConPermiso: waitwhat
    ConPermiso: I hought we agreed on paypal?
    narciss: yeah
    narciss: all you have to do is to accept the trade offer, and the 40 euro goes to your steam faunds
    narciss: and the rocket launcher to your bp
    narciss: backpack
    ConPermiso: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3112751
    ConPermiso: it says its impossible to transfer steam waller funds
    ConPermiso: can we just do the paypal like we agreed upon initially?
    narciss: ok
    narciss: wait
    narciss: you accept it?
    ConPermiso: wait im sending a paypal money request right now
    narciss: ok
    narciss: done?
    ConPermiso: it says pending
    ConPermiso: idk...
    ConPermiso: [email protected] hasn't paid yet.
    narciss: because you didint accept the offer
    narciss: is swear on god is true what i say
    ConPermiso: will you accept it when I accept the trade offer?
    narciss: yes
    ConPermiso: shouldnt we get a middleaman
    ConPermiso: from steamrep?
    ConPermiso: like
    narciss: what?
    ConPermiso: okay now accept the paypal
    narciss has changed their name to poihfdghtd.
    poihfdghtd is now Away.
    ConPermiso: dude come on
    ConPermiso: you changed your location to morrocco?
    poihfdghtd is now Offline.
    poihfdghtd is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    ConPermiso: Oh.
    ConPermiso: Okay.
    ConPermiso: I hate scammers.
    ConPermiso: You realise
    ConPermiso: eugh
    ConPermiso: If you accept the paypal I dont report this to steam support.
    ConPermiso: Your account will get trade banned and I'll get my unusual back and your little rocket launcher.
    ConPermiso: Last chance before this goes into steam support.

    Copy n Paste of my Steam Support ticket.

    I don't have screenshots because of the fact that he removed me and I closed out the chat. If there's a way to go back and get them, please post it here.

    http://backpack.tf/item/2842191008 < The unusual
    http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198172302591 <My actual backpack

    Picture unrelated.​

    Attached Files: