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Evidence Provided 76561198093702100

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Spinosaurus, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Spinosaurus

    Spinosaurus New User

    Victim: Blue Dragon (Lv)

    | steamname: Blue Dragon (Lv)
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37494077
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035253882
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bluebabydrag0n
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198035253882

    Scammer: Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe

    | steamname: Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:66718186
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093702100
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198093702100


    Description: i was selling my dota 2 bp but there was too many items to trade all at once so i made deal with him that we trade items by parts i gave best items and he gave me 3 keys for it and i sad that he will give me rest in end of trade we traded that half of bp and when i was adding other half bp items i removed me so basically he scammed me items worth of 6 keys he gave me 3 keys and i lost cuz of him 3 keys ( that other half what i was adding was worth 1 key )

    trade text :
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: bro i still thinkl
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: 8 is more for ur items
    Blue Dragon (Lv): ?
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: 8k is still more
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: all ur itemss are in random
    Blue Dragon (Lv): not all
    Blue Dragon (Lv): few are strange
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: u add 1 smeevil for 8k
    Blue Dragon (Lv): and items like bh's tails are worth 1 or 2 rares
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: uncommon and common strange are useless bro
    Blue Dragon (Lv): lol no
    Blue Dragon (Lv): my smevils is not normal
    Blue Dragon (Lv): both has unlocked bird and has more then 70 wievs
    Blue Dragon (Lv): and other has 100 + wievs and all unlocked
    Blue Dragon (Lv): i could do all player cards too but i keep yakiro ward
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: haha
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: no ty
    Blue Dragon (Lv): why ?
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: cards are useless
    Blue Dragon (Lv): ok i give ward then too -.-
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: and checked ur bounty items people aare offering nothing for them
    Blue Dragon (Lv): and cards
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: cards i dnt need
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: 40 cards = 1 rr
    Blue Dragon (Lv): ok
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: now
    Blue Dragon (Lv): lol
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: i just traded
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: lol
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: sorry bro 8k is more
    Blue Dragon (Lv): so trade all items but no couriers no hudd and no announcers 8 keys
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: no it is more
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: bro
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: all items are in random
    Blue Dragon (Lv): as i sad not all
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: 30 random uncommon is 1k each
    Blue Dragon (Lv): ok my final offer 7 keys
    Blue Dragon (Lv): not going less
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: add that hud skin i go 7k all
    Blue Dragon (Lv): i sad not hud no announcers and no couriers
    Blue Dragon (Lv): sry no
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: valor is the cheapest hud skin
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: 2rr
    Blue Dragon (Lv): and thats my only one
    Blue Dragon (Lv): ok this is getting lame u offerd me 8 keys and now trying to go less then 7 keys lol
    Blue Dragon (Lv): nty
    Blue Dragon (Lv): next time be carefull offering
    Blue Dragon (Lv): have a nice day
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: ok
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: 7k
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: go
    You have accepted the trade request from Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe.
    Blue Dragon (Lv): if its ok i would like to trade by parts
    Blue Dragon (Lv): cuz there will be errors if tradeing all at once
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: no i need
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: all
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: at once
    Blue Dragon (Lv): yes all but by parts or it will crash
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: add some items
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: make it 20x4
    Blue Dragon (Lv): there is 4.5 pages of items
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: add 7 more items
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: add 7 more
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: make it 80 items for now
    Blue Dragon (Lv): if it will crash its gona be your folt
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: i add 3k for now
    Blue Dragon (Lv): ok but in the end there should be 7 keys
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: yes
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: go fast
    Blue Dragon (Lv): btw i am makeing vide record in case u try to scamm
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe: i dnt tto crash
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe has accepted your request to trade.
    Na'Vi FeAr_BLaDe is now Offline.
  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Please upload your screenshots using the "Upload a File" button.
  3. Spinosaurus

    Spinosaurus New User

    Wow guyz VALVE was faster then you :/
  4. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    The reason no one on SR has responded yet is because you still haven't uploaded your screenshots via the "Upload a File" button. If you want him to receive a SR scammer mark, I suggest you upload your screenshots that way.
  5. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello! Please upload the evidence directly into the forum, using the upload file button, thanks!
  6. Spinosaurus

    Spinosaurus New User

    Sry i dont know how to edit this post but here are those screenshots

    Attached Files:

  7. Sjru

    Sjru User

    That would work!
    An SR admin will review this in a while!