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Accepted Report: 76561198122450284 - (Hope Akpan / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS, May 22, 2014.

  1. {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS

    {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198122450284 (Hope Akpan)

    Victim profile: 76561198061940927

    What happened? Description:
    So this guy named Hope Akpan added me saying he wanted to buy my pink Max Head for 54 keys. I checked his backpack, and he had no keys, so i was a little suspicious at the beginning. He said that he had to buy the keys off steam market. He said that he was afraid that I was going to back out so I had to give it to one of my trusted friends. I knew something fishy was up, so I logged onto one of my friend's accounts (Lazor Penguin) and chatted with him there. He said that he would buy the keys after I traded my friend (Lazor Penguin) the Max Head. He then proceeded to have one of his friends (OneWay)
    | steamname: OneWay
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:87545591
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198135356910
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198135356910

    add me and he had changed his name to Lazor Penguin. I check his previous name history and it did not match my friends previous name history. He kept on sending me trades to try and trade my Max Head to him, which was in my friend's account. After I confronted him about his impersonation, he proceeded to remove me.
    This report seems very much like mine: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...4-hope-akpan-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.65616/

    Provide Evidence:
    KiϞg: hey
    Hope Akpan: hi
    Hope Akpan: how many keys for your max head ?
    Hope Akpan: what do you think ?
    Hope Akpan: 54 tf2 keys
    KiϞg: i can do that
    Hope Akpan: okay
    Hope Akpan: wait
    Hope Akpan: i buy at market
    Hope Akpan has declined your trade request.
    KiϞg: sure
    KiϞg: trade when ready
    Hope Akpan: but how iknow that you will never backout after i bought the keys
    KiϞg: i wont dont worry, i have lots of rep on my profile etc
    Hope Akpan: okay
    KiϞg: why would i back out aynways?
    Hope Akpan: like what ive done before :(
    Hope Akpan: but wait
    Hope Akpan: do you hav trusted friend that can hold your max head as a proof,before i buy the keys
    KiϞg: ... im not going to scam you, look at my backpack http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/130943
    Hope Akpan: okay i know
    Hope Akpan: just to make sure
    Hope Akpan: do you have trusted friend that can hold your max head as a proof that you will never backout the deal
    KiϞg: uhh sure let me go get him
    KiϞg: i will link you to him
    Hope Akpan: okay
    KiϞg: i need to text him for him to get online
    KiϞg: one sec
    Hope Akpan: okay
    KiϞg: ok he is about to get on
    Hope Akpan: sure
    Hope Akpan: let me add him
    KiϞg: i will get his link
    Hope Akpan: okay
    KiϞg: do you mind if you send him a trade offer?
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Hope Akpan is now Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    Hope Akpan is now Online.
    Hope Akpan: hey
    KiϞg: hey
    Hope Akpan: did you get him now ?
    KiϞg: sorry my internet crashed lol
    Hope Akpan: its okay
    KiϞg: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071593059
    KiϞg: here i can give it to him
    Hope Akpan: can we trust him
    Hope Akpan: his offline
    KiϞg: idk what you worry about
    KiϞg: add him
    Hope Akpan: okay
    Hope Akpan: waiting for him to accept me
    Hope Akpan: hey
    Hope Akpan: his offline ?
    KiϞg: is he?
    KiϞg: he should be online
    Hope Akpan: okay
    KiϞg: let me text him again
    Hope Akpan: im waiting
    KiϞg: is he online now?
    Hope Akpan: yup,but his not online in steam
    KiϞg: yeah, he cant be online on steam atm, can you just send him a trade offer?
    Hope Akpan: okay
    KiϞg: should i trade it to him?
    Hope Akpan: but may i know your trade url too ?
    Hope Akpan: wait for my signal
    Hope Akpan: i let him offer you
    Hope Akpan: give me your trade url
    KiϞg: i can send it to him
    KiϞg: and then he can trade it to you
    KiϞg: he will send a trade offer to you
    KiϞg: ok?
    KiϞg: and you can accept
    Hope Akpan: okay,but wait for my signal so i can hav the evidence
    KiϞg: ok
    Hope Akpan: can you provide me your trade url ?
    KiϞg: mine?
    KiϞg: or his?
    Hope Akpan: yours
    KiϞg: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061940927/tradeoffers/
    KiϞg: ?
    Hope Akpan: okay pls wait
    KiϞg: ?
    Hope Akpan: pls wait
    Hope Akpan: im taking it
    KiϞg: ok
    Hope Akpan: hey
    Hope Akpan: can you check him at my friendlist nd confirm it its your truly friend
    KiϞg: yeah, lazor penguin is the one
    Hope Akpan: okay
    Hope Akpan: i ask him to make offer accept it
    KiϞg: ok
    KiϞg: let me trade it to him
    Hope Akpan: hey
    KiϞg: ?
    Hope Akpan: i will invite him to our group chat nd i tell him to invite you for a trade,before i buy the keys
    Your chat with Hope Akpan is now a multi-user chat.
    -=VḺℛ$=-Ḹazor Penguin. entered chat.
    Hope Akpan: invite him to trade
    Hope Akpan: let me know if done
    Hope Akpan: done ?
    Hope Akpan: okay
    Hope Akpan: let me ask him to show 1st
    KiϞg: well
    Hope Akpan: done ?
    Hope Akpan: hey King ?
    Hope Akpan: did you traded him the max head ?
    -=VḺℛ$=-Ḹazor Penguin.: ok
    Hope Akpan: okay im checking
    KiϞg: good thing i was using an alt, so i knew you were going to pretend to be my friend
    KiϞg: good try but im good at this
    -=VḺℛ$=-Ḹazor Penguin. left chat.
    KiϞg: just a heads up
    KiϞg: i have all this screenshotted
    KiϞg: enjoy your ban
    Hope Akpan left chat.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello {3PiiC} KING_OF_KINGS,

    Your report was accepted for this user, but they were already banned. We've added the offense to our notes as further consideration during an appeal. Feel free to report a violation via Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accused's profile
    2. Click More drop-down located at the top right of the page
    3. Choose Report Violation
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click Submit Report
    Click here to view the animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Thank you for submitting a SteamRep scam report.