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Accepted Report: 76561198125075080 - (vamoss / [Other] Other game items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Carnium, Feb 7, 2014.

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  1. Carnium

    Carnium New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [Other] Other game items

    Accused profile: 76561198125075080 (vamoss)

    Victim profile: 76561198008527916

    What happened? Description:
    A guy with steam level 1, no games in his inventory has added me and some others and wanted to trade. He wanted me to go first with my keys and I did. Gave him two fake keys to have some fun with him....​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

    • 1.jpg
      File size:
      187.4 KB
    • 2.jpg
      File size:
      66.5 KB
    • 3P.jpg
      File size:
      113.4 KB
  2. AwfullyAverage

    AwfullyAverage New User

    He also tried this on me, he made a ridicolous offer ( my medal of honor key and super hexagon for his Thief 2014 key). Of course he wanted me to go first.
  3. added me out of the blue asking for trade as well.
    deleted him,
  4. Snickerbones

    Snickerbones New User

    He also added me randomly trying to trade "games" which he didn't have.:

    Friday, March 07, 2014
    7:37 PM - vamoss: but how ?
    7:37 PM - vamoss: you are on phone
    7:46 PM - Snickerbones: uhh
    Saturday, March 08, 2014
    4:13 PM - Snickerbones: hey there
    4:13 PM - Snickerbones: did you still want to trade?
    4:13 PM - vamoss: hi
    4:13 PM - vamoss: yee
    4:14 PM - Snickerbones: what could i help you with?
    4:14 PM - vamoss: i want gary's mod or hitman or final fantasy
    4:15 PM - Snickerbones: kk, do you have keys?
    4:15 PM - vamoss: tf2 and dota keys ?
    4:15 PM - Snickerbones: ye
    4:15 PM - vamoss: you want to trade only with keys ?
    4:15 PM - Snickerbones: I would like keys
    4:15 PM - Snickerbones: You can get the mfrom the steam community market
    4:16 PM - Snickerbones: I said I'm trading games for keys
    4:16 PM - Snickerbones: it even had it in the description
    4:17 PM - vamoss: so you don't trade games for games ?
    4:17 PM - Snickerbones: what gams do you have currently
    4:18 PM - vamoss: i have outlast and amnesia and castlevania and far cry3 and anno 2070 and walking dead and the banner saga and more other games to trade them !
    4:18 PM - vamoss: do you like one of them ?
    4:20 PM - Snickerbones: i could do garry's mod for outlast
    4:20 PM - vamoss: ok but can i ask a little question before we continue and don't be angry on me ?
    4:20 PM - Snickerbones: ok
    4:20 PM - Snickerbones: depends ?
    4:21 PM - vamoss: can you gift me a game or cards or backgrounds or items ?
    4:21 PM - Snickerbones: no
    4:21 PM - Snickerbones: I only trade
    4:21 PM - Snickerbones: with single trades
    4:22 PM - vamoss: ok so you give me gary's mod for outlast ok ?
    4:23 PM - Snickerbones: ok trade me
    4:23 PM - vamoss: but you go first ?
    4:23 PM - Snickerbones: um ok
    4:23 PM - vamoss has accepted your request to trade.
    4:24 PM - vamoss: when i get the game on my inventory i give you outlast ok ?
    4:24 PM - Snickerbones: no
    4:24 PM - Snickerbones: 1 trade only
    4:24 PM - vamoss: what ? i didn't understand
    4:25 PM - Snickerbones: it's to avoid scamming
    4:26 PM - vamoss: but i won't scam you and if i scam you you can report me
    4:26 PM - vamoss: ok ?
    4:26 PM - Snickerbones: no
    4:26 PM - vamoss: so how we do ?
    4:26 PM - Snickerbones: Why do you say you have outlast?
    4:27 PM - Snickerbones: i just checked your inv
    4:27 PM - Snickerbones: you dont have it
    4:27 PM - vamoss: it' hidden my inv
    4:27 PM - Snickerbones: lol
    4:27 PM - Snickerbones: it doesn't work that way
    4:27 PM - vamoss: so how we do it ?
    4:28 PM - Snickerbones: Well, get copies of those games you said you had
    4:28 PM - Snickerbones: get them in your steam inventory
    4:28 PM - vamoss: but how can i believe you ?
    4:29 PM - vamoss: ?
    4:29 PM - Snickerbones: What
    4:29 PM - Snickerbones: I just checked, it says you have a history of being an untrustworthy trader
    4:30 PM - Snickerbones: All the more reason for me to be suspicious
    4:30 PM - vamoss: you know what give me something to prove that you don't scam me then i give you outlast then you give me gary's mod then i give you back you're items prove ok ?
    4:30 PM - Snickerbones: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198125075080-vamoss-other-other-game-items.56271/
    4:30 PM - vamoss: but i just scammed my little brother
    4:31 PM - Snickerbones: uh huh
    4:31 PM - Snickerbones: What's his name?
    4:31 PM - Snickerbones: I'm sorry, but all of this doesn't look trustworthy
    4:31 PM - Snickerbones: I afraid i can't trade with you for security reasons
    4:32 PM - vamoss: so bye then
    4:32 PM - Snickerbones: ye
    4:32 PM - vamoss is now Offline.
  5. Carnium

    Carnium New User

    I wonder how many people did he managed to scamm already? His account is till not trade banned...
  6. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
  7. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Carnium--- absolutely do not provide fake keys yourself. The original guy could have reported you for trying to scam him. Scamming scammers or griefing them with false offers really makes our lives more complicated and risks your own reputation-- be careful.

    I agree the accused looks quite shady-- so I will mark a CAUTION despite us not typically handling these cases further. The repeated attempts really sounds like a scam attempt.
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