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Pending Report: 76561198154760996 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by Ŧrentypoo, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. Ŧrentypoo

    Ŧrentypoo New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198154760996

    Victim profile: 76561198064904034

    What happened? Description:
    First off, Panda added me to trade for my Bayonet Knife Forest DDPAT Field Tested. He informed me that inside the steam market, there has been glitched items, and to make sure my knife was not glitched, he wanted my friend to screenshot his inventory of my knife. He then went to add my friend Max, and he added him to a group chat, with a fake Trent profile, and he prompted Max to trade back my knife, except it was a fake Trent... Luckily, me and max were in teamspeak, and we found out that the Trent inside the group chat was not me...​

    Provide Evidence:
    Profile of the fake Trent: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198140874782
    This user has 3 reports for scamming already...

    As I went to take screenshots the assistant to the scam (fake Trent) has already
    changed his name, these guys are rapid scamming.. Inside his inventory, he has a flip knife night ft already! Check out the faketrentinventory.png file!

    Alose check out the faketrentbio.png and faketrentprofile.png
    Inside the faketrentbio.png picture you will notice that his bio was still the same as my current bio, he hadn't changed it yet. I also checked his known aliases, inside the faketrentprofile.png picture you will see my name as an alias..

    Check my profile picture, realtrentprofile.png - you will see the same bio "Spagghet" my favorite line from tim and eric...

    I am also providing many screenshots to prove that Panda is an attempted scammer. Here is the chat window of Max being prompted to trade with the fake trent (not me). Check out the maxgroupchat.png file.. You will notice Panda told Max to trade back the knife to Trent (the fake scammer). Panda and the fake Trent are clearly working together. Max knew this was fake, because he asked me if I was even in a group chat, I was not. The fake Trent's profile was also clearly not me.. Be cautious of scams like these, it almost fooled me and max! I also knew Panda was probably a scammer when I saw his empty inventory...

    This is a screenshot of me and max inside teamspeak
    view the file >> teamspeak.png

    I also have screen-shotted my chat logs with Panda

    Thank you for reading this report, I hope it has supple evidence to at-least get this user trade banned or something of the sort. I am not going to report his accomplice, since he never directly contacted me or even traded with me.. But he already has enough scam reports.

    Just remember, just because someone has +rep on their profile, doesn't mean they aren't a scammer.​

    Attached Files: