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Archived 76561198017088939 - Aftermath the Mittens!

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [W] IndieRoyale, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. [W] IndieRoyale

    [W] IndieRoyale New User

    | steamname: Aftermath the Mittens!
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:28411605
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017088939
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/brilliantworld
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198017088939

    | steamname: Buying Festive Winter Key #6
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:46606288
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053478305
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Gr3ylok
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198053478305


    Added me to buy an unusual, refused to go first due to rep.
    Never paid up after I've traded him my hat.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, January 11, 2014
    1:44 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: hi
    1:45 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Hey!
    1:45 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Saw you had an electrostatic Fed-Fightin' Fedora
    1:45 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Would you like to trade it for paypal cash? Got rep.
    1:45 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: http://forums.sourceop.us/threads/11953--Aftermath-Aftermaths-Rep-Thread.html
    1:46 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: $130
    1:46 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Little low?
    1:46 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: C:
    1:46 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: 115?
    1:47 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: hm, meet me at 120 and we have a deal
    1:47 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Yeah that works
    1:47 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Got rep?
    1:48 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: thats tricky, you can see on my steam that im the owner of iTraders, got tons of rep there, same on outpost
    1:48 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: on SOP however (had 2.5 pages of rep, always went second)
    1:48 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: im banned recently :s
    1:48 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: i can show you why as i emailed them
    1:48 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: :s
    1:48 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: for my work i go around the country
    1:48 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: i got banned for using a vpn, i didnt know it wasnt allowed
    1:50 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: so my suggestion
    1:50 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: dont ever use anchorfree vpn
    1:50 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: itll get you banned
    1:51 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Hmm, i see
    1:51 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: ehh, even though, i'd still wouldn't risk going first in this case, hmmm
    1:52 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: let me check your sop again
    1:53 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: http://forums.sourceop.us/threads/11953--Aftermath-Aftermaths-Rep-Thread.html
    1:59 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: oh how do i hate this
    1:59 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: i never went first lol
    1:59 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: you have just 3 or so games which concern me..
    1:59 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: eh, i don't find that as proble though haha
    2:00 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: games doesnt speak much nowadays, anyone can go grab a humble bundle or two
    2:00 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: [email protected] your steamid64 in the note as usual, send as gift $120
    2:00 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: and get tons of games
    2:00 PM - You cannot trade with Aftermath the Mittens! because they are currently trading with someone else.
    2:00 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: 2:00 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: and get tons of games
    2:00 PM - You cannot trade with Aftermath the Mittens! because they are currently trading with someone else.
    2:00 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: trade me when ready
    2:00 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: yeah, let me do this real quick
    2:01 PM - You have accepted the trade request from Aftermath the Mittens!.
    2:02 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: your paypal is verified correct?
    2:03 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: Yup.
    2:03 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: 2:00 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: [email protected] your steamid64 in the note as usual, send as gift $120
    2:03 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: let me know when done
    2:03 PM - Aftermath the Mittens!: a sec.
    2:04 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: i also have a 1:1 green energy fro
    2:04 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: robo version
    2:04 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: any interest in that?
    2:08 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: ..?
    2:09 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: whats this, scammer afterall?
    2:13 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: its been 10 minutes since you said "a sec"
    2:13 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: ill give you another 5
    2:13 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: after that im writing a report
    2:18 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: thats it
    2:18 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: been long enough
    2:18 PM - [H] DayZ [W] Unusual: f✿✿✿ you, have a nice one


    His backpack and my hat.

    After checking the history of his other unusual I found out that the previous owner is also a scammer, involving a paypal scam, same person/alt?

    Attached Files:

  2. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Please provide:
    a) pictures of the whole chat if you have any more
    b) pictures of your inventory history showing it in the Steam browser. Please include all history from the day of scam. Do not crop it.
    c) pictures of PayPal showing that you did not receive the payment (Log in to the PayPal account, then choose View all operations on my account).
  3. [W] IndieRoyale

    [W] IndieRoyale New User

    Lol are you serious?
    He is already marked now, 2 accepted reports with less info.
    Feel free to add it or not, my money is gone, nothing you, or Valve can do about that, I just wanted him marked, which he now is.
    Feel free to add my report or don't, I'm not sending more proof tho, I've linked you to the unusual, feel free to check the history, the paypal in the back shows I didn't receive my $120 as it's the historytab.
    Why would he send it lol? he is on a scamming spree, you should've noticed this imo, not ask for more proof lol, cya.
  4. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Each offense is one to list and one to appeal (and ultimately to be required to pay back if appealing). I asked you to provide additional evidence and if you do not provide them, your report will be concluded without them.
  5. [W] IndieRoyale

    [W] IndieRoyale New User

    Did you even read my last post?
    You and I both know that he won't give me my $120, or my Electrostatic Fed-Fightin' Fedora back for that matter.
    He is marked, I'm happy as it is.
    His profile is now private tho, I wonder if he is also is tradebanned as several people reported him.

    1 sad thing, he managed to sell that fr0 http://backpack.tf/item/2042398897 which is now being sold again. http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/514075
    He has 1 account marked as "alt" I still have a feeling that the owner before him in the history of that fr0 also the same person/alt is.
  6. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Enough time has been given and the user failed to give the requested info.

    As such, I'll archive this report. Feel free to remake one and link it to here, should you get the info requested.

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